Annie Girardo - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography



French cinema has always been distinguished by special charm. It is difficult to definitely answer - the fact that this type of art was invented by the French Lumiere, or it's just a national flavor, but even today, French films are a mansion in the world of cinema, and French actors and actresses on the screen differ from their foreign colleagues on the screen.

An example is a bright example - Jean Renault, Vensen Kassel, Sophie Marso and Marion Cotionar. However, it is stupid to deny that the real peak of the French in the cinema fell on the second half of the twentieth century. Annie Susann Girardo was one of the popular actresses of those times.

Childhood and youth

The future actress of theater and the cinema was born on October 25, 1931. It happened in Paris. The mother girl was an obstetrician. There is no information about the father of Anni - he left the family even before the birth of the baby.

Annie Girardo in youth

Little Annie loved her mother and respected her profession. That is why after graduation, I went to the courses nurses. During training at the courses, Girardo managed to go out of a premature child, which was noted by mentoring doctors. Annie propheted a good medical career, but the mother's mother knew about her real desires, so he insisted that her daughter did at least on casting courses. What Annie did.


Studying at the Higher National Conservatory of Dramatic Art, the girl makes a living in the Kabar "Ruba Ruzh". By the end of study, Girardo managed to light up in two theatrical productions, for which the prizes receive. In 1954, on the recommendation of the Teachers of the university, he enters the theater "Comedy Francoise", where the first time playing the secondary roles of fool and witty girls.

Next year, for the first time appears on a wide screen in the film "Thirteen at the table" - the screening of the novel Agatha Christie. Before that, the actress was filmed in the episodic role in Pigal-Saint-Germain de Pre-Prea (1950), but when installing an episode in which Anni was lit, cut out.

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In 1956, Jean Cocteo proposed Annie a major role in his new creation "typewriter". The playwright saw in the girl talent for the execution of dramatic roles (before that, the amplua of the comedy actress was fixed behind Girardo). During the preparation for the spectral, Anni has helped change the image.

"Typewriter" had a deafening success. The production was discussed all the thematic publications, and the prestigious magazine "Parish Match" devoted Girardo a separate article into several pages with Photo Anni. In the same year, the actress is filmed in the film "Man with the Golden Key", for which he receives the Suzanne Prize of Bianneti. Also this year, the television film "Playing is prohibited".

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In the leadership "Comedy Frances" realized that Girardo could lose, so they proposed an actress contract, according to which they increase their salary, but would limit in terms of creativity. Such a woman did not suit the girl, besides, Annie had already felt the delights of filming in the cinema, so in 1957, Girardo leaves the theater, who dedicated for three years of his life.

In the same year, it can be seen in the films "Light included", "Royal Night" and "Red Light" included. But the actress does not forget about theatrical activity. The play on the play of William Gibson "Two on a swing", released in 1958, critics and viewers accepted well. In his interview, the magazine "She" writer Andre Morua praised the actress and called it and Zhanna Moro with the best actresses of his generation.

Annie Girardo and Philippe Naare

Since 1958, Girardo has been actively filming the cinema. Its legends actors are becoming partners in the shooting platform, including Jean Gaben, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Philippe Noyare, Alain Delon and Louis de Fünes. Later, Gerard Depardieu will join them.

In 1960, the film "Rocco and his brothers" comes out, in which Annie fulfills the role of a prostitute Nadi. In addition to Girardo and Delon, Renato Salvatori starred in the film, two years later, the actress became her husband. 1965 marked by the "Three Rooms in Manhattan" ribbon of Marseille Karna, for participating in which the girl is awarded the Wolpi Cup. It happens at the movie festival in Venice.

Annie Girardo and Renato Salvatori

In 1967, Annie gets acquainted with Claude Lelche. This director, a girl starred in 5 films, the first of which began to "live to live." In this tape, the actress gets the heroine, the fate of which is complicated by difficulties on the personal front - a new role for Girardo. After that, it can often be seen in the author's films Marco Ferrers, Guy of their colleagues in the workshop. At the same time, for the first time appears in the Russian film "Journalist", shot by Sergey Gerasimov.

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In the seventies, the name Anni Zararto often appears on the pages of magazines and newspapers. Most films actresses of those times - comedies, the best of which becomes the "Old Virgo", "soup", "obedients" and "squall". In 1977, the actress receives the "Cesear" award for the film "Dr. Francoise Gaian" and Donatello Prize for the tape "Run after me so that I caught you." Also this year is the "last kiss" Dolores Grassian, in which Girardo performs the role of taking a tack of time, which fell out with his guy.

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In 1980, the "Heart inside out" is removed in the melodrama. The eighties gave an actress more difficult. There were no faults on theatrical layouts. The first blow for Girardo began the failure of the musical "Fixed and supplemented", the second is an injury obtained during the play "Margarita and others". Annie has invested their money in them and burned. In order not to go bankrupt at all, sells its apartment in Paris.

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Girardo flows into depression. On the screens of cinema appears rarely, more and more - on TV. In 1989, again removed in the film "Ruth", staged by the Russian director. A year later, Girardo receives the Award "7 D`or" for participating in the series "Wind harvest" Jean Sagol. In 1993, the actress visits Russia. The result of this visit becomes the play "Madame Margaret" Valery Ahadova, delivered in the Dramatic Theater named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the city of Magnitogorsk.

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In 1996, Girardo receives the "Cesear" award for the role in the screening of Noman Viktor Hugo "Rejected" (where, once again, its partner was Jean-Paul Belmondo). In 2001, the Austrian Mikhael Khanek "Pianist" is removed in the tape of Austrian, for which Cesar also receives.

A year later, the actress is awarded at once with two premiums "Moliere" for its theatrical achievements. In 2004, the actress cooperates with hange. The result of this work becomes the tape "Hidden". Anni Girardo's last role was the role of Madame Girard in the Russian TV series "Vorotili" in 2008. For a whole life, there was more than 170 films.

Personal life

In 1962, the actress is the only time in life marries. Her husband becomes actor Renato Salvatori. In the same year, on July 5, the pair is born daughter Julia, who also becomes an actress. By the end of the sixties, Salvatori and Girardo live separately from each other, but officially in marriage consist of 1988 - this year Renato dies.

About other novels Anni Susann is no confirmed data, but there are enough rumors. Most often talk about novels with Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo. A little less often - about the novel with director Claude Lelche. But you should not take these rumors seriously.


In 2006, the relatives of Girardo announced that the actress discovered Alzheimer's progressive disease. Four years later, Annie ceased to learn relatives, and only certain moments remembered their past.

Annie Girardo in recent years

Julia's daughter transported mother to the village 50 kilometers from Paris, where On February 28, 2011, Annie and died. Buddied Girardo on 49 sections of the cemetery per lashine. Many colleagues on the workshop came to actress on the last path.


  • 1955 - "Thirteen at the table"
  • 1956 - "Man with a gold key"
  • 1960 - "Rocco and his brothers"
  • 1964 - "Soup"
  • 1965 - "Three rooms in Manhattan"
  • 1967 - "Live to live"
  • 1972 - "Old Virgo"
  • 1977 - "Run after me so that I caught you"
  • 1980 - "Heart inside out"
  • 1989 - "Ruth"
  • 1990 - "Wind harvesters"
  • 1996 - "Rejected"
  • 2001 - "Pianist"
  • 2004 - "Hidden"
  • 2008 - "Craobiles"

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