Yuri Izkov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Trucks, Series 2021



Yuri Izkov is an actor, the creative biography of which consists of numerous roles in the cinema and theater. Yuri Leonidovich's career is an example of the fact that a purposeful person in love with his own profession is capable of successful at any age. Despite the fact that many of the roles of ICSKov were far from the main ones, the actor is invariably remembered by the audience sincere play.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Leonidovich was born in Moscow on May 29, 1950. The father of the future star worked as a scene and director, the mother was actress. It is not surprising that from the early years, the boy was surrounded by the magic of the scene. Little Yuri was often behind the scenes of theaters in which parents served. Later, ICC admits that he never imagined other fate besides acting.

After graduating from school, the young man went to conquer the Commission of theatrical universities of the capital. However, the first time did not succeed. Then Izkov, a faithful dream, went to Vladivostok, where he entered the State Institute of Arts. In 1970, released from the educational institution, Yuri Leonidovich moved to Irkutsk, where he began his actor career in the dramatic theater.


In the youth of Izkov, he went on the scene of the Irkutsk theater. In 1979, the actor, adopting an invitation of the director Arthur Haykina, went to Omsk. There, Yuri Leonidovich worked in the urban drama theater. In the account of the role of the role in the performances of the "Lecker of Injury" in the Molver, "Dustpannica" and "Wolves and Sheep" Ostrovsky, "Three Sisters" Chekhov and others.

In 2001, the actor replaced the place of residence. Now the choice fell on the Northern Capital - St. Petersburg. The artist joined the troupe of the famous Satire Theater, which is on Vasilyevsky Island. There, the acting baggage Yuri Leonidovich was replenished with roles in the "marriage of Figaro", performances of the "Academy of laughter", "King Lire", "The Strength of Habit". Yuri from nature is low (168 cm), but his charisma and acting charm allow you to keep the attention of the hall and tear the stormy applause.


Film-knowledge came to Yuri Yankov already in adulthood, although the on-screen debut of the actor took place in 1989. We are talking about the film "Who in Russia live ...", in which Yuri Leonidovich got the role of genes.

In 2000, the filmography of Izkova began to gradually replenish new works. The first notable roles went to the actor in the series.

One of the bright heroes of the artist was the Krasnoyarsk thief in the law Croat from the multi-sized painting "Gangster Petersburg". Yuriy Leonidovich did not doubt a minute when he was called to the project, but the image thought out thoroughly so that the character had the weight and something in the plot was changed - without this depth, he believes the actor, it makes no sense to act.

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A talented game was loved by the audience, and the name of Yuri Leonidovich became recognizable.

2006 presented the actor a long-awaited major role in the series "The Secret Service of His Majesty". Izkov played an experienced detective, who is on the shoulder, or rather "by the mind" any, even the most hitromed tricks of criminals. The second leading role was performed by Yuri Tarasov.

The artist happened to be removed in the West. Such work was tape João Nunu Pintu "America" ​​with Chulpan Hamaya in the lead role. The shooting took place in Portugal, in Lisbon, and brought a great pleasure to Izkov. Free schedule allowed the actor to enjoy the city and get acquainted with local traditions.

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With another famous and in the west artist, Vladimir Mashkov, Yuri Leonidovich met at the site of the biographical drama "Grigory R.", where he performed the role of the hermit of the antipa of the sowing. The picture did not cost without incident: the Hero of Izkova was to sink in the swamp in the plot, but the clothes created a bubble that pushed the performer to the surface. Cascaders had to fix at the bottom of the branch, holding for which Yuriy Leonidovich could finally dive into depth.

In the TV series "Investigator Tikhonov", the artist embodied the image of the Mura Expertist. The company in the frame was Mikhail Efremov, whose skill Leonid Yuryevich is sincerely admire. In an interview dedicated to the picture, he wished the audience to pay more attention to not the personal lives of actors, but their professionalism on the screen.

The role of the Designer Boris Dashtoka went to Izkov in a historical film about the exit to the open space "Time of First". Carefully working on the details, the authors of the paintings were resorted to the help of astronaut Alexey Leonov, the image of which in the frame embodied Evgeny Mironov. The tape received high critics ratings, but the public has caused an ambiguous reaction.

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The character of Yuri Leonidovich in the rating series Ivanov-Ivanov was used by special love of the audience. The actor appeared in all seasons of television film in the role of the father of the main character. Izkov is proud of the recognition of fans, but the last roles are caused by him and reasons for sadness.

The Contractor believes that in modern cinema the roles for adult artists are practically not written, unlike the Soviet period, when a person as a separate story was interesting in any age.

At the Film Festival "Window to Europe" in the winter of 2020, a film was presented with the participation of Yuri Leonidovich in the genre of Arthaus "Feel". The director and the author of Vitaly Saltykov's scenario as an epigraph of Drama used a quote from the Bible "The Spirit breathes, where he wants, and you hear him, and you don't know where it comes and where it goes out" and revealed it in the context of events on the verge of life and death.

Personal life

The personal life of the actor has developed as smoothly as a professional. Izkov is married. The happy chief of Yuri Leonidovich became Nadezhda Zhudiderman, with which a man met in 1981. Yitkova's wife is also an actress, she graduated from a music school at the Omsk Theater, where he studed at the acting faculty. Her father is famous in the city coach on cycling. At the time of the wedding, the bride turned 18 years old, and the bridegroom - 29. Together, the spouses went on the scene of the Omsk Theater.

In his youth, Lgoroderova was often shot and even played in the first Soviet erotic film "ChP of a district scale", where Igor Bochkin appeared on her partner. Frank shooting of the wife did not cause Juriu Leonidovich in Yuri. On the contrary, he appreciated the professional level of hope.

A man admits that the married union is the result of severe daily labor over himself and on relationships. In the artist's family, not everything is so smooth, as it may seem from the side. It happens, the actors find out the relationships on elevated colors. But spouses can find mutual understanding and keep home comfort. There are no common children from Yuri and hope.

Yuri Yitkov now

Now the actor continues to work on permanent projects and with hunting is taken for new roles.

In the spring of 2021, the TV series "Mur-Moore" Yitkov got the role of Vasilich - Zagokhoz in the police station. The director Ilya Kazankov was in an interview about the film based on the materials of the Great Patriotic War, he said that, in his opinion, this tape of the undetented war, thanks to which the current generation lives.

On the scene of the native theater on Vasilyevsky Yuri Leonidovich is involved in the play "Moisan" on the first play of Maxim Gorky. The setting entered the Long-leaf of the Golden Mask, with an indication, especially note the actor Yuri Izkov.


  • 2002 - "Emperor's love"
  • 2002 - "Time to Love"
  • 2003 - "Lines of Fate"
  • 2005 - "Time to collect stones"
  • 2007 - "Payback"
  • 2009 - "Admiral"
  • 2010 - "Ligovka"
  • 2012 - "White Guard"
  • 2014 - "Angel's Heart"
  • 2015 - "Tikhonov Investigator"
  • 2016 - "Shakal"
  • 2017 - "Time of First"
  • 2017 - "Personality is not installed"
  • 2018 - "Year of Pigs"
  • 2019 - "Narchar"
  • 2019 - "Alex Luty"
  • 2019 - "Kumir"
  • 2021 - "Mur-Moore"

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