Nikolai Ezhov - biography, photo, personal life, NKVD



By 1936, the situation in the country was firmly controlled by Stalin, but the leader did not have complete confidence that its dominant position was finally fixed. Therefore, it was necessary to urgently do what absolute power could establish, for example, to speed up the thesis of the class struggle. The head of the NKVD Nikolai Ivanovich Ezhnov VMIs acquired a nicknamer Blood Commissioner, because with his light hand many people were doomed to death.

Childhood and youth

Biographical information about Nicolae Ivanovich Herbore is extremely contradictory. For now, it is only known that the future drug addict was born on April 9 (May 1) of 1895 in the usual family, in which he brought up with his brother and sister.

People's Commissar Nikolai Ezhov

There are no reliable information about the parents of the "Stalinsky Pet". According to one of the versions, the father of the party leader Ivan Yezhov was a foundryman, on the other, the head of the family served in Lithuania, where he married a local girl, and then, putting on his feet, settled in Zemskaya guard. But, according to some information, the father of Nikolai Ivanovich was a janitor who retired at the home of the owner.

Nikolai Ezhov in youth

Kohl visited a secondary school, but he managed to study only two or three years. Subsequently, Nikolai Ivanovich in the column "Education" wrote the "unfinished lower". But, despite this, Nikolai was a competent person and rarely admitted spelling and punctuation errors in his letters.

After school bench, in 1910, hedders went to a relative in the city on the Neva, in order to teach the tailoring case. This craft had to Nikolai Ivanovich not to taste, but he recalled, as, being a 15-year-old teenager, was addicted to homosexual joy, however, with the ladies of heroes, too.

Nikolai Ezhov in youth

A year later, the young man threw sewing and settled a student of a locksmith. In the summer of 1915, hedges voluntarily went to the Russian Imperial Army. During the service, Nikolai Ivanovich was not distinguished by any merit, because it was translated into a non-construction battalion because of its growth in 152 cm. Thanks to such a physique, the dwarf hedges looked ridiculous even from the left flank.


In May 1917, hedges received a party ticket RCP (b). Nothing is known about the further revolutionary activities of the drug addict. Two years after the Bolshevik coup Nikolai Ivanovich, was called up to the Red Army, where he served on the basis of the rewriter.

During the service of the heroes, he showed himself an activist and quickly rose at the service staircase: after six months, Nikolai Ivanovich was delivered to the Radotoscola Commissioner. Before becoming a bloody commissioner, Ezhnov was the way from the Obkom secretary to the head of the Orgraspredde of the Central Committee of the CPP (b).

Nikolai Ezhov and Joseph Stalin

In the winter of 1925, Nikolai Ivanovich met the party apparatus Ivan Moskvin, who in 1927 invited herself to his instructor in the department. Ivan Mikhailovich gave a positive characteristic to his subordinate.

And indeed, hedges had a phenomenal memory, and the wishes of the leadership never remained unnoticed. Nikolai Ivanovich obeyed unquestionably, but he had a significant drawback - the politician did not know how to stop.

"Sometimes there are such situations when it is impossible to do something, it is necessary to stop. Heds - does not stop. And sometimes you have to follow him, in time to stop ... ", - shared Moskvitin memories.

In November 1930, Nikolai Ivanovich met his owner - Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin.


Until 1934, Nikolai Ivanovich headed the orgraduate, and in 1933-1934 hedges entered the Central Commission of the WCP (b) on the "cleaning" of the party. Also resided by the positions of the Chairman of the CCP and the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). In 1934-1935, politician with filing his host participated in the case of killing. Stalin did not accidentally send a comrade of Jobs to Leningrad to understand the history of the death of Sergey Mironovich, because a friend of the berry was no longer trusted.

Nikolai Ezhov and Joseph Stalin

Kirov's death was a reason to be used by Nikolai Ezhnov and leadership: he, having no evidence, declared criminals Zinoviev and Kamenev. This gave the push of the "Kirov flow" - rehearsals of large-scale Stalinist repression.

The fact is that after what happened to Sergey Mironovich, the government announced the "final eradication of all the enemies of the working class", which was why mass political arrests followed.

Nikolai Ezhov

Heds worked as it was necessary to lead. Therefore, it is not surprising that on September 25, 1936, being on vacation in Sochi, Zhdanov and Stalin sent a urgent telegram to the Central Committee with a request to appoint Jesova to the post of the Commissar of the Interior.

Here, the small growth of Nicholas Jesova was, by the way, because Stalin surrounded himself by people who could look down. If you believe the log records of visitors, then hedges appeared in the Secretary General's office every day, and only Vyacheslav Molotov was ahead of him at the frequency of arrival.

Nikolai Ezhov in the podium

According to rumors, Nikolai Ivanovich brought in the office of Stalin, the lists of people doomed to death, and the leader put ticks only opposite familiar names. Consequently, the death of hundreds and tens of thousands of people were on the conscience of the People's Commissar.

It is known that Nikolai Ivanovich observed for the shooting of Zinoviev and Kamenev. And then he pulled the bullets from the corpses that signed the surnames of the dead and kept them at his desk as a trophy.

Steel Yellow Mittens

In 1937-1938, the so-called big terror was included in the story - the time when Stalinist repressions reached their apogee. Also this time is called "Yehovshchina" thanks to the Stakhanovskiy work of the People's Commissar, who replaced Henry Yody.

Supporters of Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev, as well as the "social and harmful elements" and the criminals, and the Donos, contrary to popular belief, did not play a big role. Torture was also common in which the drug addict was personally.

Personal life

Heds was a man secretly, and many who know about his character, they were afraid to start a close relationship with him, because Nikolai Ivanovich did not gent one - no friends, nor loved ones. Under the opal, even his former chiefs who gave the hedgehog positive recommendations.

Nikolai Ezhov with family

He also sat down and orgy, in which both men and women participated. Therefore, it is believed that Nikolai Ivanovich was not blue, but bisexual. Often, the former drinking companions were later "declassified" as "enemies of the people." Among other things, he sang quite well, but could not be established on the opera stage because of his physical disadvantage.

Natalia Hutina, Reception Daughter Nicholas Jesova

As for personal life, Antonina Alekseevna Titova, and the second - Eugene Solomonovna, who allegedly committed suicide, was the first chief of Nikolai Ivanovich, and the second is Evgenia Solomonovna. But, according to the incomplete information, the Nikolai Ivanovich pointed his wife, fearing that her connection would be revealed with Trotskyists. There were no own children. In the family of the enemy, Natalia Hutina's adopted daughter was brought up, which after the death of the parents was sent in the orphanage.


The death of Nikolai Ivanovich was preceded by OPAL: after the bonuses (allegedly he prepared the state coup), the government was discussed at the Commissar, Nikolai Ivanovich asked for resignation, Win himself is that "cleaned up" the insufficient number of Chekists, just 14 thousand people.

Nikolai Ezhov in recent years

During the interrogation of heels, it was beaten almost to death. Nikolai Ivanovich arrested George Malenkov and the Lavrenty Beria.

"I have such crimes for which I can shoot me and I will say about them after, but those crimes that I am imposed by the accusatory conclusion in my case, I did not commit and do not know ...", - Nikolai Ivanovich said. In the last word in court.

On February 3, 1940, hedges was sentenced to shooting. Before the execution of the former addict sang "International" and, according to the memories of the executioner from Lubyanka Peter Frolova, cried. In honor of Nikolai Ivanovich, the streets, cities and villages called, filmed documentaries. True, the name of the People's Commissars Objects was worn only from 1937 to 1939.

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