Denis Manturov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Minister of Industry and Trade RF 2021



About Denis Manturov a lot of things write. It is supposedly a rapid career he is obliged to a happy biography (still the son of a diplomat), successful marriage and protection of Sergey Chezisova, a close friend of Vladimir Putin. However, it is not enough to get into power, it is necessary to keep it there, and Manturova has already recorded into political long-livers.

Childhood and youth

Denis was born on February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. As for the nationality of the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, the media without particular confidence write that he is Russian. By the way, Ego Mama-Housewife in 2017 released a book in which he told about the small homeland - the Hall settlement of the Saratov region. There is mentioned ethnic group of the Mordovian people Eriangan.

Father Denis has many records in the employment record. Valentin Manturov began the secretary of the Komsomol State Secretary, was the Deputy Chairman of the City Executive Committee. Having received education in the field of foreign trade, he worked in the Soviet consulate and headed the cultural center in Bombay, led the department of the Union of Friendship and Culture Societies, held the post of secretary of the USSR in the UN.

In New Russia, the head of the family headed the International Administration of the State Tourism Committee and submitted a department in the United States, entered the Board of the International Humanitarian Federation of Europa Nostra, became president of the National Heritage Guardian Center for the National Center for the National Center for Heritage.

Foloding with parents in the world, Denis returned to his homeland, where he graduated from the Sociological Faculty of Moscow State University, defended the dissertation of the candidate of economic sciences. Later at the Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation acquired a lawyer's diploma.

Personal life

We can say that the personal life of the Minister arranged as a child: with his wife Natalia Kisel studied in the same Russian school in Bombay. At the end of the university, lovers played a wedding.

Manturov's spouse in a specialty maxillofacial and plastic surgeon, doctor medicine, one time was a freelance consultant of the Ministry of Health of Russia. In addition, she, Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Company of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, heads the Department of Improvement of Doctors at the Pirogov University.

Natalia was successful and as a business welmin - owns and manages three centers of plastic and endoscopic surgery, companies selling pharmaceutical and cosmetic goods, was part of the Board of Directors of PJSC "Pension Primorye".

In the family two children. Leonel's daughter graduated from school in Italy, received a bachelor's degree in the Moscow State University of Sociology and Master of Arts, created a company for the production of equipment for equestrian sports and chain stores, wants to open a riding club in Crimea. Internet editions, referring to the photo in the "Instagram" girls, wrote that in 2015 she married some Denis Smirnov.

How things are actually unknown. Also, no one has yet found out why Father Leonel has such a strange sipid voice. But in the network there were reports that Manturov is the owner of Spanish citizenship. Publications still remain without comment.

The son of Eugene studied at the Griboedovskaya gymnasium, then in Switzerland, entered MGIMO. Owns Chinese language, he is fond of boxing, the youngest member of the Russian team for practical shooting, which in 2019 became European champion.

Denis Valentinovich is considered one of the richest members of the government. In 2018, the minister declared 443.4 million rubles., Which is twice as much as the amount earned a year earlier. Family property has real estate in Moscow and on the Black Sea coast. In addition, the official owns a collection of cars, including Land Rover, Moskvich-412, VAZ 2103, Lada Vesta, GAZ-21, Moskvich-408.

Career and politics

In parallel with studying Manturov managed to work in OOO "Aerorepkon", established by Aeroflot. In the last position of the representative abroad, he ranked Evgeny Kisel. Soon, relatives switched to the export of helicopters to the countries of Southeast Asia. Most machines produced the Ulan-Ude air facility, and Kisel became the largest shareholder of the enterprise, and Denis - Deputy General Director.

In the mid-90s, Mantourova had his own business dealer "Bilain", Bell Line Center Center. Attempts to develop a satellite network on its database ended in failure: satellite communications and now cost more cells.

Next, Denis Valentinovich went in the footsteps of the test in the industrial sphere: FSUE "State Investment Corporation", OJSC "United Industrial Corporation", Moscow Helicopter Plant and OKB "Sukhoi", Joint-Stock Company "Krganmashzavod" and "Kamov", NPO "Saturn" and OJSC "Uralvagonzavod". Everywhere Manturov occupied not the last posts, he entered the board of directors, opposed their behalf on professional forums.

Oboronprom is a subsidiary of Rostech. Acquaintance with the head of the corporation Sergey Chezzov "Akumble" by the fact that the talent of a young businessman noticed in the government. Denis moved to the head of the Deputy Head of Minpromenergo. The zone of responsibility included chemical-technological, defense complexes, pharmaceuticals, customs tariff policies.

The official was included in the Government Commission, which was engaged in the prevention of bankruptcy of the system-forming companies and enterprises. After the transition to public service, Manturov had to abandon participation in commercial structures. Some firms are transferred to the Office of the Spouse, others are sold.

In 2019, Father Denis was not. The media found out that the new owner owned by Valentina Ivanovich share in the hotel and restaurant business, which he conducted with the son of Cheekov Stanislav, on the site of tax authorities, the mother of Deputy Minister Tamara Fedorovna is indicated.

Partners own a developer company, an elevating apartments on the Black Sea coast and owning real estate in Moscow. The interests of the Manturova Elder also applied to the cultivation of grain in the Krasnodar Territory.

In 2012, Denis made a temporary head of the Ministry of Industry, and after a few months presented as a new minister of industry and trade.

In addition, members of the Board of the State Corporation Rostech elected Manturov Chairman of the Supervisory Board. He made a lot in this post: struggled with counterfeit products, punished entrepreneurs who produced products not in accordance with Goste.

In 2016, the head of Minpromtorga appointed the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation". Denis Valentinovich believed that this industry requires close attention.

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Under the leadership of Manturova, civil diversification began on defense enterprises. The agency coordinated the release of cars "Aurus" and "tuple" on which the president drives. International sanctions to some extent went to the benefit of Russia, as many new enterprises for the production of food, drugs and other goods have appeared. Industry began to increase power.

The minister performed for the introduction of private ownership of forest land, for the widespread use of 3-D printing in the industry, introduced the "Third Extra" principle into the procedure. This is when foreign companies have the right to participate in the auction, only if the competition is compiled by at least two Russian.

True, in minus the ministry recorded the ineffective spending of funds for the creation of a "Superjet 100" aircraft, a failure with the launcher of the MS-21 liner. The scandal also caused publications about foreign business trips of the Ministry of Industry, during which they lived in hotel rooms worth hundreds of thousand rubles per day.

Denis Manturov Now

The main news in the Russian policy of the beginning of the 2020th - the resignation of the government of Dmitry Medvedev. Manturova had to worry about this in 2018, when Prime Minister Vladimir Putin re-elected to the post of head of state and suggested the vacant place now formerly the head of the Cabinet of Ministers.
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Medvedev retained the position of the first person of the Ministry of Industry to Denis Valentinovich. After 2 years, the new chairman of the government Mikhail Mishustin reassigned him for this post.

First of all, the Minister stated that the agency will consolidate the efforts of electronic, chemical, metallurgical industries to ensure support of government plans. Special attention was paid to the issues of digitalization and availability of technologies.


  • Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • Order of Honor
  • Order of Friendship
  • The medal of the Order "For Services to Fatherland" II degree
  • Honorary Government of the Russian Federation

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