Mikhail Shirvindt - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Tele Show 2021



Belonging to the famous family on Mikhail Shirvindt did not give. On the contrary, he, he happened, enjoyed the loud spot: as a child, he experienced patience of school teachers, he entered the university on "Blatu", escaped the prosecution of the police. However, the personal achievements are abounding: interesting TV projects that collected millions of lovers from the screens to spend leisure home, restaurant business, even if not very profitable, and now also a popular blog on YouTube video hosting.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail was born under the Zodiacal Lion's constellation in 1958. Mother and father lived then in the center of the Soviet capital, in a communal apartment with 18 neighbors, later by complex exchange moved to a height on the boiler's embankment. Natalia Belousova is the granddaughter of academician, the chief architect of Moscow, the continuity of the dynasty. The ancestors of the TV presenter on its part are representatives of the original Russian nationality.

Alexander Shirvindt - Movie Star, People's Artist of the RSFSR, Artistic Director of the Satira Theater. According to Vladimir Posner, this is a person like no other brilliantly telling jokes with a completely serious kind. According to this line, as Mikhail was noticed in an interview, the Jews of Odessa and Lithuanian bottling were added his blood.

He recalls school years as a period of constant struggle, only the first day of the 1st grade was positive. From one educational institution of the boy was kicked out, he brought even Andrei Mironov to his own trials. At the request of Zinovia Gerdta Misha, they took a school with an in-depth study of English, where children of diplomats, artists, officials studied.

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In Schirvindt certificate, one triple, fives only in labor, physical education and singing. Nevertheless, this did not prevent him from entering the theater school named after Boris Shchukin. Mikhail honestly confesses that Alexander Anatolyevich is not without protected.

From the institute, it was soon expelled due to the fact that on the day of the celebration of the formation of the country of the Councils, the student together with friends with the gates of the architectural university state flag. "Criminals" threatened to 7 years in prison. We were lucky with the investigator, who realized that the guys were just foolish-hooligans.

Later Shirvindt said that in early youth, the rejection of the totalitarian regime was awakened. And the current situation when they accelerate dissatisfied with the batons, the monstrous, "the wretched intimidation of the stupid power only provoke an even greater reaction." In the elections to the Moscow City Duma in 2019, Mikhail Alexandrovich supported the opposition, but his signature in the electoral lists of love sable was recognized as a fake. Responsibility for what happened TV presenter placed on the head of CEC Ellu Pamfilov.

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And then, in the 70s, the dissident tuned young man feared to take a job. Only Galina Wolchek took the scene by the scene in the "contemporary". However, and there fate played with Shirvindom, a foul joke: He managed to break the expensive scenery.

The remaining Mikhail has arranged to work as a loader in Via "Gems." It was lucky here: instead of carrying gravity, he looked after a small Dmitry Malikov and Vladimir Presnyakov.

Acting Education Shirvindt was still received and entered the service at the Sachirikon Theater under the leadership of Arkady Rykin.

Personal life

Father's personal life, since 1957, who keeps faithful to one woman, for Mikhail is not an example. The TV host was broken three times. With the first spouse, Elena, who gave the son of Andrei, he broke up quickly and painlessly, retaining friendly relations.

Andrei - Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow State University and Deputy Dean of the Scientific Center under the President of Russia, a member of the Presidential Council on improving civil law. The Father's Father is three daughters, Anastasia, Irina and Ella.

Shirvindt attributed a novel with Julia Bordovsky. Colleagues had to speak with a refutation, and Mikhail said that the author of the scandalous news Producer Mark Rudinintestein chasing himself.

The second choice of Tatiana Morozova performed on the theater's stage, danced in the trio of Boris Moiseeva, and then began to engage in journalism. The daughter of Alexander was born in this union, who dedicated life to art criticism.

In 2020, Mikhail Alexandrovich again became grandfather and aged for 60 years - Father. The twin grandchildren gave birth to Sasha, another son - the third wife, a native of Saratov Anastasia Ponomareva. She is younger for 32 years old, met Shirvindom when she got into the Transmission team "I want to know."

At that time, relations with Tatiana at the actor were already temporary. Therefore, submitting to a divorce, he explained the press that this is just a formality. Spouses divorced in court, where both due to the lack of property disputes and the claims did not appear to each other. Although the media concluded that the court of world, since Morozova did not sign the relevant documents.

