Series "Ghost" (2021) - Release date, Channel One, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


The series "Ghost", whose exit date came on June 23, 2021, tells about the adventures of the perfect soldier, rebeling against his creator. Actors, roles and interesting facts about the project of the first channel - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

According to the plot, the professional killer does not remember the past, for which he was called a ghost. In memory remained single memories of a woman who does not know the hero. The key to the mysterious history is the tattoo on the body of a man leading to Schron.

Having found money, passports and photos in the cache, the ghost tries to get to the truth and sent to the address specified in the prompts. In this hero, a random acquaintance of Alena is helped, which is ready to come to the Cyllera revenue in exchange for a retaliatory service. On the way to a strange couple, hunt began, because it turned out that the ghost turned out to be an expensive experiment, to refuse which the creators do not intend.

Elena Vakhrusheva (TV series "Anna-Detective 2" and "For Life") and Alexey Bezenkov (Series ") and Alexey Bezenkov (Series") were performed by Elena-Detective 2. Anario Mamedov became the director-director. Ryan Otter worked on the musical near the project, in whose career music to the TV series "Topi", "Trigger", "Method".

Actors and roles

In the main roles of the project are involved:

  • Pavel Priluchny - a mercenary on nicknamed the ghost to which the memory is returned. The hero is trying to atone for the guilt, but the poison has already launched into the body of the soldier;
  • Lucheria Ilyashenko - Alain, a random ghost companion, stretching for a new familiar hand of help;
  • Vladimir Zaitsev - Neurobiologist Grishin, who worked on the creation of a supersoldat since Soviet times. Having succeeded, the crazy professor is trying to manipulate his creation.

The TV series "Ghost" also participated: Severia Janushaust, Kirill Rubtsov, Vyacheslav Chepurchenko, Elena Polyakova, Nikolai Kozak, Anton Filipenko, Yuri Sazonov and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the project is familiar to the audience on the TV series "Anna-Detective 2" and "Thin Matters".

2. In an interview, the director admitted that in action the emphasis was made on the hero's personal drama. In parallel, the audience will be seen in the thriller elements of Road Mugvi. "We, of course, did not go to the" X-Men ", but we also have a scientist who began to work on superhorecom in Soviet times," Anario Mamedov admitted.

3. Locations of the series "Ghost" were the little-known places of Moscow. The visual concept of the project was built in the territories that were not previously flashed in the frame of the series. The creators were looking for unusual sites. So, one of the fight took place on a vegetable database.

4. According to the director, Paul Siluchny took a niche of a young Tom Cruise in the Russian cinema. But therefore, the director dreamed of working with the star "Major", and after the shooting noted that the actor sought to be the perfect result. The performer was ready to repeat the exhausting scenes, if he believed that the episode could be made brighter.

5. Her Hero in the series Saduchny called "Impreotal and contemplating." By the way, and Pavel tricks performed independently. He even had to master the Wrestling Style Kudo, for which the rippled movements on the block are characteristic. "In order to understand the hero, I have to know that I can, too,", "the artist confessed the leading time, who had to spend a lot of time to work with Cascaders.

6. Lucherya Ilyashenko opened the plot details and admitted that her heroine was a kind of peculiar. A spark will flash between the ghost and Alena, however, the love line will be rather secondary. The performer did not get to participate in the fights, but in one of the episodes, incense tuskal the partner for the hair.

7. The "Ghost" series came in expectations of the audience with a rating of 90 out of 100. In the reviews, fans of militants compare the premiere with the film "Borne Identification". According to the first frames of the trailer, the "frills" of the old and star caste, which includes popular artists. In negative feedback, the repetition of the plot of a foreign project sounds. Meanwhile, the audiences hope that a small number of series will allow the creators to keep interest and television will not have time to bother.

The series "Ghost" - Trailer:

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