Prophet Mohammed - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Hadith, Wife



Mohammed - the Arab preacher of the monotheism, the founder and the central figure of the religion of Islam, the Prophet Muslims. According to Islamic verbation, Allah sent Mohammed Sacred Scripture - Quran.

The Messenger of Allah was born in Mecca on April 22, 571. The emergence of a special child Mohammed's mother said an angel who came in a dream. The birth of the prophet was accompanied by amazing events. The throne of the king of Persians kisra shuddered under the ruler as an earthquake shock. 14 balconies collapsed in the royal hall. The boy appeared cropped. Present at birth saw that the newborn raises her head and relies on the hands.

Muhammed belonged to the Kuraisian tribe, who was considered to be elite from Arabs. The family of the future preacher of the Quran treated Khashitam, the clan called named Praded Mohammed - Hashima, Rich Arab, who honored the honor to feed pilgrims. The Father of the Prophet Abdollah is the grandson of a powerful Hashima, but wealth as grandfather did not profit. Small merchant barely earned a family. The Son, who became the greatest prophet, did not see his father - he died before the birth of Mohammed.

Print the Prophet Mohammed.

At 6 years old, the boy became round orphan - Amina died, Mom Mohammed. A woman at the time gave her son to upbringing Bedouin Khalima, who lived in the desert. An orphaned boy took a grandfather to himself, but soon Muhammed hit the house to Uncle. Abu Talib was kind, but extremely poor man. The nephew had to get started early and learn to earn money. For a penny, Little Mohammed Pace of Goats and Sheep, belonging to the wealthy Meccans, was collected in the berry desert.

In 12 years, the teenager first plunged into the atmosphere of spiritual quest: together with Uncle Mohammed visited Syria, where he met the religious currents of Judaism, Christianity, other beliefs. He worked by the driver of the camels, then became a merchant, but the questions of faith did not leave the guy. When Mohammond turned 20, he was taken by a clerk in the house of the widowed woman Hadiji. The young man performing the instructions of the hostess, traveled around the country, was interested in local customs and beliefs of the tribes.

Hadija, being older Mohammed for 15 years, offered a 25-year-old young man to take her to his wife, which did not like the father of a woman, but she showed perseverance. The young clerk married, the marriage turned out to be happy, he loved and respected Hadiju. The marriage brought Mohammed well-being. He devoted his free time to the main thing, which attracted from the young years - spiritual quest. So began the biography of the prophet and preacher.


The biography of the main Muslim prophet states that Mohammed was removed from the world and fuss, plunging into contemplation and meditation. He loved in deserted gorges. In 610, when Mohammed was in the cave of Hira Mountain, he was Archangel Gabriel (Dzhibll). He called the young man with the Messenger of Allah and ordered to remember the first revelations (Ayati Koran).

The story states that the circle of adherents of Mohammed, who preached after meeting with Gabriel, constantly grew. The preacher called on the tribesmen to righteous life, convinced to observe the commandments of Allah and prepare for the coming God's judgment. The Prophet Muhammed said that the Almighty God (Allah) created a man, and with him all the living and non-living on Earth.

The predecessors of the Messenger of Allah called Musa (Moses), Jusuf (Joseph), Zakaria (Zechariah), ISU (Jesus). But a special place in the sermons of Mohammed was assigned to Ibrahim (Abraham). He called him the forefather of Arabs and Jews and the first one who preached monotheism. The mission of His Mohammed saw in the restoration of the faith of Ibrahim.

Prophet Mohammed - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Hadith, Wife 16794_2

The Aristocrats of Mecca saw in the sermons of Mohammed, the threat of power and arranged a conspiracy against him. Comraders persuaded the Prophet to leave the dangerous edge and move to Medina for a while. He did it. For a preacher in Medina (Yarrb) in 622 hundreds of associates moved, forming the first Muslim community.

The community strengthened and to the punishment of the Mekcans for expelled the preacher and his associates, made an attack on the caravans leaving Mecca. Funds from robbery went to the needs of the community.

