Camilla Parker Bowl - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Many girls dream of a wedding with a prince. However, only Camilla Parker Bowl knows what it is like this - thirty years to dream of a wedding with a loved one, the royal title of which does not allow them to be together. The story of the love of Prince Charles and Camillas is an example of a feeling swept through the years and barriers, and the biography of Parker Bowls itself is an example of persistence and excerpt, which is capable only with a sincere loving woman.

Childhood and youth

Camilla Rosemary Sand, Duchess Cornish, was born in London on July 17, 1947. The Camilla family referred to the famous noble family, so the girl since childhood was accustomed to luxury, as well as to the strict rules of behavior. The childhood of the future wife of Prince Welsh has passed under the governess of the governess and nurse, who tried to instinate the young lady the base of the sophisticated taste, disciplines and sciences.

However, the wisdom of secular life was not inspired into the little Camille of enthusiasm. A much more girl liked to swim, ride a horse and frolic with farm offspring, despite the brilliant pedigree. Of course, it did not like the parents of Camilla. The decision was made quickly: the young Bunkarka went to the Dambrells Pension, and then in Queen Gate Skyl. Both educational institutions for girls were famous for the casual discipline and ideal education and intelligence that demonstrated graduates.

Camilla Parker Bowls in youth

But the miracle did not happen: the character of Camilla did not change at all, and, returning home a few years later, the girl continued to shock his parents with courage and non-standardization of judgments. For example, in contrast to the peer, Camilla was interested in sports and politics. Women preferred to avoid communicating with this conquer strange girl (the growth of Camilles - 173 cm), but I definitely liked men Camilla.

The girl did not limit herself in a male society, spending evenings with a new cavalier. Camilla drank champagne and smoked on a par with men, believing that life was worth living with taste. Createness of the fun ended with the congregation of Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowles. The girl fell in love with this handsome officer. For the first time in the life of Camilla felt embarrassment and timidity.

Roman Camilla and Andrew, tortured, soon, soon became a young man in a burden. Andrew returned to the past habits, spending time with different young lady and forgetting about Camilla. The very same Camilla suffered from the offense and expectations of the proposal of hands and hearts. However, everything has a limit. When Andrew once again scheduled a new intrigue, told Camille that he was sent by military affairs, the girl found the strength to break with a windy handsome.

Acquaintance with Prince

The bitterness bitterness soon bored Camilla. In that momentous day, July 8, 1970, the girl, not paying attention to the rainy weather, went for a walk in Windsor Park. Fate ordered so that at the same time, the Prince of Welly Charles Philip Artur Georg Windsor was strolled there. Young Charles was almost 22 years old, Camilla was older for a year.

It turned out to be love at first sight: from that day the prince did not part with his beloved, inviting Camilla everywhere. Racing, balls, spherical techniques - the prince surrounds stained with other flowers next to this direct and no one like a girl. In 1972, the prince decided to make an offer to Camille. What was the surprise of a young man when the girl answered calmly refusal.

Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowls

This walling, however, did not leave the calm other inhabitants of the Buckingham Palace. The royal family was not a joke of alarmed: despite the rather noble origin, Camilla could not become a spouse prince and a member of the royal family. The fact is that the Holy Code of the Monarch of the family did not allow the wedding of the future king with an uncomfortable woman. And Camilla was no longer a virgin. In 1973, the prince left his native country for six months, having left for a military campaign. There Charles and caught up with the news about the engagement of Camillas Stand and Andrew Parker Bowles.

First marriage

The wedding really took place. Camilla's first husband, Andrew Parker Bowl, was aware of the wife of his wife with a prince. Moreover, the cynical handsome has nothing to do with further communication Camilla with Charles. However, and for himself wished the same freedom of action. Young people agreed that marriage would be free, and personal time would be distributed as pleased. A similar solution was madly brave and progressive for that time.

Camilla Parker Bowls and Andrew Parker Bowls

In 1974, Camilla Parker Bowl gave birth to Andrew Parabinet, Son Thomas. Prince Charles became the godfather of the boy. In 1978, a woman gave birth to a second child - Laura Girl. In the same year, Charles made a re-supply of the beloved, but Camilla again found the strength to refuse his beloved man.

Camilla Parker Bowl with children

The public pressure on Charles increased the year from the year: the prince needed to marry. Oddly enough, Camilla supported the opinion of society and the monarch of the family. Moreover, according to some reports, it was Parker Bowls that Prince Charles drew attention to Diana Spencer, a daughter of noble parents, who, after the death of mother and father, barely reduced ends meet. The prince did not have anything else, as agreed.

Prince's wife

In 1997, Princess Diana did not: the life of the beloved of the British people took the car accident. The attitude of the British to the occurrence turned out to be unanimous: if the Prince loved his wife more, Diana would have remained alive, people believed. Perhaps the share of truth is there.

Wedding Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowl

Prince Charles, having freed himself from Uz Marriak, tried to spend each free minute with Camilla. The woman, which at that time was already 50 years old, seemed to cool down to the former beloved. However, Charles did not give up, constantly appearing in sight with Camilla, openly kissing and hugging his beloved. The photo of the kissing couple in a couple of days has become the property of British newspapers. Soon, about this connection did not know only the deaf-and-dumb.

In 2000, Camilla Parker Bowls, already officially divorced lady, officially presented to the royal court. After another four years of Elizabeth II, Charles and Camilla marriage blessed. In 2005, what was happening to the pair of 30 years: Charles took Camilla to his wife. The celebration was not luxurious, the event passed quite modestly.

Camilla Parker Bowles now

Despite the fact that the personal life of Camilla Parker Bowle seemed to have finally developed, shocking rumors penetrate into the press periodically. For example, in 2014, the whole world spoke about the fact that Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowls divorced. However, apparently, the news turned out to be premature, and Camilla remains a legitimate wife of Charles.

Camilla Parker Bowl and Kate Middleton

Now Camilla is trying to devote more time to children: the woman has five grandchildren. Despite the honorary age, Camilla did not lose the audience and unbearable. In 2017, the media began to discuss Camilla Parker Bowls and Kate Middleton, the spouses of the Crown Prince. The reason for the breakdown, according to some information, was the sharp tongue of Camilla, which allowed themselves to be impartial statements to Kate.

Camilla Parker Bowl and Prince Charles

The events of the life of this incredible woman inspired the Royal Biograph Penny Junior to writing the book "Duchess. An undusted story ", published in 2017 on the eve of the 70th anniversary of Camilla.


  • Her Royal Highness Princess Wales (not used)
  • Duchess Cornish
  • Duchess Rotseja
  • Graph Chester

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