Dave Batista - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, filmography, growth, weight, "Guardians of the Galaxy" 2021



It is not for nothing: the paths of the Lord are non-defined. History proves to us that human life can change in the blink of an eye, and change dramatically. So it was with Eminem after a meeting with Dr. Dre; With a street musician James Bowen after an article about him and his magnificent cat named Bob, as well as with David Michael Batistan - younger after obtaining a conditional criminal record.

Childhood and youth

Dave was born on January 18, 1969. It happened in Washington - the capital of the United States of America. His mother of Donna by nationality was Grekunkka, and Father David Michael Batista is a senior - a native of the Republic of Philippines. The family fell apart even before the boy went to school.

Childhood Batista was generally disgraced - even before his decade, he managed to witness three murders, and at the age of 13 and he himself got up on a slippery path, starting to carry cars. No school classes and speech went about.

In 1986, the guy tried to "tie" with crime. To make a living (by the time Dave already lived independently), Batista got a bouncer to the local club. Once, soothing the next rusty visitor, Batista stopped. A few days later he received a summons. Thanks to the lawyer, it was possible to achieve the minimum punishment - the year conditionally. This event made the guy seriously rethink his life and redistribute priorities.

Already the next day, Dave arranged to work as a beach rescue, and all his free time began to spend in the gym. In the autobiography, Dave mentioned that this decision saved his life.


Even at the end of the nineties, Batista decided to try himself on the field of Wishlings. The first attempt was the campaign for the selection of WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING (WCW).

The attempt was unsuccessful - Buddy Lee Parker coach, conducted by the selection, said that Dave would not "shine" performances on the fighting ring. It was somewhat angry guy, and he decided to go to the WCW - World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) competitors. This time, WWE managers immediately sent Dave to the "Training Center of Wild Self-Does".

The first appearance of Batista in the ring took place within the Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) show, in 2000. Then the young band spoke under the name Leviafan, in honor of the huge biblical monster (the growth of Dave - 198 centimeters, and the weight is 132 kilograms).

After three solo performances, Dave entered the grouping Disciples of Synn. For a long time, Leviafan remained invincible, however, the victories of Batista interrupted Glen Thomas Jacobs, also known as Kane. It happened during Christmas Chaos. Nevertheless, Batista quickly returned his previous status, and also won the title of Ohio Valley Wrestling champion, defeated Bashman Dag.

After that, Dave spent another fight on OVW - with a prototype, and then moved to the central platform WWE - SMACKDOWN. It happened on May 9, 2002.

The first victory of the batter on Smackdown was in the pair duel - along with Divon Dave defeated Ron Simmons and Randy Orton. The first defeat - in a duel one on one against the ricky.

In the same 2002, Batista signed a contract with Monday Night Raw, and a year later, he joined the new "Evolution" team, which he left due to the resulting muscular injury.

From 2003 to 2010, Dave took regular participation in a variety of fights. After that, he quit from the World Wrestling Entertainment because of the conflict with Brett Harts - the general manager of the organization. At the same time, the wrestler decided to try happiness in combined martial arts competitions. However, the MMA managed to speak at the MMA championship - October 6, 2012 in Providence.

Dave in the first round won his rival Vince alfalo technical knockout. Realizing that the way to the world of mixed martial arts is closed to him, Batista returned back to WWE.

Cambaker Restlera occurred on January 20, 2014. It happened during the next ROYAL RUMBLE contest. After him followed by Elimination Chamber, Extreme Rules and Payday. In mid-2014, Batista stopped his performances in connection with the filming of the movies. However, in the fall of 2018, she again entered the "Evolution".

The sign was the fight of the restlore with Triple H. The fight was remembered by fans not only by the defeat of Dave, but also because he was the last in the career of the fighter.

After the event of Batista, thanked in the social networks of his fans and announced the care of the sports entertainment industry. In 2019, the celebrity completed his restlore career, during which she visited the world champion WWE 6 times, 3 times - champion in the team and twice won the ROYAL RUMBLE matches.


For the first time Dave "lit up" on the screen in 2006. Batistan Kinebut is the comedy "strange relatives" with Danny de Vito and Katie Bates. The first television appearance is the role in one of the episodes of the series "Secrets of Smallville".

The next chance to get into the movies and on TV had to wait for four more years - in 2010, Batista was noted in the TV series "Chuck" and two full-length ribbons.

The wrestler starred in the third part of the King Scorpion. Noteworthy is the fact that in the previous two his colleague on the workshop Dwayin Scala Johnson was involved.

Dave appeared in the film "Riddick" - the continuation of the "black hole" tapes and "Chronicles of Riddick", the main role in which to fulfill Vin Diesel.