In 630, a previously persecuted Prophet Mohammed returned to Mecca, solemnly walking in the sacred city 8 years after the expulsion. Merchant Mecca met the Prophet crowds of admirers from all over Arabia. Magomenet's procession on the streets was majestic. The prophet dressed in simple clothes and black chalm, sitting on a camel, accompanied tens of thousands of pilgrims.

Cave of Hira, where according to Muslim conviction Mohammed received the first revelation

Saint drove into Mecca as a magents, and not a triumphant. He walked around holy places, made rites and brought the victim. 7 times the Prophet Muhammed traveled Kaaba and touched the sacred black stone as much. In Kaaba, the preacher announced that "there is no God, except for the Unified Allah," and ordered to destroy 360 idols standing in the temple.

The surrounding tribes did not immediately accepted Islam. After bloody wars and thousands of human casion, they recognized the Prophet Mohammed and adopted the Quran. Soon Magomet became the Lord of Arabia and created a powerful Arabian power. When the Mchammen and Mohammed military leaders appeared in Mecca, he returned to Medina, visiting the grave of Mother Amina. But the joy of the prophet from the Celebration of Islam was overshadowed by the news of the death of the only son of Ibrahim, on which his father had hoped.

Quran Prophet Mohammed

The sustainable cum of the son harmed the health of the preacher. He, feeling the approach of death, moved again in Mecca, in order to pray for the last time in Kaaba. Having heard about the intentions of the prophet and wishing to pray with him, 10 thousand pilgrims gathered in Mecca. The prophet Mohammed traveled Kaaba on a camel and sacrificed animals. The pilgrims with a heavy heart did not listen to the words of Muhammed, realizing that he was listening to him for the last time.

In Islam for believers, the name is endowed with a sacred value. Mohammed is translated as "worthy praise", "praised". In the Quran, the name of the prophet is repeated four times, in other cases Mohammed is called Nabi ("Prophet"), Rasul ("Bulletin"), ADB ("Slave God"), Shahid ("Witness") and several other names. The full name of the Prophet Mohammed is long: it includes the names of all his ancestors on the male line, starting with Adam. Believers call the preacher Abul Casim.

Mausoleum Mohammed

The day of the Prophet Mohammed - Maulid An-Nabi - celebrate on the 12th day of the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar Rabi al-Avval. Mohammed's birthday is the third to read the date for Muslims. The first and second place is occupied by the Holidays of Uraza Bayram and Kurban Bayram. Under life, the prophet celebrated only them.

The Day of the Prophet Mohammed Descendants celebrate prayers, good deeds, stories about the wonders of the saint. The holiday of the prophet's birthday was 300 years after the arrival of Islam. The history of the life of Mohammed (Mohameta, Magomeda, Mohammed) Single in the book of Azerbaijani writer Husein Javid. The drama is called the "Prophet".

About the central figure of Islam, not one dozen films was removed. In the mid-1970s, the American-Arabic painting of Mustafa Akkada "Message (Muhammad Messenger of God) was released on the screens. In 2008, the audience saw the 30-serial series "Moon of the Schashim", filmed by the film studios of Jordan, Syria, Sudan and Lebanon. The film "Muhammad - Messenger of the Most High" director Majid Madzhidi, who was held in 2015, was removed about the life and character of the saint.

Personal life

Hadija surrounded the young husband maternal custody. Mohammed, freed from the trouble and trade affairs, dedicated the time of religion. Union with Hadidge turned out to be generous for children, but sons died. After the death of his beloved spouse, Mohammed has repeatedly married, but the number of wives of the prophet sources are called different. In some indicate 15, in others - 23, of which the physical relationship Muhammed had from 13.

Sign of the Prophet Mohammed.

British Arabist and Professor of the University of Edinburgh William Montgomery Watt in works on the history of Islam reveals the reason for the various number of Wives of the Prophet: the tribes, claiming related ties with the saints, was attributed to Mohammed female tribmennels. The Prophet Muhammed was married to a koranic ban, allowing to marry four times.

Researchers converge in the opinion that the prophet had 13 wives. He heads the list of Hadija Bandage Flying, who married Mohammed, contrary to the parental will. Historians argue that none of the subsequent wives of the Prophet did not take the place in his heart, which Hadidge got.

