Svyatogor - History of heroes, characteristics, epics, mythology


Character History

Mighty Giant Svyatogor is the strongest character of the Old Russian epic. However, the hero does not fight enemies and does not guard the land of Russia, it appears in the testes for instructive lessons and as a symbol of vigorous needless strength. The Giant is noticed in only five legends, in two company he is Ilya Muromets.


The origin of the Siberian Sea is laid in Slavic mythology: the Giant has to be the son of God-Creator Rod. The task of the hero is to guard the world of Javi from the invasion of evil mandes from Navi. You can get into the reality through the entrance, which is located near the foot of the pillar holding the sky. The world tree (so called the pillar) was in the Holy Mountains - hence the name of the Giant. On the other side of the "barricades", at the entrance to Nava, they dressed three dark giants - Gorynychi, who tried not to let the souls of the dead, thirsting to escape. Svyatogor was in constant confrontation with Goryna, Dubey and Sleeping.

Bogatyr Svyatogor

During the board, Tsargrad, the Bogatyr-Giant learned his fate: according to the prophecy, his wife is intended to be a monster of snake blood, living in the seabed depths. Svyatogor was upset, but still went to search for the bride. The mythical hero hit the island, abandoned by people, where it came across the snake. From fright hit her with a sword, left Altyn and disappeared.

In the image of the snake was the beauty of the tsarina in the name of the film. After hitting the spell Palo, the girl managed to multiply the money left for the giant and revive the island - people returned to the ground of the earth, the temples and palaces rose. The film decided to increase the gold and gems of trade in Tsargrad, where and went. Here the heroine met with Svyatogor, married him and gave birth to a bunch of children from which many people of the world originate.

Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets

When the road to the kingdom of heavenly gods opened, Svyatogor, putting one mountain to another, appeared to the race. The Vladyka, the Giant asked him to give it an incomplete force so that no God or the Spirit could compare with him. The generous sending performed the desire of the Siberian Sea, but the preinhibition that the Hero of the Human trick and a stone will win. So it came out - the daughter had to give the worker to the worm of the Wanger, and the black stone of Veles, who had an earthly craving, drove the giant to the ground at the very belt. Svyatogor turned into Mount Ararat.

The story of the character echoes the heroes of the ancient Greek legends - Titan Atlant lives in them, married to the ocean of Pleione and subsequently the rock.

Image and legends

From mythology, Svyatogor migrated to the epic. The hero appears in late folk legends as "useless" bogatyr, because it does not make brilliant feats, and his power does not lead to anything good. Researchers believe that Svyatogor personified an uncontrolled animal power, which is doomed to death.

Russian Bogatyr Svyatogor pulls SUMA

The characteristic of the hero is impressive: the huge giant moves on the same big horse - "Above the forests of standing, below the Walking clouds." The head is crowned with a helmet that touches clouds. An early attribute of the image was the eagle sitting on his right hand. When Mighty Svyatogor jumps on the ground, the rivers overlook the shores, and the forests pegs.

The character appears in the eponym with three plot lines. In one legend, it praises strength and assures that it would be easy to turn the earth. Steamer Mikula Selyaninovich decided to joke above Silanovich, giving out a Suma with the "craving", which Svyatogor failed to raise - only left his feet deep into the ground. Here and ended his life. In another fairy tale, Mikulah, poached heroes, told the secret of Sumy.

Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovich

Two options have and epics with Ilya Muromers. One day, Svyatogor met with the Russian hedgehog, who began to beat the Giant Palcers, but that shocks - that mosquito bites. To calm the opponent, Svyatogor shoved Ilya along with a horse in his pocket. In the way, the heroes stumbled upon a stone coffin, in which Svyatogor jokes decided to lie down and could not remove the lid. Dying, exhaled part of the mighty power Ilya Muromtsu.

Another legend says about the treason of the wife of the Siberian Bogatury. Ilya Muromets fell asleep with a sweet sleep under the oak in a clean field. Three days later, the giant was rushing onto the horse with a storm from a crystal, in which he hid a beautiful spouse. While he was squeezed out of the far road, the wife of OhMurila Ilya and secretly placed in his husband's pocket. When the secret revealed, Svyatogor killed the wrong thing, but he became friends with Muromer.

Svyatogor and his wife

The third epic story tells about the marriage of a giant, with minor changes repeating the plot of mythology. Mikula Selyaninovich sent the Siberianwaling Blacksmith to a clairvoyant fork, so that he told the details of further fate. Koval pooded a guest in the bride of a monster from the Primorsky Kingdom, which after hitting the sword turned into a beauty. Hearing about the girl of the charming appearance, Svyatogor went wrapped around. After the marriage, I noticed a scar on my wife's chest and believed that the fate would just no longer go around.

In culture

Svyatogor is inferior in popularity in culture and art to other heroes. The hero is mentioned in the legendary fairy tale Ilya Muromets, filmed by the director Alexander Ptushko in 1956. In the tape created by the reasons, as well as the works of Alexander Pushkin, the primary bogatyr receives a giant sword as a gift.

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Modern children are familiar with Svyatogor. In the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake" (2004), the sword is already going to Aleche, but here the character, which is represented as the Rostov pop, handles weapons. I voiced him Ivan Krako.

Connoisseurs of painting have the opportunity to admire the picture "Svyatogor", written by Nikolai Roerich in 1938. The artist has repeatedly applied to the theme of the epic heroes, seeking to transfer the power of the Russian people. The giant is depicted against the background of snow-covered mountains, which it remains a mystery. Perhaps Himalayas, because the painter created another masterpiece in the expedition on Central Asia.

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In Svyatogore, Russian and Eastern elements are combined: the hero is dressed as a typical old Russian warrior, but the features of the Asian face. The picture is the exhibit of the Moscow Museum of the Narods of the East.

In Kolomna in the mid-90s of the last century, "Center for the Russian Military Culture" Svyatogor "opened. Children and teenagers comprehend the basics of Russian hand-to-hand combat, fencing, shooting, study mythology, costume story.

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