Vlad Yama - biography, photo, personal life, news, dancing 2021



Vladislav Nikolaevich Yama is a dancer and choreographer of Ukrainian origin, showman. The participant of the competition "Dancing with the stars", a member of the jury of the TV projects "Ukraine has a talent", "everything is dancing!", "Dancing with the stars."

Vlad Yama

Vlad was born on July 10, 1982 in Zaporizhia in the family of Nikolai Petrovich Petrovich, the teacher-historian, the head of the department of education of the local administration, and love of Nikolaevna Shevtsova, a teacher of the gymnasium. At the time of the birth of the boy, the parents have already raised the eldest son of Dmitry, who, having matured, graduated from the legal institution and made a career career.

Vlad Yama in childhood

For the first time with dance art, Vlad met at a five-year-old age. Having happened by chance on the speech of the participants of the USSR Championship on ballroom dancing, the boy refused to leave the hall, so fascinated his seen spectacle. After that, the parents gave the Son to the Dance Collective "Krok", whose head was Yuri Alekseevich Zagumenko.

Young Vlad Yam Hair

After seven years, Vlad passed into the club "Fiesta". The teaching activity began in 1997, and from 16 years began to go on tour to Europe. After receiving the certificate of maturity, he entered the Zaporizhia National University at the Faculty of Physical Education. In the second year of the university, in addition to the children's team, took the patribution and adult groups.


Having moved to the capital of Ukraine in 2001, it settled in the school "Dance Center", which was led by Yuri and Yana Vasheyak. Participated in UFST tournaments. Despite the injury of the knee and the operation carried out in 2001, Vlad received the first place at the National Cup of Ukraine. In 2002, at the open championship of ballroom dancing for lovers, which was held in the capital of Great Britain, Vlad Yama with a partner March of Bakai took the first place, performing with the Latin Program.

Young dancer Vlad Yama

After the victory, the dancer stayed on the internship rate in London, where Kenny's coaches were taught, Richard Porter, Sergey Surkov, Melnitskaya, Karen Hardy and Robert Grover. From 2003 to 2005, Vlad worked as a choreographer-director of the show ballet Elena Colladenko "Freedom".

After receiving a higher education diploma in 2005, he was accepted by the teacher of dances in Kiev University of Culture. In 2005, he was secondary to the operating table due to injury, which did not prevent Vladly Vlad dance in the future. Vlad Yama learned to restore the strength and flexibility of the joints during swimming in the pool.

Tele Show

The creative biography of Vlad Jama in Ukraine began to be interested in 2006, after the appearance of a dancer on the television screen in a pair with Natalia Mogilevskaya in the Dance Dance project, which was broadcast on the TV channel "1 + 1". Young dancers have become the leaders of the season, giving the first place only by Vladimir Zelensky and Alain Schoptenko.

Vlad Yama and Natalia Mogilevskaya

In the same year, the dancer changed the image, having shared shorts. Made Vlad it still during the tour with a concert group Lolita Milyavskaya. In 2007, Vlad Yama and Natalia Mogilevskaya went to the touring tour in Ukraine. In the same year, the premiere of the PA dance musical was held in Kiev, where Elena Schoptenko became partner of the scene.

Vlad Yama in the show

In 2008, the dancer became a member of the jury of the dance show "Dance everything!", Which went on the TV channel "STB". The competition has resistant nine seasons, Vlad became the only judge who participated in all transmission issues. Together with him, Alexey Litvinov, Francisco Gomez, was later joined by Tatyana Denisov, Rada Poklitar and Konstantin Tomilchenko.

Vlad Yama in the show

In 2009, Vlad Yama received an invitation from the creators of the TV show "Ukraine has a talent", where five seasons took a judicial place. In the competition, the most original number is selected regardless of the genre of execution and qualification of the artist. The jury also included Ukrainian TV presenter of Glory Frolov and Showman Igor Kondratyuk. During the judging of Vlad, the first places occupied people of different professions: the artist, the magician-illusionist, singer, as well as pop teams.

Vlad Yama, Glory Frolova and Igor Kondratyuk

Working on television, Vlad Yama did not leave both creative activities aside. For five years, the choreographer organized about 4 dance clubs in Kiev, Kharkov, Zaporizhia and Ivano-Frankivsk. Regularly with the dancer Lena Pulle, Vlad Yama conducts master classes in Argentine Tango, Sambo, Contemporary.

Vlad Yama and Lena Pul

In 2011, Vlad became a guest on the program "Phenomenon", in which the competition took place between people with superpowers: telecinesis, hypnosis, levitation, reading thoughts. The leading project, which was broadcast on the air channel "STB", became Georgy Koldun, Anastasia Bejruk, as well as the organizer and author of the idea - Israeli magician Uri Geller. In 10 release, the invited three stars - choreographer Vlad Yama, the singer Yana Solomko and the actress Anfisa Chekhov - expressed their own opinion about the skill of finalists.

Personal life

Personal life Vlad Yama held a long time secret from fans and journalists. But it is known that in 2007 the dancer met a girl named Liliana. Soon the young began to live together. The offer of the future wife Vlad Made on New Year's Eve 2014.

Weddy's wedding pits and Liliana

The wedding was played by secret, in a circle of close relatives. At the event there were 50 people. Celebrated on the ship. The newlyweds did not tighten with the children, and after a year and a half the son of Lyon was born. Vlad Yama still does not show the face of the baby in personal photos.

Vlad Yama now

In early 2017, the artist, together with his wife Liliana, starred in a frank photo session of the Love Is ... special project for the men's magazine "XXL". The love of Vlad and Liliana lies in constant hugs and desire to spend time together.

Vlad Yama in 2017

In 2017, the fifth season of the show "Dancing with the Stars" started, where Vlad Yama took an honorable place in the jury. The owl's colleagues were dancer and musician Dmitry Monatik and Prima-ballerina of the Ukrainian National Opera and Ballet Theater Ekaterina Chef.

Now Vlad participates in the model "Model XL", as reported from the official page in "Instagram", where he posted the last photos from the event. Teleconcurs is announced on the TV channel "1 + 1".


  • 2006 - "Dancing with the stars"
  • 2008 - "Ukraine has a talent"
  • 2008-2017 - "Everything dance!"
  • 2011 - "Phenomenon"
  • 2017 - "Dancing with stars"

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