Anastasia Prikhodko - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Eurovision", group, clips, "instagram", "Star Factory" 2021



Anastasia Prikhodko is an example of a bright and rapid career takeoff. The Ukrainian singer made a name on the Russian "stars factory", represented the neighboring state at Eurovision, but won the awards and honors, after 12 years, he refused the laurels due to the conflict between countries. Colleagues-compatriots touring in Russia, Nastya called "traitors." The girl causes an ambiguous reaction. Prikhodko is considered inadequate and talented, ungrateful and patriotic.

Childhood and youth

A future celebrity was born in April 1987 in Kiev. In the city of White Chestnuts, the early years of Prikhodko took place. In the veins of the singer flows mixed blood: Mom - Ukrainka, father from Rostov-on-Don. In the Slavic genes of Anastasia, a little Japanese DKN from the Prapradishashi, born in the country of the Rising Sun. Grandfather of the artist in the Great Patriotic War reached the Reichstag, the testimony of which is the preserved painting on the wall.

Nastya's parents broke up early when the girl was not fulfilled and 2 years old. Konstantin Rybalov worked as a theater decorator, but he served in the army, left his wife Oksana Prikhodko with two children - 1,5-year-old daughter Anastasia and the 3-year-old Son Nazar.

Rybalov returned to his homeland in the Rostov region, where she worked by Shakhtar. To communicate with my daughter began when the actress reached the age of 14. Nastya's mother, in the specialty journalist, put children on his feet on their own. Oksana Mikhailovna worked as a teacher and theatrical critic. When Anastasia achieved career heights, a woman entered the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture.

Son and daughter wear the name Prikhodko. The father of the singer said in an interview that he had suggested the children to use the honorable name of the heroic test. Nastya grew up "Pazona", fought with boys and fond of Thai boxing. For the "Nedoyachen" behavior of the courtyard guys called a friend of heroes.

Anastasia began to earn money early. The teenager worked as a cleaner, waitress, bartender. In the family, Nastya and Nazar sing Prikhodko. The first made the steps in the musical direction brother. After 2 years, the mother led an 8-year-old daughter in the Gliera School. After listening to the voice of the artist, the teachers have determined Prikhodko into the class of folk vocals.

At the age of 15, the performer tried to get into the next composition of the popular group VIA Gra. Career and the fate of the singer could have to work out otherwise. But, unfortunately or happiness, Casting Nastya did not pass.

After presenting the school certificate, Anastasia fell into the ranks of the "Kulka" students, so in the surroundings are called Kiev University of Culture and Arts. Nastya's brother, Nazar Prikhodko, also graduated from "Konc", receiving a specialty of the stage director. The young man continued to engage in vocals and in 1996 sang in a duet with the world legend Jose Carreras.


The first steps in the creative biography of Anastasia began to do in adolescence. Young artist regularly participated in musical competitions. At the international competition in Bulgaria ranked 3rd.

Fame collapsed on arrival together with the participation in the Russian television show "Star Factory" on the first channel. Ukrainian won in the 7th season, hitting the listeners with a strong voice with an amazing chalk. A vivid example is the "Vera" song, written by Konstantin Meladze and filled with Nastya at the competitive stage. After participating in a popular TV show, a young vocalist changed dramatically. The girl signed a contract with Konstantin Musotovy.

The joint composition with Valery Meladze "Unrequited", participation in such rating telenotes, like "big races" and "two stars", made Anastasia Media Maid. The director of the director Alan Badoeva, a joint speech with the "manufacturer" Mark Tishman in Sunny Yalta helped Ukrainian in the Russian pop Olympus.

In 2009, Prikhodko participated in the selection from Ukraine to the Eurovision International Competition, but received disqualification for errors (the song presented for 40 seconds exceeded the timing and had previously sounded at the Jubilee Concert Valery Meladze).

However, Anastasia went to Eurovision: the singer was not home, and Russia, passing the competitive selection in the neighboring country. For Nastya, 6 members of the jury from 11 were given to Nastya and the vocalist won and in folk SMS voting, receiving 25% of the vote from fans. The Principal Condition of Prikhodko put forward a speech in two languages ​​- Russian and Ukrainian.

The composition called "Mom" ("Mamo") ranked 11th on Eurovision 2009. Despite the modest result, Anastasia did not lower the hands. Soon in a duet with Valery Meladze, Nastya sang the heartfelt song "Turn My Love". Then the "golden plate" "MUZ-TV" and the Prize "Golden Charm" turned out to be "Golden Plate".

Konstantin Meladze as part of a contract with Prikhodko wrote such hits for a vocalist, as "loved", for which bright clips appeared. Fans remembered a duet with Pasha Lee. Together the guys performed a touching work "Your Heart". Under the guardianship of the Meladze brothers, Anastasia released the debut album "was enhancing", which included 15 tracks, including "Mamo."

After the completion of the contract, Konstantin Shotovich took the "promotion" another "manufacturer" - Polina Gagarin, and Nastya began to cooperate with the Georgian singer, speaking under the creative pseudonym David. Together, the musicians recorded the romantic composition "Between us the sky", which came to the roller soon.

