Ilya Yashin - biography, personal life, photo, news, "twitter", "Yutyub", head of the municipal district Krasnevsky 2021



Ilya Yashin can rightly be called a veteran of the Russian opposition. For more than 20 years, the public figure is in political barricades. Without any large Moscow rally, without the participation of liberal, did not affect the liberal. For scandalous statements, friendship with bright personalities and bold shares of protest Ilya has gone enemies not only among government representatives. For some Yashin - a hero, for others - a dexterous entrepreneur, and the third and call the activist by the traitor of the Motherland.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future policy began in Moscow. Yashin was born on June 29, 1983. According to some reports, Father Valery Anatolyevich in the past was the director of the Petersburg telephone network, and Tatiana Ivanovna's mother was part of the management of Peter-Service. According to another information, Ilya's parents are representatives of the scientific intelligentsia, which later took up a small business. In the family of Yashina besides the son grew by Daughter Natalia.

Opponents, supporters and simply curious often interests the nationality of Yashin. Some believe that Jewish blood runs in the opposition veins, others consider Ilya Russians. This aspect itself did not comment on the community.

In Ilya School, the literature and Russian studied in the school. Then he continued to education at the International Independent Ecological Political University, which was received in 2000. The diploma Yashin defended the topic "Technology of the Protest in Modern Russia". The supervisor acted as a philosopher and publicist, Professor Sergey Chernyakhovsky.


At the age of 18, Ilya Yashin officially became a member of the "Apple" party, whose leader was Gregory Yavlinsky. A young man was vividly interested in politics and did not miss a single event of activists. Ilya supported the protest movements of students, was constantly interested in innovations and laws. After graduating from the University, Yashin received the long-awaited qualifications of the political scientist. But already on the 2nd course he worked as an assistant Yevgeny Buynovich, deputy of the Moscow City Duma.

Yashin, from the very beginning of the political path, was distinguished by courage and a tendency to the shock. For example, with the help of special climbing equipment, he stretched over the Moscow-River poster demanding about the return of municipal elections. In addition, the oppositionist committed a conditional self-immolation, protesting against the power of Vladimir Putin.

In 2005, Ilya made one of the creators of "Defense" - coalition youth movement. In addition to Seau Piathers, Yashin here included members of other opposition organizations. However, the union existed only a year. At the same time, the activist was appointed head of the "youth apple".

Over time, politician began to behave independently of the requirements of the leadership, criticized Yavlinsky. The colleagues indignant and close friendship of Ilya with Boris Nemtsov. In 2008, Yashin was excluded from the party for an attempt to split and unsubsifying the requirements of the authorities.


In 2008, Ilya Yashin, Harry Kasparov and Boris Nemtsov founded the social movement "Solidarity". A year later, in 2009, Ilya was headed by the Nemtsov election campaign, running in the elections of the Leader of the Sochi City Administration. The race brought Boris Efimovich only 14% of the vote. Then Yashin tried to become a deputy of the Moscow City Duma, but the young oppositionist was not allowed to elections, recognizing the signatures collected in its support, invalid.

A year later, Yashin could be seen on an anti-government rally in the city of Kaliningrad. The event was collected 10 thousand people. For participation in protest actions, Ilya was repeatedly subjected to fines and imprisonment. However, such measures did not affect the activity of liberal.

In 2011, Ilya Yashin and Alexei Navalny detained for 15 days for the fact that those were sent to the center of the Central Election Committee immediately after the rally on Chistoprudny Boulevard. Activists counted that they were in a special receptionist unreasonable, and, having freed himself, filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights. The court recognized the arrest of oppositionists illegal and appointed the plaintiffs compensation in the amount of € 26 thousand, obliging the Russian authorities to pay this amount to Navalna and Yashin.

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Since 2014, Ilya Yashin has actively opposed the accession of the Crimea Peninsula to the Russian Federation, considering the event by the armed seizure of the territory of another country.

2015 is marked by the official registration of Parnas Party. Mikhail Kasyanov was the leader of the political association. In 2016, Yashin planned to run into the state du.

After the exit to NTV, the plot about Kasyanov and Pelevine Ilya refused to participate in the election campaign. After some time, the activist and another number of members of the political association Parnas announced the exit from the party. The reason was not a service novel of the opposition, and the dismissive words said by Natalia to colleagues, including Yashin. After what happened, Ilya Yashin continued to activities in the framework of the "Solidarity" movement.

Municipal deputy

Ilya has repeatedly participated in the elections as an observer or assistant candidate and advanced himself. On September 10, 2017, Solidarity received 7 mandates in 2 districts of the Krasnoselsky district of Moscow. The happy ticket in the system policy got both Yashin. Thanks to the persistence of a activist, it was elected after a month the Chairman of the Council of Deputies, and on the fact of the head of the Krasnoselsky Municipal District.

In the chair Mundep, Ilya is not satisfied. On the contrary, he began to fight such traditional phenomena as "golden parachutes". The reason was the request of the predecessor Yashin on paying 500 thousand rubles. However, in 2018, the issue of income has affected the opposition. Opponents of Liberal demanded that he explained the discrepancy between the spending and the amount specified in the Declaration.

In April 2018, Yashin declared his intention to run for the post of metropolitan town. The decision collided by the deputy with Dmitry Gudkov, who also wanted to compete for the place of the mayor. Choose a single candidate from the opposition turned out to be not easy. As a result, Ilya dropped out of the race, since the municipal filter did not pass.

A year later, Ilya Yashin tried to get to the Moscow City Duma. After hard work and the collection of more than 5,000 signatures in his support, Ilya again remained not from affairs, since the territorial election commission decided to prevent a candidate. Yashin answered protests in which he participated every day.