Cottage in Istra, built by the Praded Mikhail, is a favorite place of collecting all generations. In this house, there was an incredible number of celebrities from different eras, from Vasily Kachachakov to Ivan Urgant. "Instagram" TV host full photos from family gatherings. With the help of social network, he encourages subscribers to help the shelters for homeless animals.


In Satirikon, Mikhail Alexandrovich served 8 years, and then worked the "Virus of Travel", no wonder the maternal race goes back to the famous travelers Nikolai Miklukho-Maklai and Peter Semenov-Tian-Shansky. In 1992, he began a new stage of creative biography, retraining in the leading "Lotto million".

From the program Shirvindt left when the leadership refused to introduce the innovations offered by him. Since then, the artist is only engaged in what he thinks up. So the studio "Libra" appeared ("live news"), the dog show "I and my dog", in which the owners demonstrated the talents of four-legged pets.

Directors of the project were now the rector of the Studio Studio MCAH Igor Zolotovitsky and the owner of the "Golden Eagle" and "Niki" Sergey Ursulak. In his film "Essay to Victory Day" starred Andrei Shirvindt.

The creators had to be wrecked through the channels. With the Ren-TV show moved to NTV, from there - to the "first button". Vladimir Gusinsky Holding shot a similar cycle with a psychological bias and with Lime Vaikule in the role of the lead, but quickly closed it. In 2019, after a 12-year break, the project is revived on the author's YouTube channel.

Love for animals pushed Michael to writing the book "Dog Life". This is a kind of directory about the breeds and a collection of stories about the favorites of stars, funny stories and councils for care and dresser. Even in the autobiography of the Memoirs of the Dudelle, there was a place for memories of spaniels, courses, West Highland White Terriers, who lived and living at home.

Mikhail Alexandrovich made the producer of "Travels of Naturalista", where Pavel Favim residents told about the unprecedented beauties of our planet, "plant life" with Pavel Lobkov, "Hobbits" with Vasily Duckyn, "Recipe Hunters" with Love Polishchuk and Sergey Tsigall.

In 2007, the informative "I want to know", in which the TV presenter told about the amazing discoveries and answered the questions of the audience. Dmitry Dibrov and Alexander Oleshko, Dmitry Dibrov and Alexander Oleshko, Maxim Vitorgan and Alexander Gordon were sent in search of attendants on the journey.

From the mid-2010 shirvindt stopped faster on federal channels, as it does not accept modern television, in which the "jungle laws" operate.

Catering business

In 2000, Mikhail opened a restaurant for a couple with Anton Tobacco. It was rumored that the institution was called on the names of the owners - "gallery" and specialized in fish cuisine. To acquire a new family, the son of the artistic director MHT went to France and sold a business.

Cafe "Seven Forty" on the Patriarch appeared in 2015. Here we served dishes prepared in Jewish recipes. However, the economic crisis and the ambiguous attitude of Muscovites to the kosher menu forced Shirvindt to close the institution. The Bronco Cafe with European cuisine has existed on this point of 5 years. According to the owner, for the right to feed people, I had to cheer yourself. Closing even on hand: not lost on rental and salary to employees during isolation caused by COVID-19.

Mikhail Shirvindt now

Now the TV presenter is actively promoting the gastronomic blog "Edible-inedible", which demonstrates video of his travels around the world, gives advice on the choice of power points and evaluating the work of chefs.

Mikhail Alexandrovich visited Europe, traveled Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, Altai and the city of the Golden Ring of Russia. Shot in Minsk Roller "Cautionless Belarus", according to Shirvindt, scored 1 million views thanks to the fact that he misinterpreted the name of the state several times.

The stars of the Star Father and the Son are popular, combined into the cycle "on the remote". In one video TV presenter demonstrated, as compliance with quarantine rules during the celebration of Victory Day.


  • 1995-2005 - "Dog Show. I and my dog ​​"
  • 2007-2013 - "I want to know"
  • 1999-2009 - "Travel Naturalist"
  • 2000-2006 - "Plant Life" with Pavel Lobkov
  • 2004 - "Hobbits with Vasily Utkin"
  • 2006 - "Recipe Hunters" with Love Polishchuk and Sergey Tsigall
  • 2007 - "From the funny to the Great"
  • 2017 - N. BP. - Channel "Edible-inedible"

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