Taron Edgerton - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Taron Edgerton is a talented actor, each role of which is a sample of sincere game and real emotions. Bright characteristic characters and natural charm presented a lot of fans around the world, who are looking forward to new work of the idol.

Full Taron Edgerton

The full name of the actor - Taron David Ejrton. Taron come from the English town of Berkenend. Despite the fact that Edgerton was born in England, the actor insists on what is Welsh. Grandmother actor was born in Wales. Taron speaks freely on Welsh and even pronounces words with a characteristic language with an emphasis. By the way, the name of Taron is derived from the Welsh word "TARAN", which translates into Russian as "thunder".

The father of the future star worked as the hotel manager, the mother was a social service officer. When Taron was born, Ejerton's family lived on the Uirral Peninsula, but a little later, Teron's parents decided to move to the village called Llanquer Pullguingill, which is in Wales, on the island of Anglesi. There, the boy went to school. Later, when Taron Edgerton turned 12 years old, the family moved again, this time to the city of Aberistit.

Taron Edgerton

The actor remembers school years with warmth. Taron admits that he was a restless and even a sauna boy, but the teachers belonged to Ejerton well: the excellent performance of Tadron affected.

The acting profession was interested in Teron since childhood, therefore, after graduating from school, the young man, not twice-thinking, entered the Academy of Dramatic Art. In 2012, Taron Edgerton received a bachelor of art degree.


As often happens, the creative biography of the actor began with theatrical layouts. Taron his debut in the play called "The Last of the Haussmans" ("Last of Haussmans").

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A year later, in 2013, Teron Edgerton was invited to shoot. The actor got a small role in the pair of episodes of the popular project "Lewis". This work did not bring the Taron world glory and love of fans, however, allowed the starting actor to gain experience in cinema.

And after another year, Taron received a cherished main role and, as a result, the ability to show talent in full. We are talking about the series "Smoke". Character of Teron Edgerton - Dannis Severste, a young man who tries to seem adults. Teenage complexes make the young man closed and unlikely, and attempts to look older - only a protective reaction that hides the wounded soul of Dannis. A rather complicated character of the hero perfectly succeeded in Taron. The actor handed the experiences and fears of a teenager, won the love of the audience.

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The next bright acting work by Taeron Ezgerton became a drama called "Memories of the Future". Here, Keith Harington, Keith Harington and Alicia Wikander. This film has earned a good assessment of strict film critics.

However, the starry hour of Edgerton was another job. The role in Kingsman. The secret service "was welcome for many actors. 60 people came to the casting, each of which was what boasts in terms of talent. However, Taron Edgerton managed to stand out and prove to the director that the role should be given to him.

Sophie Kukson and Taron Edgerton

The director of the project did not regret such a decision: the comedy fighter was liked by the audience, and Taron Edgerton, who played the Marine Eggsi, literally woken up well-known and popular. The painting also starred Sophie Kukson and Colin Firth.

Colin Firth and Taron Edgerton

In 2015, the crime drama "Legend" was released on the screens. This picture of the criminal authorities of Great Britain, the Gemini Brothers Reggie and Ronnie, has long faced the attention of the audience for a long time. Taron Edgerton here got the role of an unbalanced psycho-homosexual named Edward Smith.

A year later, in 2016, Edgerton again pleased fans by the main role. The touching story about the loser-tramplinist, which, despite the constant Feila, has achieved fame, became popular in part and thanks to the talented game of the actor. This film called "Eagle" (such is the nickname of the main character) in the year of the exit won the title of the most cash british painting. Here, the partner of Teron Ezgerton on the shooting area was inimitable Hugh Jackman, who played the sports coach of Eddie Eagle.

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In the same year, Taron Edgerton tried the strength in the new Ipostasi: the actor voiced the Gorilla adolescent in the animation picture of the "brutal". Gorilla Johnny dreams of becoming a popular musician, making a lot of effort. The actor had to speak for the character, and even sing. Despite such difficulties, Edgerton coped perfectly with sounding, once again proveing ​​that a talented man forces by a lot.

At this, the experiments with the sounding were not over: in 2017, the voice of Ezgerton spoke the character of the touching musical cartoon "Love at first sight".

Personal life

Teron Egerston's personal life is a mystery for those who follow the fate of the artist. The actor, despite the publicity of his own profession, prefers not to extend about the matters of heart. Because of this, journalists even assumed that the actor is blue, but Taron Edgerton quickly dispelled such rumors.

Full Taron Edgerton

In an interview, the actor admitted that he had recently suffered because of loneliness, but now meets with a girl and happy. The name of Choirs, Taron Edgertone left secret. Therefore, fans of the state handsome man (TERONE - 178 cm, and the weight of 79 kg) remains only to monitor "Instagram" and other social networks, in the hope that the journalists will put the journalists in the network of idols along with a passion.

Taron Edgerton now

Now Taron Edgerton continues to replenish the filmography, working on several films at the same time. In 2017, fans expect a picture of the picture "Club of Young Billionaires". In addition to Teron, Kevin Spacei participated in the filming, Emma Roberts, Essail Eldgort.

Also, the audience will delight the film "Kingsman. Golden Ring "with the participation of Julianna Moore, Holly Berry and even Elton John. This sequel is already resorted to the leaders of the rental.

And finally, another picture with Taron Edgerton - "Robin Hood. The beginning "- will appear on the screens in 2018. The director of the painting was Otto Batterst.


  • 2018 - "Robin Hood. Start"
  • 2017 - "Club billionaires"
  • 2017 - "Golden Ring"
  • 2016 - "Beast"
  • 2016 - "Eddie Eagle"
  • 2015 - "Legend"
  • 2015 - "Kingsman. Secret Service"
  • 2014 - "Memories of the Future"
  • 2013 - "coming"

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