Ivan Pereverzev - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



It is not for nothing in honor of this actor, which has one of the vessels of the Azov shipping company in his piggy bank, is called one of the courts of the Azov shipping company. After all, he gave the audience the charismatic Admiral Ushakov, who was not afraid of difficulties. In fact, Ivan Fedorovich was one of the most popular Soviet actors who presented the audience of cult characters from the world of cinema.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Pereverzev was born on August 21 (September 3) of 1914 in the Oryol region in a small village, which previously wore the name Kuzminika. The boy grew and brought up in a conventional peasant family, which neither on iota was not approached by creativity. Parents of the future artist of art instilled their child's love for labor, so in the young years, Pereverzev was distinguished by excellent health.

Full Ivan Pereverzev

It is worth noting that initially Ivan Fedorovich did not want to devote his life to acting craft. The young man of Ryano wanted to enroll in a nautical school, but the will of the Fate is the dream of Ivan and failed to come true. The fact is that the mother and father of Ivan hoped that their son would receive a "real specialty", and sent it to Moscow, so that he fastened the Aza craftsmanship.

After graduating from a specialized school in the capital, Pereverzev got a worker at the Balchovenic Plant with a specialty fitter. It can be said that Ivan Fedorovich was at lectures on acting skills by chance: the friend of Pereverzeva persuaded a friend to try his happiness and submit documents to the School in the Theater of the Revolution.

Ivan Pereverzev in youth

Ivan managed to make a positive impression on the adoptive commission, but the comrade of Pereverzeva remained with anything. Ivan Fedorovich was a diligent student, therefore, he was listed for teachers in a good account.

After the young man graduated from learning, in 1938, in the direction of Mikhail Astangov Ivan began to perform on the stage of the theater of the Revolution Theater, however, all two roles were awarded. He played the "classic avenger" Laerta from the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet", and also reincarnated in Valentine in the "Two Veronea".


Of course, Ivan Fedorovich was remembered by the avid kinomanam, because in filmography of the famous actor more than seventy remarkable works, among which there are paintings that have become cult. But few people know that the Creative Biography of Pereverzeva began in 1932, then still as a student, Ivan Fedorovich appeared in the mass aim of the film "Deserter", and then he received a small role in the film "Private Life Peter Vinogradov" (1934).

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Although in this film, the reverils appeared and fleecely, but he worked on one set with a kinematic gurus: Vsevolod Sanaev, Tatiana Barysheva and Boris Livanov. In 1940, an actor with an increase in 184 cm tried on the image of the state and confident Gregory from the comedy Joseph Rither "My Love".

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This cult picture tells about typical Soviet youth, which is working in the afternoon not to twist the hands, and in the evenings receive higher education. But even in connection with such a dense schedule, the main characters of film guards have managed to dig in personal problems. In addition to Ivan Fedorovich, Lydia Smirnova played in the film, Vladimir Chobur and Oleg Solus.

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A year later, the actor awarded the lead role in the Drama "Guy from Taiga". In the same 1941th, Pereverzev carried his children's dream and reincarnated in Alexander was found - brave and courageous captain of the ship. Also in this picture, Ivan Bobrov, Leon Rakhlenko, Nikolai Komissarov, Osip Abdulov and Yevgeny Ageev.

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It is worth saying that Ivan Fedorovich Pereverzev is a diverse actor. For example, if in the picture "Ivan Nikulin is a Russian sailor" (1944), he tried an image of a fan of sea adventures, then in the fairy tale "Magic Grain" the actor appeared in front of the TV viewers as a warrior master on all hands. Also in the historical drama "court of honor", the erudite man of Ivan Ivanovich Petrenko, who headed the clinical department.

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In 1947, the actor awarded the peak of popularity, playing in the comedy Andrei Frolov "First Glove". It is noteworthy that this humorous tape ranked third in the Soviet film distribution of 1947. In 1952, Ivan Fedorovich played in the Sadko fairy tale, which is still loved by both children and adults. The plot tells about the Novgorod trader who can fure every listener with the game on the husls.

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In this good and moral picture, Sergey Stolyarov, Alla Larionova, Mikhail Trojanovsky, Nadir Malishevsky, Yuri Leonidov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Lydia Vertinskaya and other famous actors. Further, the filming of the Verkhin (1952), "Admiral Ushakov" (1953), "Ships storming bastions" (1953), "Hypki" (1954) and other remarkable directors (1954) and other remarkable directory works are entered.

