Renat Ibrahimov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Renata Ibrahimov knows far beyond Russia. Italians, like no one valuable Bel Canto, nicknamed him Russian Pavarotti. The artist for the age of 16 performed on the stage of the Tatar theater Opera and Ballet named after Musa Jalil's Best Parties of World Classics. Today, Ibragimov is not only a singer and composer, but also a film director and actor, owner and the Kryruka of the producer center of his own name.

Childhood and youth

Renat Islamovich for the nationality of Tatar, the world appeared in the Ukrainian Lviv, he spent his youth in Kazan, and now lives in Moscow. He considers the capital of Tatarstan to be a small homeland, the first clips were removed here.

The father of the musician, to form a teacher, after the war he did not return to the profession, worked as a supplier. Mother, controller in Sberkasse, managed to keep a household and raise Renata with her older brother. By the way, there is no detailed information about the relative.

From the young Years of Ibrahimov, for singing. Parents, marrying the council of the teacher of the kindergarten, gave it to the music school, but only the Dombra class could afford on finance. In the general education, the boy received unimportant marks in chemistry and physics, but sang on the literature lessons and perfectly painted.

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Renat was going to go to architects, as the head of the family believed that the man was obliged to have a "normal" profession. However, the composer's cousin decided that a guy with a natural statement of voice and hearing the place in the conservatory. Ibrahimova, as who did not graduate from the music school, took first on the preparatory department, and in a year to the Vocal Faculty.

Student has combined with concerts and contests, for which it was soon expelled. The teachers categorically objected to the fact that the future classic performer is amused by pop songs. Nevertheless, in 1973, Renat still received a diploma of the university.

Personal life

At 20, the artist entered into the first marriage with the Tamara accountant. She gave Renat to the daughters faith and the hope he provided and after he left the family. The youngest lives in France, the eldest - in the suburbs.

The second spouse of the musician was called Albina. A woman who gave the performer of the "Queen of Beauty" of Sultan's son and daughter Ayu, still a girl saw Ibrahimov on TV in the "Blue Light" and fell in love with first glance. Her parents just received an apartment, ironically - in the same house in which the Renata family lived. A stormy novel began a day when the girl, gathering with the Spirit, asked the star autograph.

Ibrahimov left the former beloved all the property and 3 years lived in the Father's apartment and the Mother of Albina, who were categorically against the relationship of his daughter with a divorced man. But it was worth it to make a sentence of a proposal, like mother-in-law and also changed the anger to grace, believing that the musician would hold back promise, would love and protect their hot Favorite Chado until the end of his days.

Having live half of life, Renat plunged into religion.

"My foundation remained, the former, just the spiritual qualities have become much richer, deeper. I already watch many life processes. As if the foundation appeared, from which you no longer be anything. "

Albina, although in half Tatarka and concluded a Muslim marriage with nicknames, was raised not in Islamic traditions, which was further a stone of discord.

Family meter stopped at 25 years. All this time, Ibrahimov demonstrated idyll. Children studied in elite metropolitan schools, vacations were held in Kazan or on the Cyprus Villa. Real estate has become the subject of high-profile trials that followed the divorce.

Renata's personal life made a steep turn when he met 18-year-old Svetlana Minnekhanov in 58 years. The difference in the age did not embarrass one of the sides. The girl left the job as a waitress and ranked secretary in the producer center of Ibrahimov.

The singer, following the laws of faith, said Albin that he wanted to bring another woman to the house. A legitimate wife, not ready to share a married bed with a new chief of a man, provided him with a choice: either he stays with her or they break up. Ibrahimov chose the second option.

In later interview, the man recalled that before meeting with Svetlana, 10 did not live with his family. The spouse, although he was in the state of his producer company, preferred to the Cypriot Breeze of Moscow Serns.

In October 2009, Renat signed with Minnekhanova, exactly the same day when divorced with Albina. For Ayi and Sultan, what happened to the shock. The son refused to communicate with his father, and his contacts with her daughter, according to the mother, prevented a young chosen one.

Albina reproached Renata in the fact that he does not pay for the student of Sultan, the court appointed small alimony, because the artist has lowered income. As a result, the former spouse and children got apartments in Kazan and Moscow, the rest of the housing was divided by half. When Ayia got married, Albina, along with her, the son-in-law and grandson moved to Cyprus. With the assistance of Valentina Tolkunova, she joined Orthodoxy.

The musician found a common language with her son. The young man even starred in a video, in which Ibrahimov and Participant of the show "Voice" Maria Karna perform the GUARDA Che LUNA composition. After graduating from the university in Kazakhstan, Sultan remained with his father.

