Georgy Malenkov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Politics, Daughter



The history of the Soviet Union is interesting and multifaceted. Scientists have been fighting on the biographies of the famous Soviet figures to this day, trying to find hidden moments that excite the minds of the current generation. Many are confident that the successor of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was Nikita Khrushchev, who took the position of leader of the Soviet state on September 7, 1953.

Georgy Malenkov

But few people know that in fact after the death of the leader of the people at the helm stood his associate Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov, but his stay at this post continued not long. The Malenkov still runs conjectures and rumors, it is difficult for scientists to assume what motives the chairman of the Council of Ministers was guided, whether he acted on his own beliefs or unquestionedly obeyed the instructions of Joseph Vissarionovich.

For example, there is an opinion that Georgy Maximilianovich, hiding behind the mask of friendship with Stalin, wanted to overthrow the generalissimus, at the land, it is him, and not Nikita Sergeyevich some attribute to an attempt to expose the cult of personality.

Childhood and youth

True birth date George Malenkov is unknown. Under the suggestion of scientists, the future politician was born on December 26, 1901 (January 8, 1902 for the Gregorian calendar), at least so much in the official encyclopedias. But it is worth noting that, according to the information agency TASS, in 2016, the staff of the state archive of the Orenburg region found out that the documents include another date of birth of Malenkov - November 23, 1901.

George Malenkov State Affairs

Georgy Maximilianovich was born in the city of Orenburg, brought up in the average family. His father Maximilian Malenkov worked by a college registrar, was from the genus Macedonous nobles, which once moved to Russia. Grandfather George on the father's line served as a colonel, and his brother received rank-admiral rank.

The mother of the politician Anastasia Shemyakina was a mesh and did not have noble blood, her father, Kazakh by nationality, worked as Kuznets. The keeper of the focus was engaged in the education of the son and led a household. The family of Malenkovoye wounded the main breadwinner in the house: In 1907, Papa Georgy died, so the boy was brought up by her mother.

George Malenkov in youth

It is noteworthy that Anastasia Georgievna Shemyakina was remembered by citizens of the Soviet Union as a human rights activist. Woman, until the end of his days, helped the disadvantaged and saved people from the alienation zone - prisons. Mother policies had little of their own concerns, on the memories of her grandson of Andrei, grandmother Nastya, living in Moscow, picked up on the street of homeless women, led to her apartment, fed and led them to the human appearance.

Georgy studied well in the gymnasium, and he was given any items, be it mathematics or literature. The sharp mind and the perfection helped the young man to complete an educational institution with a gold medal in 1919, after which he appeared to the ranks of the Red Army and participated in the Civil War. But, according to rumors, the young man did not know how to shoot and ride poorly riding a horse, but he was an excitement man who led his job proceedings.

Georgy Malenkov

Therefore, during the collision of the White and Red Army, the future deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR rewritten the paper and led the documentation. In 1920, Georgy Maximilianovich received a party ticket RCP (b), and in 1921 he entered the Moscow Technical University (MWU), where he led the "cleansing" of students of the ideas of Lion Trotsky's ideas.

Gregory Maximilianovich was remembered to contemporaries as a fat man, but in his youth he was athletically folded young men, who was easily pulled up on the horizontal studies and twisted the "sunshine" on the crossbar.


What made a young man join the ranks of the Bolsheviks, it's hard to say. Perhaps Malenkov chose such a way independently or guided by intuition. Original Malenkov was a political squadron, shelf and brigade. Georgy Maximilianovich walked along the career staircase rapidly. Already from 1920 to 1930, he was a job as an employee of the organizing department of the Central Committee, and in 1927 Malenkov received the rank of technical secretary of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee.

George Malenkov and Joseph Stalin

According to rumors, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wanted to make his successor Malenkov, and not Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, which sometimes responded contemptuously. The fact is that in 1921, the relations of Stalin and Lenin were divided due to the fact that after the X Party Congress, Vladimir Ilyich became close to Lvi-Trozzi, who was disliked Joseph Vissarionovich. The relations of Lenin and Stalin, who originally loved to Ulyanov, began to cool. Later Lenin said:

"This cook will prepare only sharp dishes."

However, after the death of Ilyich, the party appointed the head of the Soviet Union Joseph Vissarionovich. From 1934 to 1936, Malenkov became the department of the governing party bodies of the Central Committee, but did not personally manage, and was actually a puppet of Stalin, fulfilling all the instructions of Generalissimus.