Of the 12 wives, who appeared after the first, beloved are called Aisha Bandage Abu Bakr. This is the third spouse of the Prophet Mohammed. Aisha - the daughter of Khalifa, it is called the greatest of the seven scholars of Islam of their time.

All children of the Prophet, except the son of Ibrahim, gave birth to Hadija. She gave her husband seven offspring, but the boys died in infancy. The daughters of Mohammed lived before the prophetic father's mission began, accepted Islam and moved from Mecca to Medina. All except Fatima died before the Father. Fatima's daughters did not fall six months after the death of the Great Father.


The health of the Prophet Mohammed worsened after a farewell Hajj in Medina. The Messenger of Allah, having collected the remaining forces, visited the graves of Shahidov and committed a funeral Namaz. Returning to Medina, the Prophet until the last day saved a clear mind and memory. He said goodbye to his relatives and followers, asked for forgiveness, he distributed the savings with the beggar and let go of slaves. The fever intensified, and on the night of June 8, 632, the Prophet Mohammed died.

The grave of the Prophet Mohammed.

Women were not allowed to abandon the body, washed the late men 'relatives. I buried the envoy of Allah in the clothes in which he died. Three days of believers said goodbye to the Prophet Mohammed. The grave was pulled out in the place where he died - in the house of Aisha's wife. Later over the ashes, the mosque was erected, which became the shrine of the Muslim world.

Pilgrimage to Medina, where Mohammed is buried, is considered an awry business. Journey to Medina believers are committed along with pilgrimage in Mecca. The mosque in Medina is inferior in the size of the mosque in Mecca, but is striking by beauty. It is built of pink granite and decorated with gold, chasing and mosaic. In the center of the mosque - a global hut, where the prophet Mohammed, and the grave of the saint.


  • "Leave the doubt inspiring you and turn to the fact that you do not cause doubt, because the truth is calm, but a false doubt."
  • "Let your language constantly enjoy the commemoration of Allah."
  • "The most beloved of good deeds before God is that constantly, even if it is insignificant."
  • "Religion is lightness."
  • "What are you, these are those who rule you."
  • "Expansing excessive scrupuls and excessive rigor will die."
  • "Mount to you! Hold on the mother's feet, there is paradise! ".
  • "Paradise is in the shade of your swords."
  • "My Allah, I resort to you from the knowledge of useless ...".
  • "A person with those whom he loved."
  • "The believer is not horrified twice from the same hole."

Interesting Facts

  • The words "If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain" Relationship to the activities of the Prophet Mohammed do not have. The expression is based on the story about Hosting Nasreddin. The British scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon in his book "Moral and political essays" replaced Khoja on Mohammed, submitting its own version of the story about Hoj.
  • London magazine "Time Out" called the Prophet Mohammed by the first ecologist.
  • Kefir fungus was previously called "Prophet's millet". According to the legend, under this name, the secret of His growing Mohammed handed over to residents of the Caucasus.
Kefir fungus
  • Mohammed, presumably, suffered from epilepsy with convulsive attacks and twilight permanent of consciousness. In the Quran it is reported that unbelievers called the prophet obsessed. But in the Qur'an, it is also said that "Mohammed by the grace of the Lord is a prophet and is not obsessed."
  • The footprint of the prophet Mohammed, imprinted in a stone, is stored in Turbean - Mausoleum in Eupe (Istanbul).
Footprint of the Prophet Mohammed
  • The main miracle of Mohammed Muslim theologians consider Koran. Despite the fact that the authorship of the Quran in non-Muslim sources can be attributed to Mohammad himself, the devotees of the Hadith say that his speech was not similar to the Kranic.
  • Outstanding artistic advantages of the Quran are recognized by all connoisseurs of Arabic literature. According to Bernhard Weiss, mankind for his entire medieval, new and modern history could not write anything like the Koran.
  • In the Quran there is a legend of bread, similar to the story about how Jesus fed five thousand people with five breads and two fish.

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