Koschey Immortal - History, Films, Actor, Immortality


Character History

Not all Russian folk fairy tales are endowed with positive characters. Some heroes suggest fear and horror on young children. It is worth remembering the ugly old woman Babu Yagu, who lured into his house on the curious legs of girls and boys, who were sent straight to the oven. In ominous forest, you can meet Leshgo, and mermaids live in the lake. Beauties with a fish tail are not good creatures, what we are accustomed to see in the pictures, for they are thrown on people, catch them and tickle to death.

Koschey Immortal in the picture Viktor Vasnetsova

In addition, in the dense forests it is worthwhile to be a mystical character of the blasphemy of the immortal, which appears in the image of an evil sorcerer. Will not lucky who will be in his kingdom! This old man, everly assumed over the kilt, attracted the attention of famous artists, directors, multipliers and literary diasporas. It is only worth remembering the picture of the Master of Folk Painting Victor Vasnetsov "Koschey Immortal" to understand how terrible this old man is.

Image and appearance

From where it came from, scientists are not clear so far, therefore there are several opinions in research circles. The first believe that the owner of the sword and owner of the chests with gold was invented thanks to the Slavic God Karachuan, personifying death and cold. The second says that the immortal "written off" from the German mythical ruler of Odin. Third believe that the ruler of the Dark Kingdom has no specific prototype, and represent it in the form of a wrapper with magical abilities.

Koschey Immortal and Ivan-Tsarevich

Koschey plays a fundamental role in Russian folk fairy tales, and the description of this character varied depending on the history. Basically, movie lovers and literature are accustomed to representing a wicked old man in a dark suit, from which the bones stick out. His skin is so pale and stretched that the outlines of the skull and eye depressions are visible. The face of the sorcerer decorate gloomy eyebrows and hooked nose. Sometimes at all the immortal painted as a skeleton. In any case, its appearance is associated with darkness and death, it is not for reason:

"Koshiya for nothing looks - everything is faded. Koshiy at cattle - cattle gets, blazes on the grass - the grass dries. "

In many stories, it is mentioned that Koschey is a prisoner who spent 300 years in imprisonment either in the tower or in the dungeon bold by chains.

It is customary to distinguish the three ipostasis of the immortal. In the first group of stories, the old man appears in the appearance of the king, which has magical abilities and owned by indispensable wealth. Most often, Koshchi has a satellite - the faithful horse skeleton, personifying the world of livestock. But sometimes he appears without him.

Koschey Immortal and Mary Morrevna

The main goal of the hero is to kidnap beauties and to get together with the enemies: Ivan Tsarevich, Duby, Goryna and other heroes. Girls who were in captivity of a thin wizard, did not get very lucky. However, there was a case when the gallant cavalier of Koschey seduced the lady. At least, this is demonstrated in the eponym "about Ivan Godinovich": the magician launched to Chernigov Princess Mary Dmitrievich, who replied to reciprocity.

In other fairy tales, the immortal is referred to as the father of the mudy yud, married to the Snake-witch. Koschey spends their days idle: Lies on the bed with closed centuries, which he raises two dozen mighty warriors. Thus, a thin sorcerer something resembles Via from the same name of Nicholas Gogol.

Koschei the Deathless

Also, Koschey can be seen as an old man, which the authors gave such a characteristic: "Himself with a nail, beard with elbow." The hero lives in the hut on the courier legs. This image demonstrates the fairy tales of "dawn, dawn and midnight", "Medvedko", "Gorynya" and some other works of folk art.


Koschey is a very professional sorcerer, who will envy Severus Snape and Volan de Mort from Harry Potter. And the dark wizard comes up to its magical crimes very original.

For examples, it is not necessary to walk. In the fairy tale "Elena Lovely" he drew his sworn enemy Ivan-Tsarevich in a nut, turned his beauty to the princess-frog, and another young lady - in a snake. And in the history of "Ivan Sosnovich", the sorcerer was crushed with the whole kingdom, turning its inhabitants to stone blocks.

Koschey Immortal and Raven

By the way, if you see in the forest of a huge black crow, then perhaps it is a blaspheme immortal reincarnated in a proud bird from the poem Edgar by Edgar.

Koshi can be called a lucky way, because its strength he draws from ordinary water. When the old man drank three buckets of the water, brought by Ivan Tsarevich, he could easily break the twelve chains and freed from the dungeon. However, the ruler of the throne has the weaknesses. It is not easy to kill it, but you can:

"Death of wrap on the end of the needle, the needle in the egg, then the egg is in the duck, that duck in the hare, that hare in the chest, and the chest stands on a high oak, and then the tree of blasphemes as his eyes protects."

However, in a fairy tale about Marya Morrevn, an old man who has immortality, fell from the magical horse of Ivan, who hit the whole sort of hoof and smashed his head. Next, Ivan burned the unfortunate on the fire, and the ashes let the wind. In another variation of the fairy tale, Tsarevich finishes his sword enemy.