George Malenkov with party colleagues

In 1935-1936, Stalin put forward the slogan "Frames decide everything." Thus, in the central office of the USSR, there was a serious verification of all members and candidates of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Total was drawn up about 2.5 million cards - dossier at all and everyone. The position of the management of the mass check of documents was received by Georgy Maximilianovich.

In the summer of 1937, Malenkov, on behalf of Stalin, checked the work of local partnerships and other state bodies. Thus, the NKVD test was carried out, UNKVD, and after a year, Georgy Maximilianovich read the report on the beggars. Thanks to Malenkov, the General Commissioner of the State Security Commission Nikolai Ivanovich Ezhov, who won the "cleaner" reputation.

Politician Georgy Malenkov

Comrade Evhov was repressive (in 1937, Georgy Maximilianovich also participated in mass repression together with Nikolai Ivanovich) and mass arrests, even personally took part in torture, was considered the fourth person in the country after Stalin, Molotova and Voroshilov. Jobs were arrested on April 10, 1939 with the participation of George Malenkov and the Lavrentia Beria.

Before the start of the war, Georgy Maximilianovich was led by the secret apparatus of the Comintern, and after it began, Malenkov entered the State Defense Committee, participated in the operation by the defeat of the Germans near Moscow. It is also known that Georgy Maximilianovich on the personal instructions of Stalin played a leading role in the Leningradsky business (the end of the 40s - early 50s), which was a series of court proceedings over party leaders. A total of 214 people were convicted, some of them were rehabilitated in 1954.

George Malenkov in Politburo

Malenkov threats sought against the secretaries of the committees to the fact that an anti-government group existed in Leningrad. Under Opal, such state figures, as Alexey Kuznetsov, Peter Popkov, Nikolai Voznesensky, Mikhail Rodionov and other "enemies of the people" were included.

It is noteworthy that after Stalin's death, no one had doubts that the post of head of the Soviet Union would take Malenkov, and the leaders of the party, and the USSR citizens saw in Georgy Maximilianovich the new leader of the people. Already in March 1953, Malenkov became the chairman of the Council of Ministers and made a report on the exposure of the cult of personality, however, the listeners were not affected by the Declamations of Malenkov, and judging by the transcript, supported him only Khrushchev.

George Malenkov and Nikita Khrushchev

At the dominant position of Georgy Maximilianovich, before February 8, 1955, and shifted from the post due to his liberal ideas and the desire to cut the revenues of the top. This allowed Nikita Sergeyevich to make a coup. Malenkov was remembered by the countries of the country as a person who has canceled the ban on a foreign press, as well as customs carriage. But during the Board, George Maximilianovich, the people did not pay due attention to the changes occurring.

Personal life

Personal life George Maximilianovich does not take the events. It is known that the policy was one wife - Valery Alekseevna Golubsyova, with which he weakened the relationship in 1920. Galdowova was held by the post of rector MEI, and in the post-war years was almost the most influential woman of the Soviet Union.

Georgy Malenkov and his wife Valeria Golubsyova

Valery Alekseevna sought anything, for example, as directed by his wife, George Maximilianovich, tram lines were held to the most educational corps. In the family, George Maximilianovich and Golubovaya was born three children: the sons of Andrei and Georgy and the daughter of the will of Malenkov.


Since 1973, the Ex-Chairman of the Council of Ministers, together with his family, lived in Moscow, in an ordinary two-bedroom apartment on the second sichnaya street, later moved to Frunzenskaya.

George Malenkov in old age

It is known that in the last years of the life of Georgy Maximilianovich did not seek the favor of power, took the Orthodox faith and repented. When Molotov and Kaganovich raised pensions, Malenkov did not ask for a similar service, not only did not attached to the Kremlin dining room.

"Malenkov could be reminded by the new leadership of the country about his existence, or did not want to remind himself that he had and lost," - recalled the member of the Central Committee Mikhail Sergeevich Smithukov.

On January 14, 1988, the third leader of the countries of the Councils died on 86 years of life. The true cause of the death of George Maximilianovich is not known for certain.

Grave George Malenkov and Valeria Golubovaya

Malenkov is buried on the Kuntsevsky cemetery. In memory of Georgia, Maximilianovich was removed not one documentary and feature film. It is known that Stalin's comrades played Victor Khokhryakov, Yuri Rudchenko, Valery Magdyash, Jeffrey Tembor and other movie actors.


  • 1996 - "Children of the Revolution"
  • 2003 - "Special folder. Grigory Malenkov "
  • 2005 - "The failed leader. Georgy Malenkov "
  • 2007 - "Malenkov. The third leader of the country of the Soviets "
  • 2017 - "The death of Stalin"

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