Anait Poghosyan - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The television project "Voice", where participants demonstrate their vocal skills, are needed not only for entertainment purposes and raising the "First Channel" ratings to unprecedented heights. This show makes it possible to manifest talents from ordinary families, which, thanks to their persistence and work, become new stars at the sky show business.

Singer Anath Pogosyan

Eastern Beauty Anait Poghosyan in the blink of an eye conquered his singing Dima Bilan, Pelagey, Alexander Gradsky, Leonid Agutina and acquired a multi-millionth army of music lovers, and the composition of Anna Pingina "Swallow" performed by the show participants became a real hit.

Childhood and youth

A talented girl was born on September 22, 1990 in Solar Armenia, the city of Yerevan. The girl grew and brought up in an exemplary family, her father owned his own business, and the mother led a household and was engaged in the upbringing of three children (Aniat has a brother and sister).

It is known that the future participant in the competitive show began to show their abilities from the earliest childhood. The girl dressed in a sheet and satisfied the improvised concerts, performing the popular compositions of Diana Gurzky.

Anait Pogosyan in 2017

Little Anath pleased her parents and guests with their voice voice, and her father was proud of the success of his daughter, breaking her a happy future (unfortunately, in 2007 the head of the family did not become).

In 2000, due to family circumstances, the future singer, together with his parents, moved to Ukraine, where he continued to study in a secondary school. After receiving the middle education certificate, the future singer entered the university, where the Indo-Aryan language of Hindi was studied. But, having studied two years, Anait decided to tie his life with music, especially, inherited from grandfather she got an extraordinary velvet voice.


Having finished the university, Anait was put into free swimming and left to conquer the expanses of the heart of Russia herself. In Moscow, the girl settled to work out in karaoke, but later she admitted that such a start is not good for a novice singer.

Anait Poghosyan on stage

However, Anait Poghosyan was lucky: she noted the popular poet songwriter Karen Kavaleria and advised the future star to continue vocal classes. After the instructions of Matra Anahit began to improve his vocal data and tried to take higher notes under the leadership of the teacher of the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini - Raisa Sayed Shah.

On September 22, 2017, Anait decided to try his happiness and start his creative biography in the "Voice" music program, which is broadcast in the evenings on the "First Channel". The essence of the show lies in the fact that people from different parts of the world demonstrate their skills in front of the jury, thereby making the road to the show-business skyscoon.

The qualifying stage of the TV shows begins with the "blind listening": the judges are sitting before the contestants of the back and see the persons of the participants. Thus, musical critics are most objectively evaluated by vocal data. Pressing a special red button and turn the chair means that the mentor is ready to take a song in his team.

After Anait sang the touching composition Anna Pingina "Swallow", all members of the jury turned to her. But the judges surprised not only the voice of Poghosyan, but also an interesting position of the heroine - the eastern girl performed, being in the seventh month of pregnancy. The singer admitted that she was worried about how to go on stage, but yoga classes and thoughts about the future child helped her come to himself.

Anait Poghosyan in the show

Also, the girl was divided in an interview that before participation in the project initially wanted to choose Dima Bilan as a mentor, but after the speech gave preference to Pelagae. By the way, few know that the "First Channel" Anait got only from the fourth time.

She tried to speak in the fifth season of the project, but the teams were recruited, and Anayat had to wait for the next stage of the competition. On the casting, which took place in 2017, the beauty admitted that "a little pregnant", but this did not embarrass the producers of the show.

It is worth noting that the television cameras Aniple flashed even to participation in the "voice." At 19, she appeared in the program "Superzirka" ("Superstar"), and she was still lucky to visit the Ukrainian show "Sing, if you can".

On this project, a bold girl had to go through nine circles of hell: she sang in a transparent cube, and mouse crawled through her head. Among other things, Anait took part in the "Intuition" show (Ukrainian analogue), where participants had to guess the vocalist, or a mechanical engineer.

Also, by rumors, Anait performed in the program "Chance", with the song Tina Karol "Show Me Your Love". This singer came to this program after the Karaoke show on Maidan. It is not surprising that after so many appearances on TV screens, Anait began to recognize in his native Yerevan: the girl often take interviews, and enthusiastic fans are asked for an autograph.

"It happens, just passersby stop and say that they will be sick for me. They admire me, and it is very nice, "Poghosyan said.

Personal life

Artist is a cheerful girl who is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles found on the way. In the free music time, the girl is engaged in sports. Beauty gives preference, it would seem incompatible things - yoga and Thai boxing. Anait did not tell journalists who her beloved, but the media became known that she met the future chosen one for 4 months, for such a short time, young people understood that they would like each other.

Pregnant Anath Poghosyan

The singer confessed that they and her husband - the opposites: the spouse is cheerful, and she is serious. But, as you know, polarity is only attracted. Unfortunately, Poghosyan does not lead pages in the social network "Instagram", so fans cannot admire family photos, as well as learn the latest news from the life of a talented performer of folk songs.

Anait Poghosyan now

In 2017, Anait Poghosyan will first become a mom, a happy vocalist and her beloved person expect a girl who will be born, allegedly, in October or November. Also, Armenian is preparing for performances, because "blind listening" is only the beginning of musical competitions. Next will follow the "fights", "knockouts" and other stages of competition.


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