Svetlana gave birth to Renat daughters Asylbik, Aisha and Maryam. As the pop artist in the Talk Show Sergey Belogoltsev "Fathers and Children", is not enough, we must still work.

The name of the first heiress means "Queen" and is given in honor of the grandmother. The second name is just as well as the favorite wife of the Prophet Mohammed. Another successor of the family, Son Atillu, was called in memory of the founder of the Dynasty of the Bulgarian Khan.

And Maryam was supposed to be born a boy, the father and mother and the name came up with - Ahmet. But a girl appeared. The program "When all at home" Svetlana said that he refused the services of professional medical clinics, and Renat acted as an obstetrician.

Minnekhanova graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Public Administration, but fully devoted himself to the family, the publicity would keep together, her photo is rarely found in "Instagram". The singer confesses that he has a lot of common interests with his beloved, she is the perfect mistress, tasty prepares and perfectly copes with household goods. In 2010, the spouses made a hajj in Mecca and Medina.

Next to the young wife, Renat tries to keep himself in shape (height 178 cm, weight 90 kg). A couple of times a week he sails a distance in the pool to a kilometer, eating freebies in food, keeps posts. Svetlana is forbidden to use cosmetics.


Upon completion of the Kazan Conservatory, Ibrahimov went to work at the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, on the stage of which he performed Valentine's party in Fauste, Evgenia Onegin in the Music Spectacle of the Music Spectacle in the "Peak Dame" and Escamilo in Karmen.

Thanks to these roles, a talented singer became famous in his native Kazan. In the fall of 1974, Ibrahimov became the laureate of the V All-Union Trend Artist Competition, dividing the first award with Valery Suitodanov, who, by the way, patronized Joseph Kobzon.

The real popularity of Renatu brought a speech at the "Alay Carnation" competition. The compositions that sounded in the framework of the festival opened the artist road to the world of show business. Its visiting card is considered the song "Our City".

The accumulated creative experience allowed the vocalist at the end of 1999 to open the NNF "Theater of the song of Renat Ibrahimov", on the stage of which the artist tried himself in different musical genres, creating the original stage miniatures on the basis of popular compositions.

For his career, the musician presented fans to the Renuits of Hits, among which the most famous "Lada" and "that so the heart is taking care", "in the edge of the magnolia" and "well with you", "in love with spring" and "The Sun of the Boulevards." The discography of Ibrahimova is with two tens of albums and singles.

In the project of the new century "exactly" Renat Islamovich conquered the jury and spectators by the images of Frank Sinatra and Yevgeny Martynov, the eternal songs of Strangers in The Night and "apple trees in bloom."

In 2017, the singer noted the 70th anniversary. On this occasion, a concert was held in the Kremlin Palace, delivered by the autobiography of Ibrahimov "By the sea of ​​life." The role of the entertainer was played by actor Marat Basharov. Yubilera congratulated Dina Garipov, Rosa Rymbaeva, Ansembly "Yalla" and "Syabra".

In April of the same year, Renat Islamovich became the hero of the program Andrei Malakhov "Let them say." In the release of "Pope or dads?", Along with the discussion of the main topic of late paternity, experts and the public tried to understand why more and more of the star of show business prefer their wives with whom they lived more than one year, young people.

In the transmission, in addition to Renata, the actor of the film "Streets of Broken Lights" Sergey Celine and the leading program "Who wants to become a millionaire?" Dmitry Dibrov.

Renat Ibrahimov now

In the repertoire of Ibrahimov - hundreds of opera compositions, folk songs and pop hits, and he sings in five languages. By the day of the victory of 2020, the artist, together with famous countrymen, released the video "Eternal Glory". Elvin Gray, Elmira Kalimullina, Alsu, Rosa Khabibullina participated in the clip in Tatar language.

In 1993, Renat was the only one starring in the cinema. He is ready to repeat experience and now, there are suitable scenarios, but there is no money. In the meantime, the vocalist goes on tour, once a year necessarily gives a big concert. I would be glad more often - alas, everything again rests on finances.


  • 1967 - "Waltz Melody"
  • 1974 - "Love has come"
  • 1978 - "Dreams"
  • 1983 - "Carousel"
  • 1987 - "Old Bonfire"
  • 1993 - "Black"
  • 1997 - "Night of Our Love"
  • 1999 - "Forest Girl"
  • 2002 - "Besame Mucho"
  • 2002 - "Snowdrop"
  • 2005 - "I call you"
  • 2008 - "King Rock and Roll"
  • 2011 - "And life passes"
  • 2013 - "Goodbye"
  • 2014 - "Melody of Love"

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