Boris Sadders - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books and Poems



Boris Nodoka is a children's writer, whose name is familiar to each of us since childhood. This is a person who has put a lot of effort so that literature for kids gets into one row with serious works - and it certainly succeeded. However, not everyone knows that the creative biography of Boris Nodoka was not limited to writing fairy tales and poems for children: Boris Vladimirovich was also a talented translator and a poet.

Childhood and youth

Boris Sadier was born on September 9, 1918 in the city of Cagule, which is in Moldova. Boris's father in 1914 signed up in the army volunteer. There is a man and met fate - beauty named Polina. Woman worked with a sister of mercy at the front. Soon the replenished family of the goal was moved to Odessa, and then, a few years later, and to Moscow.

Portrait of Boris Sadders

Boris Vladimirovich's father worked as a lawyer and famous as a competent specialist. Mother, being a woman in read and educated, was able to find the work of the translator.

Since childhood, the little Boris was distinguished by curiousness: the boy liked biology and natural sciences, in addition, the future translator and the writer gladly studied foreign languages ​​and visited several sports sections at the same time. But the artistic literature Boris was not interested, so the profession became a complete surprise for loved ones chosen by an approachable.

Boris Nodoka in youth

As Boris Vladimirovich himself was recognized later, it was originally attracted by the path of the scientist. The young man liked to explore the plants, draw conclusions about the peculiarities of certain species and put bold experiments, confirming their own guesses. Therefore, the first education is obtained by a writer in Moscow State University at the Biology Department.

And only some time later, a young man realized what his real calling was entered into a literary institute, which was able to end only in 1947, interrupting training because of the Russian-Finnish, and then the Great Patriotic War in which he participated like a front-line journalist . It is worth noting that in 1944 Boris Vladimirovich, even awarded the Honorary Medal "For Martial merits".


The first works of Boris Sadier saw the light in 1938. Unfortunately, the circulation of the newspaper turned out to be small, so the first published poems of the entry went past the reader.

The first failure was not upset by Boris Vladimirovich. In 1947, an approach will again try to try his happiness: a poem for children "Battleship" will appear in the magazine called "Cressing". In the same year, Boris Vladimirovich will show the famous children's writer Lerl Kassile the fabulous poem "Letter" I ". But, despite the approval of the Great Masters, the fabric will not like the publishers, and for the first time this work will be published only 8 years later.

Boris Nodoka with his beloved dog

So cool attitude to his own creativity Boris Sadded stoically. The poet found himself in translations. Boris Vladimirovich was so masterfully by the Russian language and nuances of the language of foreign authors, which soon many publishers honored to cooperate with a talented translator.

In 1952, Anna Zgers, translated by Boris Nodok, came out of the printing house. The book is printed under the pseudonym B. Volodin. Three years later, together with the published poem, the "letter" I "was printed and the first book with the poems of Boris Nodoka -" on the back of the paper ". Chukovsky's roots quite flatteringly responded about this debut. Subsequent years in the career of Boris Vladimirovich was noted by the translations of the "funny stories" of Karel Chapeca, as well as books Julian Truvima, Yana Bhuzhev and Yana Grabovsky.

Books Boris Nodokh

In 1958, Boris Nodoka was officially accepted into the ranks of the Union of Writers of the USSR. This meant a lot for Boris Vladimirovich: in those years, an article was in the go for the so-called tune. Each person was obliged to take place, so freelance writers and artists accounted for hard. The status of a member of the Union of Writers defended a person from criminal persecution.

Popularity to Boris Vladimirovich came after the first published book. After some time, the writer became in demand: the children were loved by witty heroes of poems and fairy tales. In 1959, the "Four-legged Assistants" is coming out, next year a collection "Who is like someone" appears.

Books Boris Nodokh

Up to the mid-1990s, Boris Sadded will continue to produce its own works. It is especially worth noting the books "Whale and Cat", "Mochnaya ABC", "Rusac", "My Imagress", "Bird School", "The History of Catering", the collection "Change", "Gray asterisk" and "What is the most beautiful." These collections and fairy tales became the first, independently read works for several generations of children, filling the imagination of small readers with good histories and dreams of adventures.

Famous fairy tales in Boris Nodoka

The mansion in the works of Boris Vladimirovich are transfers and literary adaptations of foreign fairy tales. "Alice in Wonderland", "Winnie Pooh and All-all-all", "Peter Pan" and many-many other books that kids read children and adults are the fruit of the effort and talent of Boris Nodokh.

In 2000, the writer, the poet and translator Boris Sadodar received a high state award, which became honorary recognition of merit - the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of art and literature.

Personal life

Boris Vladimirovich married three times. The first chief of the writer is Nina Zozulu - the man met in 1934. Unfortunately, Boris Nakhodin was mistaken in the choice made. Beautiful wife checked the spouse. In 1940, Boris Vladimirovich divorced for the first time. The divorce caused a serious depression and apathy, Boris Vladimirovich, it seemed to break away not only with his wife, but with friends: the writer did not communicate with anyone, led a closed lifestyle.

Boris Nodoka

By tradition, a new love brought from such a state. Kira Smirnova was able to charm the nodder and heal a man's heart wound. In 1945, lovers got married. The second marriage of Boris Vladimirovich was stronger and happy: spouses held together for 21 years. However, this alliance collapsed, leaving a bachelor side again.

Boris Skod, Galina's wife

The third wife of Boris Skodokov in 1966 was Galina Romanova, a writer and a photo artist. This woman will stay next to the writer until the last days, and then will release a book about the beloved man "Nodoka and all-all." In this book, Galina Sergeyevna will try to describe heavy life peripetics in detail, as well as creative ups and downs of the Word Words of Boris Vladimirovich Nodoka.


Boris Vladimirovich left his life on November 7, 2000, being at a very old age: the writer was 82 years old. Nodoka died in the hospital near Moscow Queen. He was buried by a writer at the Troyekovsky cemetery in Moscow. The grave of the writer for many lovers of his work has become a meeting place. On this grave constantly lie fresh flowers, which is better than loud words shows the attitude of people to what Boris Vladimirovich did.

Grave Boris Nodokh

Books - own works and translations - left the great master inheritance for children of any age, still popular with young readers, and in those adult people who do not go back to carefree childhood and give them a couple of evenings with a book of fairy tales in their hands .


  • 1955 - "On the back of the party"
  • 1956 - "Martyushkino tomorrow"
  • 1959 - "Four-legged assistants"
  • 1960 - "Who is like someone"
  • 1962 - "Comrass Children"
  • 1964 - "Kit and Cat"
  • 1967 - "Rusac"
  • 1970 - "School for chicks"
  • 1977 - "Good Rhino"
  • 1979 - "Review"
  • 1980 - "My imagination"
  • 1981 - "If a boat gives me"
  • 1990 - "About everyone in the world"
  • 1994 - "Grass-everywhere-Rastuna"
  • 1995 - "Island of Bomotos"

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