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In 1955, Ivan Fedorovich approached fiction: he became the main character of the scientific film Dmitry Vasilyeva "The Mystery of the Eternal Night", which dies the viewer in the riddles of the Pacific Ocean. Pereverzev's colleagues on the set acted: Mikhail Astangi, Konstantin Bartashevich, Mikhail Glovsky and other stars of screens.

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In 1961, the actor was lucky to take part in a melodraman on the novel by Alexander Green "Scarlet Sails". In this picture, telling the audience about the girl Assol (Anastasia Vertinskaya), waiting for a prince on a ship under the bloody-red sails - Arthur Gray (Vasily Lanovova). Here the Pereverzeus got the role of the Longren retired sailor - the father of the main character.

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Also, the talented Ivan Fedorovich appeared in such pictures as "front without flanks" (1974), "Adventures in the city, which is not" (1974) "Pure English murder" (1974), "Ripe Cherries" (1973), "First Storm "(1972) and other film-portable focus.

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The last film in the life of Pereverzev was the mini-series "Salt of Earth", telling about the peasant family of streames. Ivan Fedorovich got the role of Marey Gordeevich Dobroleitov, and the main roles were performed by: Kirill Lavrov, Sophia Pavlova, Peter Chernov, Natalia Fateeva and Anatoly Romashin.

Personal life

On the first wife of Ivan Fedorovich almost nothing is unknown. It is rumored that he made a proposal of his hand and a heart girl, studying in a craft school. Nadezhda Charvedinichenko, who played Nina Grekov in the film "First Glove" was becoming the next selected. According to rumors, the actor did not immediately achieve the attention of his colleague on the workshop, so "Admiral Ushakov" had to compete at the heart of the showering beauty.

Ivan Pereverzev and Nadezhda Chertnichenko

On August 14, 1946, the couple announced the engagement, but after five years the union of lovers collapsed, despite the birth of a joint son of Serezha. Ivan Fedorovich made his spouse dear gifts, but such actor gestures did not help to keep a happy marriage.

After Pereverzev, a novel happened to Alla Larionova, who gave birth to Alain's daughter after breaking relations with Ivan Fedorovich. After failures in the personal life, the talented film cartartist was looking for consolation only in one - loved art.

Ivan Pereverzev and Alla Larionov

By the way, they say that in the life of Pereverzev, there was a rather interesting confusion associated with Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. The fact is that the famous singer Paul Robson arrived in the USSR. The will of Fate the actor became closer to a foreigner to envy Nikita Sergeevich, who also wanted to gain the attention of the overseas composer at the evening in the Livadia Palace.

The ancestral "thaw" wanted to pick up Robson at the davey Ivan Fedorovich, but received a turn from the gate from the heated artist, who, without a branch of conscience, pointed out the Soviet leader, where to go.

Olga Solovyova and Ivan Transtermeys with Son

Fortunately, Nikita Sergeevich turned out to be understood about the fact that hot drinks can play a keen joke with an absolutely every person, so no punishment for an eloquent Pereverzeva followed, for he was a universal favorite.

As for the amournal relationship, the sex character of the Soviet cinema has won the heart not one young lady, and they say that in his surroundings were actresses, ballerina and secular lions. But the latest choices of Ivan Fedorovich became young Olga Solovyov.


The great actor died on April 23 (May), 1978 at the 63rd year of life. The detailed cause of the death of Ivan Fedorovich is unknown.

The grave of Ivan Pereverzeva

The grave of a man who gave the highlight to the Soviet cinema is located on the Kuntsevsky cemetery.


  • 1934 - "Private life Peter Vinogradova"
  • 1941 - "Magic Grain"
  • 1944 - "Ivan Nikulin is a Russian sailor"
  • 1952 - Sadko
  • 1953 - "Admiral Ushakov"
  • 1956 - "The Mystery of Eternal Night"
  • 1958 - "My dear man"
  • 1961 - "Scarlet Sails"
  • 1963 - "Silence"
  • 1966 - "Gray Disease"
  • 1968 - "Angel Day"
  • 1971 - "Man in the passing yard"
  • 1972 - "Cache in red stones"
  • 1974 - "Front without flanks"
  • 1978 - "Salt of Earth"

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