In December 2015, Prikhodko presented a new song "Not the Tragedy", for which a video appeared soon. A year later, Anastasia participated in the selection for Eurovision 2016, giving away Jamale. But the singer presented the second disk, called "I am Vilna" ("I am free"). The fans allocated the work of "fool-love" and the subsequent colorful video from the director Dima Manifesta.

In 2017, Prikhodko assigned the title "Honored Artist of Ukraine". The vocalist continued to delight fans of hits. In 2017, GOODBYE composition gave music lovers to which the roller took off. Patriotic motifs became the basis of new songs. In early October, Anastasia presented the fans of the "Wings" track, in the clip for which the performer was abused.

In October 2018, Anastasia spoke with a sensational statement about leaving the scene. The post with the message arrived at the personal page in Facebook. The singer thanked fans for their support and promised to complete the work on the new album "Wings", the release of which was scheduled for 2019. However, the release of the plate was postponed indefinitely. As one of the reasons for the completion of the stage career, Anastasia called the desire for more time to devote family and children.


In 2014, due to the beginning of the conflict between the two countries, Anastasia persistently positioned itself, marked from Russia and making loud statements. Compatriots supported Prikhodko, and Russian fans turned away, calling ungrateful.

In December 2014, the premiere of the song "Heroes do not die" in Ukrainian, dedicated to the warriors of ATO. Together with the composition, a campaign was carried out to collect funds for the army. Anastasia called on to demolish Soviet monuments in Donetsk and Lugansk, including Joseph Kobzon, born in the east of the state. On the "Instagram" page, the artist placed a sharp appeal to the Russian popra.

In the spring of 2015, the performer went to the touring tour with performances in 9 American cities and gave assembled funds for the needs of the army of Ukraine. In the fall, Prikhodko joined the radical batch of Oleg Lyashko.

One of the reasons for leaving the scene in 2018 was the participation of Anastasia in the political life of the native country. The singer supported Julia Tymoshenko and the Batkivshchyna party. The desire to help Ukraine not only creativity, but also, originated since the first trips to the front-line territory.

The decision arrival fans met ambiguously. Many subscribers in "Instagram" and other social networks expressed negative emotions in the comments. The actress warned Haters about what will continue to delete negative messages. Anastasia stated that it was ready for a constructive dialogue, and not to listen to unreasonable accusations.

Prikhodko expressed extreme dissatisfaction with Petro Poroshenko's policies. In the summer of 2018, Anastasia filed to the court for the inconsistent use of video frames with a singer in the commercial head of the head of state.

In an interview with the same year, Prikhodko paid attention to the unpleasant statement about Russia. Fans from the neighboring country expressed indignation by the words of Nastya. In a conversation with journalists, a vocalist stated that she dreams of the collapse of the Russian Federation, in which the goats live.

In June 2019, Anastasia, as a member of the Batkivshchyna party, was registered as a candidate for deputies to the Verkhovna Rada. Elections initially were scandalous due to extraordinaryness. Vladimir Zelensky sought to update the parliament after Poroshenko. During the campaign, the arrival was made during the concert in Vinnitsa.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life of the artist found not immediately. The fans of the "Star Factory" remember the courting of Dmitry Bikbayev, who did not achieve the heart of Anastasia. Bikbaev shared in an interview that after the project came to Kiev, but the rock beauty did not take the phone and ignored messages.

A stormy romance with the Abkhaz entrepreneur Nuri Kukhilav was not crowned with marriage, although Nastya gave birth to Nanna's daughter. A couple of scandaling in public, giving food for tabloids and yellow editions. The celebrity had a tense relationship with mother-in-law, and Nuri did not want to share her beloved with show business. Union collapsed in 2013. Little Nanna stayed with her mother in Kiev. The girl grows creative and sociable child, engaged in music, drawing and ballet.

Anastasia did not remain alone, in the same 2013 he married a classmate Alexander. Previously, lovers studied at the same school, only Sasha was 3 years older. The young man heard the first handsome, became the first love of Prikhodko. But, according to the singer, he stubbornly did not notice Nastya among the peers and preferred blondes.

Later, Prikhodko repeatedly tried to adjust the relationship with the chosen one, but every time the next attempt has undergone collapse. Only after divorce from Nuri between Nagonia and Alexander began the novel.

In the summer of 2015, the singer became a mother for the second time, having giving birth to her son, and Nanne - Brother Proud. Later, the artist reported that he was not against further replenishment in the family. Now the pages of the tabloids often appear photo singer with children.

In April 2021, Prikhodko surprised journalists and fans, stating that she gave birth to a third child. Anastasia reported that she did not want to trade with pregnancies and endured the fruit of secret from the cameras.

Anastasia Prikhodko now

Surprised the Prikhodko and the fans of the show "Mask". The program originated in South Korea and is similar to the one that is broadcast in Russia on the NTV channel. Anastasia reached the semifinals in a dragonfly costume (grandmother). In social networks, the singer thanked the project producers for not revealed by the piquant position of the paparazzi. Earlier, in February 2021, Nastya declared his return to the stage.


  • 2012 - "Waitingled"
  • 2016 - "I'm Vilna"
  • 2019 - "SAME THAT"

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