On July 27 and 3 August 2019, the Foundation for Combating Corruption Alexei Navalny organized unauthorized rallies. For this, the Cheromushkin Court of Moscow recited more than 2 million rubles from Navalny and his supporters. Among the defendants, Yashin passed on the suit. Within 2 months, Ilya was arrested 5 times.


In parallel with the organization of shares and pickets, Yashin wrote articles for the "new newspaper", released the book "Street Protest", in which he considered the forms of civil influence on power. In addition, in collaboration with Nemtsov worked on the analytical article "Putin. War ", dedicated to the situation in Ukraine.

In 2016, Ilya presented an investigation into the "threat of national security". It was about the situation in the Chechen Republic and about the head of the region of Ramzan Kadyrov. In the same year, Yashin presented the report "Unified Crime Russia", dedicated to the relationship of members of the party of government with organized crime.

Ilya Yashin put his hand to lighting events pointing to Navalny poisoning. The politician asked a friend to adapt for the Russian-speaking public the German film of the ZDF channel about the fate of the Russian oppositionist, after which he posted "Navalny's business" on the Yutiub-Channel.

Personal life

Personal life Ilya, as well as political, always developed brightly. Despite the low growth and thinness (168 cm at a weight of 71 kg), Liberal attracted the attention of the girls with the warehouse of the mind and a sense of humor. In the network, there were rumors for a long time that Yashin - Gay, but the activist refuted these relationships with famous beauties.

The media is known about several bright opposition novels. The first sweetheart, about which journalists and like-minded people, Yashin, became the actress Irina Vilkova. This relationship, unfortunately, did not last long. According to rumors, the reason for the separation was the new Passia Ilya.

In 2012, Yashin for a while turned into a star of glamorous Russian publications. It happened because information about the novel Ilya with Ksenia Sobchak came to the press, which at the time began to get involved in politics. Critics were shuffling that relations 2 opposition-minded young people - PR-move. Partly doubts disappeared after the search in the apartment Sobchak, when it turned out that the couple lives together.

It seemed that satellites would never break out, because Xenia and Ilya united not only personal sympathies, but also political views. However, such optimistic forecasts did not come true. Sobchak and Yashin broke up shortly after the 31st birthday of Ksenia, who was celebrated in love with Morocco. Soon after the gap, the woman agreed to become a wife of the actor and the director Maxim Vitorgana, which was reheared by the version of the fictitious connection with Ilya Yashin.

But Yashin did not stay alone. The activist became acquainted with Charming actress Barbarus Scherbakova. Details of the policy relationship kept secret. Love feelings did not receive a continuation, the wedding did not take place.

In February 2020, the elected of Ilya became Vera Musaleyan, the soloist of the "Aloever" team. In July, the scandal broke out around the lovers. Musaleyan told about how she was sent video on which Yashin is engaged in group sex with two girls. Recording is made about 10 years ago.

In 2010, the Russian opposition was shocked from the sex scandal in which noticeable political figures were involved. A number of videos appeared on the network that exhibited participants in negative light. Most of all then went to Viktor Shenderovich. First, the journalist was married, and secondly, Shenderovich literally raised for "adherence with the mattress."

A girl who seemed to opposition as Katia Mumu, and then seduced victims in an apartment filled with hidden cameras, Ilya immediately found out. The politician said that he met Katya and her girlfriend, after which he was invited to group sex. According to Yashin, in place the activist immediately guessed, which was in the honey trap. At the same time, Ilya Yashin reported that the video with his participation did not get into the network, since the sexual intercourse with 2 beauties would hardly outliete the young and free guy.

Opponents Yashin rose Liberal, believing that the oppositionist invented the story to be among the affected colleagues. However, the compromising video with Ilya's participation then appeared. On the record of the politician gave a bribe to the traffic police officers. Who was the author of the video and how reliably, it was not possible to find out.

It is worth noting that a person who has 16 years later sent a provocative roller, was configured to rip the wedding of Musaleyan and Yashin. In the report, Anonymous wrote the future wife of the activist: "Good afternoon, aloever! Your future husband loves you very much. All loves you very much! Good wedding! " The artist responded to this unexpectedly, writing that the chosen one was in bed. In September of the same year, Yashin married Musaleyan.

On July 15, 2020, politician became a member of the new loud scandal: a journalist Lesya Ryabtseva accused Yashin and his friend in rape. Olesya wrote about this in Twitter, and besides, the doctors diagnosed in her post-tramatic syndrome. The oppositionist did not respond to accusations, and the story did not receive further development. It is worth noting that Earlier Ryabtsheva consisted of relations with Ilya.

Barricade comrades have repeatedly conflicted with Yashin. In the same 2020, a roast dispute between Ilya and another public figure Maxim Katz broke out in the network. I sparks served to organize the rally of the memory of Boris Nemtsov.

Ilya Yashin now

Now Ilya continues to grow violent activities and keeps like-minded people aware of what is happening, laying out articles, photos from rallies and meetings in personal accounts in "Instagram" and "Facebook". Yashin has the opportunity to share opinions and on such platforms as a personal blog on the radio "Echo of Moscow".

The theme of Ilya posts often becomes a threat to his freedom, health or life. Thus, in April 2021, the oppositionist wrote an article in which anxiety expressed due to the fact that the "Radical Supporter of Putin" threatened with the activist in Twitter.

Later, Yashin reported on the decision to try again to go to the Moscow City Duma. On the site, he told the voters that they planned to be put forward as an independent candidate. At the same time, Ilya emphasized that he did not know if it would be possible to register this time. However, in July, he said that he was withdrawing the powers of the head of the Krasnoselsky district of Moscow. The politician stressed: will remain an ordinary municipal deputy.

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