Ilya Malakov - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, actor, filmography, "instagram", TV series, height 2021



Ilya Malakov is the Russian actor and cinema actor who came to the profession after several years of quest. According to the artist, on the way to creative heights, he was always lucky on mentors and colleagues, each of which made it in the formation of Ilya as a performer.

Childhood and youth

In the village of Novoselki Ryazan region, the Russian actor Ilya Sergeevich Malakov was published on October 2, 1990. Parents of artist - linguists, both graduated from Ryazan University. The boy went on the path of relatives and entered the school with an English bias. The teenager was engaged in the struggle at a professional level. In the film Ilya there is a third adult discharge. The first creative push the guy received in the camp of the asset of high school students "Rubin". Here, the young man first tried himself as an actor. The scene was captivated.

After graduating from school, Malakov went to the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Ryazan State University. S. A. Yesenin. Here the guy comprehended the basics of informatics and English. Ilya - Humanitarian, so studying was not easy to study. In the free time, Malakov preferred to have fun. Did this guy in the student club.

Ilya walked activist, so he participated in the KVN games for the university team, I tried myself in dancing. During this period, creativity was so swallowed him that the awareness of what he wants to do all his life to Malakovo. According to the artist, his school teacher on the culture of speech believed in him, which offered to prepare a program for admission to the theater institute. For the sake of art, Ilya moved to Moscow and entered VGIK. Malakov was in the workshop A. Ya. Mikhailov.


Acting talent The guy developed from the university, and after admission to VGIK, an important event occurred for the career of Ilya. Already in the first year, a novice actor met with the Master of Refurbishment Sergey Bezrukov. The director wanted in VGIK young dating, which could play in the play "My beautiful and unfortunate lady."

The talent of Ilya Malakov rushed into the eyes of Bezrukov, so the student Vgika immediately received an invitation to become part of the troupe of the Moscow provincial theater, which Sergey Vitalyevich leads. Gradually, the portfolio of the artist of the theater of Ilya Malakova began to fill out. The actor got the main roles on the scene.

Among them - Mowgli in the formulation of the book of the jungle. Mowgli, "Jim Hawkins from the" Treasure Island "and other heroes in the leading productions of the theater team. A bright premiere in the creative life of the artist was the play "Caligula", in which Malakov appeared in the lead role. Ilya mentioned that he looked at the plastic theater in a new way.


The official debut of Ilya Malakov in the movie took place in 2013. The young man was invited to the role of Egor into the series "Ship". The plot talked about cadet sailors who went on a journey. For this they had a sailing ship "Running the Waves". But carelessness was quickly replaced by horror, since the hadron collider exploded on the mainland.

In the following filmography of Ilya, paintings "Lords of dreams" and "Rural Teacher" appeared. And here in November 2017 in the cinemas, the drama "Legend about Kolovrat" was reached. The film tells about the Ryazan Voivod of Evpathy Kolovrat, who lived in the years of the invasion of Batya on Russia. The producer of the painting was janik Fayziev.

According to the team who participated in the filming, the tape shows no more details, but emotions, experiences of people. The time shown in the picture is almost not studied by historians. Some events are reflected in the chronicles and epic, but the reliability of what is happening in Russia was not proved.

In the biography of the actor, the role in the "Legend of Kovrovrat" was the first main thing. The young man entrusted to play Evpathy Kolovrat. Samples became a real test for Ilya, as the project dreamed of participating dozens of actors, including those famous. But the caretaker of the tape wanted to see an unknown guy who began to climb the cinematic Olympus.

It became a decisive factor in the choice of Malakova. Moreover, Ilya externally resembled the Russian hero: high (height more than 180 cm, weight - 83 kg), static epic bogatyr. In the film also starred such Russian actors as Alexey Serebryakov, Alexander Tsoi, Alexander Ilyin Jr., Julia Hlynina, Polina Chernyshov.

Malakov with delight told about the story to which he put his hand. During preparation for the shooting process, the young man studied literature concerning the period, including the book of Mikhail Karateeva Rus and Horde. Ilya admitted that the statement of those events by the author impressed.

The historical film for the artist is an incredible reincarnation, this is a dream. Therefore, thinking about the invitation of the author of the Malakov project did not. The guy did not scare heavy shooting, which took place daily for several months.

Ilya practically refused to help the Cascaderal, so part of the tricks on the set performed on its own. According to the artist, he did not receive a single injury during filming, but there were abrasions and bruises. Interestingly, there was not a real beast in the scene, but a man in a suit.

Thanks to this work, the actor raised his professional rating and began to receive suggestions in significant projects. So, the performer successfully passed the casting on the main role in the adventure spy film Oleg Fomin "Operation" Muhabbat ". In the picture, he played with Agela Tarasova.

A provocative project in the repertoire of the artist was the series "Porn" producer Tina Kandelaki. Despite the catchy name, the film tells about love.

Personal life

Personal life Ilya tries to hide from the public. And it is good for him. At one time, the guy was not seen in the company beloved. The young man confessed that too young and career for him in the first place. But at the premiere of "Kolovrat" he arrived not alone, and with the girl whose name did not reveal before journalists.

Interestingly, on the page of his mother Marina Malakova in early June 2021, wedding photos of the son appeared. Who is his chosen - the artist does not report. Ilya himself uses his account in "Instagram" to publish posts dedicated to creativity.

Ilya Malakov now

Now Malakova can rightly be called ascending star of Russian cinema. In 2021, he appeared in a dismanting detective "under the cover" directed by Sergey Tkachev. The project has become the adaptation of the Korean Multi-Series of Hidden Identity. Shots were conducted in Moscow, Rome, Paris, as well as in Rostov-on-Don, at the Rostov-Arena stadium.


  • 2013 - "Ship"
  • 2014 - "Nail"
  • 2015 - "Lords of dreams"
  • 2015 - "Rural Teacher"
  • 2017 - "Operation" Muhabbat "
  • 2017 - "Legend of Kovrovrat"
  • 2017 - "Party"
  • 2018 - "Big Game"
  • 2018 - "Lily"
  • 2018 - "Operation Muhabbat"
  • 2018 - "Alien Life"
  • 2020 - Russian Prisoner
  • 2021 - "Undercover"
  • 2021 - "Kazanova in Russia"

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