Filmography and actors

Cinematographic works about Koschery Immortal Do not count on the fingers, so imagine several famous paintings with the participation of eminent actors.

"Kashing immortal" (1944)

Director Alexander Row pleased with the viewers of a film bar, which the studio "Soyuzden Film" presented. The plot rotates around brave Nikita Kozhemyaki, the beauties of Marya Crusher and the insidious blasphemy of the immortal. The role of the antagonist went to the actor Georgia Millar, who successfully coped with the image.

Georgy Milly as the Koschery Immortal

However, this guide was performed in his usual role, because at one time he played Babu Yagu and the feature from the painting "Evening on the farm near Dikanka." Georgy Frantsevich worked on one set with Sergey Stolyarov, Alexander Shirshov, Sergey Philippov and other star cinematic skills.

In addition, Millyar reincarnated in the villain in the film "Fire, Water and ... Copper Pipes" (1967), where he played with Anatoly Kubatsky, Alexei Smirnov and Mikhail Pugkin.

"After the rain on Thursday" (1985)

In 1985, director Mikhail Yuzovsky presented a fairy tale based on Libretto Alexander Ostrovsky. The plot tells about how after the rain on Thursday, the king of Avddy became a father: the wife gave birth to him the boy. On the same day, the Kwardsman of Varvara also gave birth to the firstborn, and in the cabbage a newborn podkinich was discovered.

Oleg Tabakov in the role of Koschei Immortal

All the boys called Ivanov, and the crown owner ordered them to raise them together. However, the kekey decided to act a cunning: his son put his son to the royal cradle, and the rest gave robbers. 20 years have passed, and two Ivana decided to free themselves from the shackles and combat the deputy of the immortal. The role of the sorcerer went to Oleg Tabakov, who worked with Gennady Frolov, Marina Yakovleva, Natalia Krachkovskaya and Yuri Chernov.

"At the kilt, sat" (1986)

The magic tale of Boris Khvereva tells about the two neighboring kings - Fedot and amphibechia. But the last monarch looked through the ground, and the queen could not cope with state affairs alone. Therefore, the lady began to reflect on how to give her daughter Alain married on favorable terms. The heart of the girl conquered Ivan-Tsarevich, who had to fight with a wicked immortal.

Viktor Sergachev in the role of Koscheya Immortal

The lovers of Zlata played Viktor Sergachev, and Sergei Nikolayev, Alexander Novikov, Mikhail Pugovkin, Tatyana Konyukhov, Leonid Kuravlev and Lydiaeva-Shukshin, were his colleagues.

"Book of Masters" (2009)

In 2009, the first Russian film was published in collaboration with the film company "Walt Disney Pictures". The director spoke Vadim Sokolovsky. The story tells that the stone princess, sharpened in the tower, will soon be free, and the world will come to the world. By random coincidence, the role of the vertex of the fate of people gets Ivan, who will have to face the misfortune.

Gosh Kutsenko in the role of Koscheya Immortal

The acting paintings included Maria Andreeva, Maxim Lokhotionov, Valentin Gaft, Olga Aroshev, Mikhail Efremov and Gosh Kutsenko.

"Real Fairy Tale" (2011)

Directed by Andrei Marmontov decided to present the film, in which the echoes of the Russian folk epic are collected, but only the action of the picture occurs in the modern world: Vasilisa is working in the school teacher, Leshey appears in the formation of the homeless, but the oligarch is in the favorable position.

Leonid Yarmolnik in the role of Koshii Immortal

Maxim Shibayev, Anastasia Dobrynina, Sergey Bezrukov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Lyudmila Polyakova, Irina Bezrukov and Georgy Calle.

"Last Bogatyr" (2017)

The director of this painting from the Disney studio proposed an unusual concept to the court of avid kinomans: according to the Scenario, the Moscow guy Ivan falls into the fabulous country Belogorier. The young man who is accustomed to gadgets and technological innovations must face real magic, as well as with villains.

Konstantin Lavronenko in the role of Koschei Immortal

Viktor Horinyak, Elena Yakovlev, Konstantin Lavronenko and Alexander Sechchev played the main characters.

Interesting Facts

  • There are rumors and legends about the origin of the name of the blasphemy of the immortal. Many researchers believe that the name of the sorcerer "translates" as "bone" and means a thin man. True, this word came out of fashion. In other Slavic languages, "Koschei" is the homonym for the following words: leather, neck, bone.
  • Anthropologist James George Fresher held a parallel between the blazes and the biblical plot. The scientist suggested that the antagonist simultaneously performing the role and villain, and the victims, it has similar features with Samson.
  • Koshchey appeared in the poem Alexander Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila", in the story of Edward Uspensky "down the magic river", in the "Tale of Tsar Berendei" Vasily Zhukovsky, as well as in a number of Soviet cartoons.

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