2014 brought a battered role that allowed to forget about wrestling, completely switched to acting. We are talking about the drax of the destroyer from the Marvel film "Guardians of the Galaxy". To this image, Dave returned to the second part, released in 2017. The actor shared in an interview that the application of the makeup at the beginning of the project took 3 hours, and the removal is another hour during which he had to stand. Dave had to be carried out in the makeup every day, which was very negatively reflected in the state of his skin. In continuation, the process has declined significantly in time.

In the next part of the bondian - "007: Spectrum," where, according to the artist, there were the most complex stunts for the whole career, Batista reincarnated in Mr. Hins.

The artist participated in the creation of the "blade running 2049" - the second part of the filmization of the cult novel Philip K. Dick. Despite the sports biography, in this film, as in most others, in scenes with Batista fights resorted to the help of Dubler Rob de Groat. The actor feels guilty for the fact that his skills do not help on the site, as in the wrestling he trained otherwise, but with the help of Professional Dave learns to create entertainment in the frame.

Again, suffering for a thick grima in the role of Drax of the destroyer, the artist had to be in the pictures of the Marvel series "Avengers. The war of infinity "and" Avengers: Final ", which started with the difference in the year.

In order to get out of the usual borders, Batista wanted to play in comedy. His choice fell on Baddy Mugov, Michael Dauce Movie "Ali, Rui". Forming the nature of his character, according to the advice of the director, Dave imagined Nika Ryti, combining a sullen image with sarcasm and notes of comicness.

The artist was happening to meet at the site with the legend of militants by Sylvester Stallone when working on the sequels of the Ribbon "Escape".

Personal life

For the first time, Batista married even before he began to participate in battles. The first wife was the name of Glenda, and it was she who gave birth to Davey two children - Kalen subsidiaries (1990) and Athena (1992). But this marriage was short.

From 1998 to 2006, Dave was married to the girl named Angie. But it did not work with it, so Batista decided not to establish a serious relationship for some time. This period of his personal life was marked by novels with fighters of Melina Perez, Kelly Kelly and Rosa Mendez.

In October 2015, the actor married Sarah Jade. The marriage lasted for several years, while in 2019 the band did not declare in Twitter, which is free again.

It is also worth mentioning that even before Dave celebrated its fortieth, the daughter of Kaylei managed to make him a grandfather, giving birth to the sons of Jacob and Eiden.

Do not forget Batista and communicate with fans, publishing photos and news from creative events on your pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter".

Dave Batista now

In the past, a tireless fighter, now Dave Batista with delight perceives new opportunities in the acting career.

The performer in an action-comedy "My Spy" demonstrated not only a powerful figure, abundant tattoos, but also a new role of the CIA agent.

The actor had to abandon a friend's proposal, directed by James Gunn, who invited him to Sikvel "Deli suicide", for the sake of another project. Although at first he did not hurry to agree on the role in the ribbon Zack Snipher "Army of the Dead", because, according to Dave, Horror is his unloved genre in the cinema. But reading the scenario has changed the opinion of the star, since he turned out to be much deeper and larger than it was supposed.

Significant for the filmography of Batista was an invitation to the fantastic picture of Dune Denis Villenev. In an interview, Dave admitted that the event touched him to tears.

"When the director of Oscar scale calls you and offers a role," it says a lot about me, "the actor admitted.

The film premiere was scheduled for autumn 2021.


  • 2006 - "Strange relatives"
  • 2006 - "Secrets of Smallville"
  • 2010 - "Chuck"
  • 2010 - "My Son, my son, what you did"
  • 2010 - "The Worn of the City"
  • 2012 - "King Scorpion - 3"
  • 2013 - "Riddick"
  • 2014 - "Guardians of the Galaxy"
  • 2015 - "007: Spectrum"
  • 2016 - "Kickboxer"
  • 2017 - "Guardians of the Galaxy - 2"
  • 2017 - "Blade Running 2049"
  • 2017 - "Bushvik"
  • 2018 - "Final Account"
  • 2019 - "Ali, Rui"
  • 2019 - "My Spy"
  • 2020 - "Not time to die"
  • 2021 - "Army of the Dead"

Achievements and awards

  • Champion OVW in heavyweight
  • 2005 - wrestler of the year
  • 2005 - the most progressive wrestler of the year
  • World Champion in severe weight (4 times)
  • Command World Champion (3 times) - with Rick Fleom (2 times), with John Sinah (1 time)
  • WWE champion (2 times)
  • WWE Command Champion - with Misterio Rem (1 time)
  • 2005, 2014 - Winner of the Royal Battle
  • 2006 - the most revalued wrestler of the year

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