Darren Aroneal - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



In the last century, Hollywood firmly consolidated the title of the best world film manufacturer. Under his auspices, forgetting about the disagreements, professionals worked for all masters and nationalities, because all these people worked for the sake of achieving a single goal - to remove the next masterpiece tape. The movie has become a financial profitable enterprise, and where money appears, everything else goes to the background.

Director Darren Aroneofski

This was the reason for the split director for two groups - on those who remove the picture as it sees her, and on those who remove the producers. Such a separation is observed today, however, as before, with an unequal ratio of forces, the best paintings are removed by directors who do not give the slack studio bosses. Darren aronophists belong to the number of such.

Childhood and youth

Darren was born in Brooklyn, New York. This event occurred on February 12, 1969. The parents of the boy were conservative Jews who worked teachers in local educational institutions. When Darren went to the year, Abraham and Charlotte Aroneal moved to the Italian-Jewish quarter of New York - Manhattan Beach, where the boy spent his childhood.

Darren Aronophish in youth

Like his peers, Darren loved the cinema after watching "Star Wars." At the same time, thoughts arose about the future director's career. After graduating from the School named after Edward R. Marrow Parents paid the son's travel in Europe and the Middle East, as well as summer holidays in the Republic of Guatemala.

Abraham and Charlotte believed that this step would help his son to rest after training, see the world and understand himself - to decide on a future profession. So it happened - in 1987, Darren entered Harvard to learn animation and cinema.

Darren Aronophish in youth

In 1990, he removes his first short-drawing "supermarket cleaning", for which the student award of the American Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences receives. It is noteworthy that the tape was filmed for the course project.

In 1991, she removed another short film, which became the screening of the story "Cookies with the prediction" of the beloved writer of the Aronophist itself, - Hubert Selby. In the same year, Darren graduated with honors from Harvard University, receiving a bachelor's degree.


Next year, the aronophist moves to Los Angeles to sign up for directing courses in the studio at the American Cinema Institute. His diploma project is becoming a short film "The simplest", telling about people degrading from the information drug. The main role was performed by the young Lucy Lew. In 1993, Darren receives a master's degree of graceful arts.

Darren Aroneo

In 1995, the aronophist is solved for the full meter. The psychological thriller "PI" becomes this project. Named in honor of the mathematical constant, the film tells about the number of people with a scientist Max Cohen, which because of his unexpected discovery falls into a delicate situation. In one of the interviews, Darren admitted that the inspiration of the blizzard in the "Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920) Robert Wine and films Alfred Hichkoka.

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In 1998, Darren presented "PI" at the Sandrence Independent Cinema Festival. The film received a reward for the best director and for the operator work. This success inspired the director to the decreement of another work of Hubert Selby - Roman "Requiem for a Dream", written in 1978.

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"Requiem for a dream" aronophists came out on the screens in 2000. The film immediately gained popularity in the audience, and the creator brought the nomination to Oscar and the Golden Globe. However, the next project is "Fountain" - somewhat cooled the dust of Darren. Conflict and subsequent care of Brad Pitt stroked shooting for several years. At the same time, the aronophists first taste himself as a producer of other people's films ("Depth" 2002).

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When "Fountain" again got from the shelf, it happened with the appearance of Hugh Jackman as a new artist leader, producers agreed to allocate half of the initial budget for filming - 35 million dollars. To reduce production costs, Darren asked his bride Rachel Weiss to fulfill the main female role. The premiere of the film "Fountain" took place at the 2006 Venice Film Festival. Spectators and critics warmly met the film, but it did not save him in the global box office.

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The aronophists used his impressions of this event when writing a scenario of his next film - "RESTLER", in which Mickey Rourke lit up. In the plot of the star of Wisnging, the Taran gets a serious injury. Doctors report that if the main character wants to live, he should be forgotten about the ring. Taran tries to accept this, but it does not come out - his real life is there, in the ring. Where he, in the end, and returns.

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After the presentation of "Restlera" in 2008 at the next Venetian film festival, the picture receives the Golden Lion Prize. In the next ribbon, the aronophist decides to replace the rod of the roar on the fragile Natalie Portman, and the Restler infarction is to problems with the psyche of the ballerina. So it turned out the film "Black Swan" 2010, which paid for himself in global boxes more than 25 times. The company of the leading role was made up Mila Kunis and Vensean Kassel.

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While the "black swan" thundered in the cinemas of the world, Darren spoke by the producer of the biographical sports drama David Russell "Fighter", in which Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale played.

The next director's work of aronophists becomes the "Noah" 2014. This biblical hero remember Darren since childhood, and then he thought that no one was fully disclosed. The first sketches of the plot appear already in 2007, but to bring the script to mind turned out only thanks to Erie Handel, with whom Darren worked in his last ribbons.

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Understanding that the rash has serious, the aronophists decides on the basis of the storyrs to publish a full-fledged graphic romance, which can be represented by large studio bosses. The case burned out: "Paramount" and "New Regency" agreed to help financially and technically.

"Nooy" referred success, but fate ordered otherwise: in Indonesia, China, Pakistan, Egypt and a number of other countries, the film was forbidden to show due to religious content. "Noah" with difficulty paid off in global box office.

Darren Aronofsky and Natalie Portman

2015 and 2016 Aronofski again engaged in producing: "Lightning" (2015) with Patrick Wilson, "Jackie" (2016) with Natalie Portman and Peter Sarsgaard, as well as "consequences" (2016) with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Personal life

In 2001 he began to meet with the actress Rachel Weiss. In 2005 he was engaged, and in a year the Son had been born in a couple, which Henry decided to name. In 2010, the couple had peacefully divided, continuing to bring up his son together.

Later, Rachel was noticed in the company of the last James Bond - Daniel Craig, for which she is now married, and Darren stepped up with Canadian Bandy Ann Milbradt, but did not lead to anything serious.

Darren Aronofsky and Jennifer Lawrence

In 2016, the director had a novel with a young actress Jennifer Lawrence, the executor of the leading role in his new film.

Darren Aroneal now

At the beginning of the fall of 2017, the director released the film "Mom!" (This is how the name is written), which film critics call the modern answer to the "Child Rosemary" and the "disgust" of the novel Polansky. Even before the release of the premiere, Darren laid out photos from filming on their pages on social networks.

This project was unusual for the aronophist not only the horror genre, but also the fact that the scenario was written in just 5 days, because of what was to interrupt work on another project. Now Darren plans to return to the chopped project. Judging by the overall description, it will be a film in the spirit of the new screening "it". It is rumored that it will be an announced screen version of the Roman Dan Simmons "Children of Nights", issued in 1991.

Also, the aronophists expressed his desire to rent a superhero film. Previously, Darren's name has emerged when preparing for the shooting "Batman. Beginning "," X-People. Wolverine "and" Man of Steel ".


  • 1990 - "supermarket cleaning"
  • 1991 - "Prediction Cookies"
  • 1993 - "Simplest"
  • 1998 - "PI"
  • 2000 - "Requiem for a Dream"
  • 2006 - "Fountain"
  • 2008 - "RESTLER"
  • 2010 - "Black Swan"
  • 2014 - "Noah"
  • 2017 - "Mom!"

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