Vasily Surikov - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, works



Vasily Surikov is a Russian artist, the author of the paintings "Boyajna Morozova", "Stepan Razin", "Morning Streletzka". Russian artist Vasily Surikov was born in Krasnoyarsk. Relatives of men belonged to the Cossack class. One of them was atman by the Yenisei Cossack Regiment. Ivan Vasilyevich Surikov, the Father of the artist, worked by a college registrar. Praskovya Fedorovna Torgushina, mother, walked a housewife.

Portrait of Vasily Surikova

When Surikov turned 8 years old, the family moved to the dry Buzim of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The guy was given to parish school at all-life church. Later, Vasily enters the county school, leaving parents in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A year later, father died, due to tuberculosis. The mother had no exit, so the woman gathered the children and returned to Krasnoyarsk.

The family in those years owned a two-story house. Due to the lack of money Praskovia Fedorovna, decided to rent the second floor for rent, to receive income. Love for drawing in Surikova manifested itself in early childhood. Back in the Krasnoyarsk district school, Vasily Ivanovich began to take lessons. The first teacher invited Nikolai Vasilyevich Grebnev.

Self portrait Vasily Surikova

The first conscious picture of Surikov wrote in 1862. It was a work created by watercolor. A teenager called the masterpiece "rafts on Yenisei." Now the canvas is located in the Museum-Manor V.I. Surikova in Krasnoyarsk. Having completed training, the guy will go to the service in the provincial administration. Vasily Ivanovich got the work of the scribe. Unfortunately, further studies were not affordable by the family of the Surikov, who lived modestly after the death of the Father.

Once the drawings of the artist saw the Yenisei governor of P.N. Jamsay. Thanks to the efforts of the official at the talented author, the patron appeared, who paid for the training of Surikov at the Academy of Arts. The first attempt to enter the school failed, but Vasily Ivanovich did not despair. He passed a drawing course at the St. Petersburg School of Society for the Promotion of Artists.

Monument to Vasily Surikov

In the autumn, passing the exams to the Academy of Arts, became the fulfillment. Another year it took that a talented guy translated into the main group. Surikov became a diligent student of P.P. Cleaner. For 6 years of study of a young man awarded medals and cash prizes. Vasily Ivanovich worked a lot over the composition. Because of this, students called Surikov composer.


The creative biography of the artist began with the work "View of the Monument to Peter I on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg." Picture of Surikov wrote in 1870, and after sold P.I. Kuznetsov. Interestingly, the first version of the canvas is now located in the Krasnoyarsk State Art Museum, which is assigned to the name of Vasily Ivanovich.

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After 4 years, Surikov goes to visit Kuznetsov, for golden primers located in Khakassia. Thanks to the change of the situation, the painting "Mercy Samaritan" was born. The work became a gift of a welcoming owner, but noted the canvas and specialists. Vasily Ivanovich was presented with a small gold medal.

Portraits to order did not inspire the artist, so Surikov refused such work. But as a basis, such pictures took regularly. Among the works of Vasily Ivanovich are graphic portraits of the Moscow guitarist F. F. Peltsky.

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One of the drawings is submitted to the universal review in the Tretyakov Gallery. Surikov admitted that the passion for music, in particular the Opera, helped in creativity. Moreover, the artist studied playing the guitar at Peletsky.

The time of famous canvases occurs. "Morning Streletsky execution" Vasily Ivanovich wrote over 3 years. This picture has become a pass to the world of big painting. The result of many years of work was the inclusion of mobile art exhibitions in the Association.

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For the sake of further development of Surikov, going to go to a foreign journey. But the lack of money did not allow the artist to instantly go on the road. To solve material problems, Vasily Ivanovich sold P.M. Tretyakov painting "Menshikov in Berezov". Thanks to this, the author of the canvas visited Italy, Germany, France and Austria, the victims considered the canvas of recognized masters, located in Louvre and the Dresden Gallery.

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In 1881, Surikov began to work on the picture "Boyruny Morozov". Love for the composition led to the fact that every work began with a sketch. Sometimes Vasily Ivanovich was required for several years to create an ideal sketch. Only after that the master put it on the cloth.

The personality of the boylaws captured Surikov after the story of the aunt Olga Matveyevna Durandina. But the work was not glued for a long time due to the lack of the required type. And before Vasily Ivanovich, another aunt appears - Avdota Vasilyevna Torgushin.

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The first to consider the "Boyarynnya Morozov" were able to visitors of the XV mobile exhibition, which was held in 1887. Immediately after that, Surikov moved for the summer to Krasnoyarsk. The artist finds inspiration in the sunny eclipse, which happened on August 8. Now you can look at the etude in the Tver Art Gallery.

Portraits were not fascinated by Surikov, but in 1887 a coup happened in the minds of the Creator. The man captured the mother on the canvas, later "my brother" appeared. After the death of the spouse, in 1888, Vasily Ivanovich and children moved for several months in his native Krasnoyarsk, where he began to create a picture "Taking a snow town". The work was completed by the author in two years.

