Sansa Stark - History of the Character "Games of Thrones", Actress, photos, quotes


Character History

Sansa Stark is entering the Pleiad of the main characters of the series "Game of Thrones", filmed based on George Martin's novels "Song of Ice and Flame". The dreamer, from childhood, fond of stories about the knight's exploits, represented itself in a pair with a noble and valiant hero. But graceful, naive and incredibly charming girl prepared hard fate.

George Martin

However, encountered with cruel reality, she found the strength to stand out. In a bloody epic, where dozens of characters have already died for seven seasons, Sansa is still alive. Tyrion Lannister, a representative of the royal house, I am sure that the magnificent master of the "famous world" would have turned out of the girl. There is enough self-catering, mind and innate sense of debt.

Character character and plot

The author of the saga, where the events are unfolded in reminiscent of the Middle Ages of the fictional world, when creating a heroine, relied on the image and details of the life of Anna Neville. The wife of the Son of the English king Heinrich VI Lancaster after the overthrow of the dynasty married Richard III. A man who wore the title of duke, ascended the throne.

Anna Neville - Prototype Sansse Stark

Starting from the fifth season of the series, the fate of Santa Stark dispelled with the life of the heroine, settled in Martin's books, and in some moments reminds the fate of another epic character - Lia-Aria (Janie Pul). In the novel of the American Writer, the girl first got out of arrey, and then made his wife Ramsi Bolton.

SANSA - Daughter Eddard Stark, heads of the great house Winterfelle, Guardian of the North. At the time of the beginning of the narrative, the girl was 11 years old, and already at this age Sansa knows the price of power and money. The heroine is growing surrounded by the brothers and sisters of Aria, among relatives - the named Brother John Snow, Bastard Stark. This key character of Sansa's epic is honing, imitating mother that hates illegitimate sibling husband.

Sansa Stark and John Snow

Each child in the family of storks belonged to Lutvolchonokok - the cub was taken from the dead wolf. Animal Sansa named Lady - the smartest one is wicked. The girl, like all the representatives of this generation of Stark, was Varg - a man who can enter the consciousness of the animals and look at the world by their eyes. But after the death of Lady Sansa lost such a gift.

One day a grand event was happening in the house of Starks: the father of the family was appointed King's hand (second person in the state). On this occasion, the ownership of the owner of the kingdom of Robert Barateon and Son Joffrey visited. Sansu waited for a separate surprise - now she is engaged to the heir to the throne, which is immensely glad. After all, ahead is a beautiful, cloudless life next to a lubricant husband, to which she is already experiencing love.

Sansa Stark and Joffrey Barateon

But the joy was short. Gradually, a sealing and cynical nature of the future spouse opens in front of the girl. According to the fault, Joffrey kill Lutovolchitsa Sansa, innocent boy (son of the butcher) dies from the hands of Sandora of the Cleaning, the bodyguard of the prince, and the warm relationship with the sister Arya turn into hostility. Later, the heir to the state did not restrain the promise and executed the refused by the claims to the throne of the Stark.

Sansa was hostage in the royal harbor. Now the future life seems like a girl is not so rainbow - the air locks collapsed, and she understood that it was dealing with the monster. The prince mocks yesterday's bride (there is no speech about marriage already), ordering to beat it, presses morally with words and actions.


In the royal harbor, Sansa became friends with the family of Tirelles who arrived - Margery and her grandmother deer, who wanted to give the northeast to marry her relative. However, a representative of a notable kind of starks is hastily issue a marriage of the queen's brother, Dwarf Tyrion Lannerner, who manifests his care and promises not to touch at night. Sansa, although he is experiencing physical disgust, is immensely grateful to this noble man - the only worthy man from the royal family.

After the death of Joffrey Sancer Stark managed to run with the help of the Treasurer of Petire Badylis, nicknamed Mysinetse. The man in his youth was in love with the mother of Sansu, but received a refusal, now his heart belongs to his daughter. The girl hid in the childbirth nest of the little finger, but it became dangerous there, and Beilish promised to take it where the representatives of the royal dynasty could not find it. The heroine is again started in the run, dreaming of returning to Winterfelle - the native house has long been captured by the Bolton family.


To return the north, the little finger persuades Sansu to marry the cruel to the manicity of Ramsi Bolton. There is nothing to fear, because soon the castle is liberated, and the girl will become the keeper of the North. So the heroine reaches a tormentor again. Family life begins with a bedside scene in which Ramsey simply rapes a young wife. The bolongs army of boltons broke the opponent, so Sansa is solved on escape. This time the path led to the Black Castle, where he serves the elder brother - John Snow.

The reunited family of storks gathered an army and disinterested in boluts the generic home of Winterfelle. Sansa personally dismissed Ramsey for the caused flour, pulling his hungry dogs to her husband.

A little later, a girl is waiting for a meeting with Baleish, who admitted that he only dreams about one thing - to take an iron throne with her and rule the family kingdoms. When Sansu was appointed at the request of John by the Ladyman of the North, the girl accused the Mizinz in treason and allowed Arie's younger sister who returned from the wanderings to his throat.

Soap opera

The series "The Game of Thrones" started in the spring of 2011. After the release of the first series of Sansa Stark found the army of fans, and in the future the popularity spawned fan fiction and memes. The role of a representative of a notable kind from House Winterfelle went to Young Sophie Turner. In the form of Sansa Static, high (the growth of the actress is 175 cm) the girl looks great. The opportunity to participate in the series turned out to be a fateful, turning Sophie to one of the most sought-after Hollywood actipers.

Actress Sophie Turner

For casting, the starting 15-year-old actress had to repaint blond hair in redheads. The tint so loved Turner that it is still true to him. The girl, in essence, grew up with Sansa, crirking with the heroine so much that once admitted:

"We have become one. When I read the script, I can cry at those moments when something happens to her. There is a real connection between us - I feel everything that she feels. "

At the samples, the actress came with the close friend of Macy Williams, who went to the role of Arus Stark. On the set of Sophie made friends with Lina Hidi (Sersa Lannister) and Natalie Dormer (Margery Tirell).

Sophie Turner as Sansse Stark

Costumes for television sails were awl by hand, the seams refused even from overlock. Clothes decorate an intricate embroidery, which also carefully created, armed with simple needles. Sophie Turner told that he wore corset, beautifully embroidered dragonfly. This detail of the wardrobe did not see the viewer - she always hid her dress.

Interesting Facts

  • Beauty Sophie Turner played in a school theater in childhood. In the interview, he recalled that a bright way that she managed to realize, began to ruin in the production of the "Wizard from Oz".
  • Fees in the actors of the series are impressive. For example, Sophie Turner shortly after the start of the film epopaya bought an apartment in London.
Actress Sophie Turner and Dog Zunni
  • Hand-made Wolf Sansa played a large dog that Turner after filming took home and called Zunni.
  • In the cosplay on the "Game of Thrones" Eva Berger lit up. The former Literature Teacher from Tula, who made a career in Western Pornidentia, reincarnated in Sansu Stark. We must recognize, externally Eva and Sophie are very similar.


"And what if my brother gives me your head?" "Knights give a vow to protect weak, especially women, and fight for the right thing, but none of them even moved a finger with a finger." "When the snow falls and blows white winds, A lone wolf is dying, but the flock lives. "" Tomorrow you die, Lord Bolton. Good night. "Your words will disappear. Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All the memory of you will disappear. "" It is a pity that it is impossible to go back on that day and scream yourself: "Starting, stupid!" "Pity kills the desire." "Politeness - Lady Armor". "There are gods, and the real knights are also there. All stories can not be about them. "

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