Julia Bekhtereva - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Julia Bekhtereva - the charming female face of the NTV channel. The girl came to the editor of NTV in 2010, in the same year appeared on the air. Over the past years, Bekhterev has learned and loved television shooters. A blond journalist is accustomed to, she entered each house, because Julia is a permanent leading news program "Today" on the leading channel of the country.

Childhood and youth

Julia Bekhtereva is a radical Muscovite. Born on February 18, 1990. There is no information about the family and parents of Yulia - the TV presenter prefers to leave a personal life in the shade, not inlet outsiders. In childhood, Julia showed character and demonstrated the inner rod: the fragile girl had his own opinion that she was not afraid to express and defend. These qualities have repeatedly become the cause of disagreements and conflicts at home and at school.

Julia Bekhtereva

After graduating from the secondary school, Julia Bekhtereva entered the humanitarian television and radio broadcasting institute named after M. A. Litovina. Journalism turned out to be the profession where character and their own opinion are key to. Yulia Bekhtereva's creative biography began in the first year of the university: Julia worked as a correspondent for the department of the Culture of the newspaper Izvestia, publications with history and traditions. Soon the girl entrusted to lead the heading on the newspaper's website.

Journalism and television

During the years of Student, Julia Bekhtereva became interested in working on television: shooting in the studio, television proprietary, live ether maniili journalist. The first attempt to break through the screen failed. But the second, undertaken in 2010, was crowned with success: Bekhterev was taken to the editorial office of "Business News" on the TV channel "NTV".

TV presenter Yulia Bekhtereva

First, the journalist edited the output of the information program, following the news filling and selection of information, but soon appeared on the screens as TV presenter. A pretty girl with a pleasant voice spectators remembered. The channel management noted the potential and journalistic grip Bekhtereva: Career employees of NTV went up.

Yulia's popularity grew, but did not cost without confusion. In one of the Friday esters, the host appeared in a business suit, with laid hair and a constant smile. But the flawless appearance played unexpected paints when the camera took the general plan. On the legs of Julia turned out to be multicolored shoes: one blue, second black. The ether's roller hit Youtube and scored hundreds of thousands of views.

Julia Bekhtereva on NTV

But the harmless confusion did not spoil the TV presenter reputation, rather, worked for raising the rating. The colleagues of Yulia Bekhtereva joked that the journalist was in a hurry to tell the audience another sensation, which worked in what he fell, if only the news was "not cooled." Bekhtereva missed, having posted that such a "sensation" should be removed more.

After the bright news ether of the "Business News", Yulia Bekhtereva trusted to lead another information project NTV - the transfer "today." The TV host entered the team of like-minded people and quickly arrived in a team with established traditions.

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"Today" - the business card of the TV channel with the cams and the network of reporters in America, Europe and Asia. The transfer comes out four times a day, updating the releases with fresh news of Russia and the world. Yulia Bekhtereva became an integral part of the NTV project.

The face of the TV presenter viewers is familiar in the same way as their colleagues in the program "Today" Elmira Efendiyeva, Alexander Belyaeva, Lilia Guildeeva, Igor Poletalev and others. For six years, since 2010, Yulia Bekhtereva led a block of economic news "Today" program, and since 2017 she was broadcasting the broadcast of the main ether.

Personal life

The most happy Julia Bekhtereva considers watches spent in a family circle. The journalist is married, with her husband the charming daughter Emma is growing. Dense working charts of parents do not interfere with the baby to give the baby to the maximum love and attention so that the girl felt the center of the universe.

Julia Bekhtereva with her husband

In his spare time, which the TV presenter and her husband is not so much, the spouses travel. Best relax for Yulia - watching old movies and reading books. TV presenter is interested in the history of religion.

Julia Bekhtereva now

Consider photos of the stars "Today" in "Instagram" - considerable pleasure. On the page - dozens of family photos with her husband and little daughter. Tens of pictures from travel around the world. In August 2017, the spouses visited Paris, in June - in Amsterdam. Previously examined the beautiful corners of Germany and Italy.

Julia Bekhtereva in 2017

Carefully studying the photo on the page, the fans opened the secrets of the personal life of the television star: they found out that her husband is called Artem Reva, and he also works on the NTV television channel. Under a picture with her husband, Yulia Bekhtereva wrote:

"The TV company" NTV "gave me not only a favorite job, but also a beloved husband. Together 4 years, together on the 4 button. "


  • "Business News" ("NTV")
  • "Today" ("NTV")

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