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Surimov on the canvas transferred cases from life. It happened with this work. The picture shows the same game. The idea of ​​creating belongs to the younger brother, whom Vasily Ivanovich depicted in Koshev. Later, experts rated the work of Surikov and awarded the web for a nominal medal. This event occurred at the international exhibition in Paris.

Vasily Ivanovich went to Siberia, where the acquaintance with the life of Vogulov, Khakasov, Ostyakov occurred. The study of the lives of peoples led to the creation of a picture "Conquest Siberia Yermak Timofeevich." The work was painstaking, ended in 1895. Thus, Surikov worked on the web in Siberia, on the Obi River, on the Don.

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Upon returning to Krasnoyarsk, the artist arises the idea of ​​writing "Suvorov's transition through the Alps." The image of the military man holder Vasily Ivanovich wrote from the retired Cossack officer F.F. Spiridonova. The man worked on the pedigree family of Surikov. Three years later, an etude was born, but many saw in him not Spiridonov, but Gymethnasian teacher Grigory Nikolayevich Smirnova. Later, Surikov goes to Switzerland for writing sketches.

By the age-old anniversary of the Italian hike, Suvorov Vasily Ivanovich presents a finished picture. The canvas were demonstrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and then it went to the Imperial Collection.

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Painting Surikova "Winter in Moscow" was created for three years. Officially completed the work was in 1887, shortly before the emergence of Ivanovich's ideas for the creation of the Wasil "Stepan Razin". For almost 3 years, the artist wrote etudes in Siberia and on Don, looking for a prototype.

At this time, Surikov had a few more paintings. In 1901, the master met the Krasnoyarsk Bunlet, in which the ancestors of Vasily Ivanovich participated. Inspired by this period, the artist created the Krasnoyarsk Bunk 1865 cloth. In 1907, Surikov includes Russian artists in the Union, but at the same time Vasily Ivanovich leaves the commendublic of the Movies.

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A man listens to the opera and reads books. After acquaintance with the "home life of the Russian tsaritsa of the XVI-XVII centuries", the authorship of Rabelina in the head of Surikov arises the idea of ​​creating a picture of the "Visit of the Property Women's Monastery". Vasily Ivanovich was inspired for this in the images of granddaughter.

A trip to Lake Shira Surikov Surikov to write a picture "Prinjean Olga meets the body of Prince Igor, killed by the Ridge." Unfortunately, this work remained only by the idea of ​​the author.

Picture of Vasily Surikova "Visit of the Property Women's Monastery"

In academic circles, Creativity Vasily Ivanovich caused sharp criticism. The masters did not understand the "recurrence" of the compositions, smeared faces on the canvas. But among the experts there were people who estimated the artistic plans of Surikov. Modern creators can learn the paintings by Vasily Ivanovich in the photo and the originals.

Personal life

For a long time, Vasily Surikov looked at the granddaughter of the Decembrist Svistunov. Beautiful girl with big dark eyes called Elizabeth Auguston Bowl. The artist could not resist the beauty of the lady, so on January 25, 1878, young people signed marriage. In the same year, the spouses were born daughter Olga, and in two years - Elena. A talented artist with a museum lived in a small apartment located on the Zubovsky Boulevard.

Portrait of wife Vasily Surikova

Happiness was short-lived. After 10 years, Elizabeth Augustus died suddenly. The husband killed by grief was constantly visited by a spouse in the cemetery, threw creativity. The desire to work was gone from Surikov. But at some point, the paintings were returned to Vasily Ivanovich again.

Vasily Surikov with daughter Olga

Olga's daughter gave the father of his granddaughter Natalia Konchalovskaya. In turn, the girl gave birth to two people famous in modern Russia - film director and scenario Andrei Konchalovsky and director Nikita Mikhalkov.


The health of Vasily Ivanovich Surikov at the end of the life path left much to be desired. Despite this, the artist is sent with P.P. Konchalovsky to Spain, to search for creative inspiration. At the same time, the doors of the drawing school opened in Krasnoyarsk. Surikova's condition remained bad, but the artist leaves home to create landscapes.

Vasily Surikov's grave

A year later, due to the deterioration of Vasily Ivanovich, forced to go to the Crimea, for treatment. In March 1916, art circles flew off the terrible news - the ischemic heart disease ruined the talented Surikov. The grave of the Russian artist is near the place of grave spouse, at the Vagankovsky cemetery. In memory of Vasily Surikov in 1959, a historical and biographical film was removed.


  • 1876 ​​- "View of the Kremlin"
  • 1881 - "Morning Streletzka execution"
  • 1884 - "Venice. St. Mark's Cathedral
  • 1887 - "Fear of Morozova"
  • 1891 - "Taking a snowy town"
  • 1895 - "Conquest Siberia Ermacom"
  • 1899 - "Transition Suvorov through the Alps"
  • 1900 - "Stepan Razin"
  • 1908 - "Crimea. Ai-Petri
  • 1910 - "Girl with braids"
  • 1910 - "Seville. Alcazar "

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