Moliere - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Comedy, Plays



Jean-Batist Plente - French comedized XVII century, creator of a classic comedy that has gained popularity under the theater pseudonym Moliere. Jean-Batist Plente was born on January 15, 1622, in the capital of France - Paris.

Portrait of Moliere

The head of the family, Jean Plente, and both Santa players were bypashers. Judging by the fact that the Father of the writer bought himself the position of the royal coherer and the Camnediner King, he had no problems with finance. Mother, Marie Cress, died from tuberculosis in his youth.

Jean Plente saw in the primacy of the successor of his court office and even achieved the king to secure his place for him officially. Since this case did not require special education, Jean-Batist for fourteen years barely learned to read and write. However, the grandfather insisted that the grandson was given to the Clermont Jesuit College.

Monument to Molver

At that time it was the best educational institution in Paris, in which ancient languages ​​were taught, natural sciences, philosophy, as well as Latin literature. These knowledge of the future author of the Comedy "Misanthrop" was enough to read in the original Float and Terentation and make a poetic translation of the poem Lucretia "On the nature of things".

He received a diploma of a teacher who has the right to lecture. From the biography of the writer, it is known that in his life also attended the experience of speaking in court as a lawyer. As a result, neither a lawyer nor the de-root coherer Moliere became.


Refusing rights to the paternal position and taking his share from the maternal inheritance, he went on the desire to become a tragic actor and began to master a hypocrite path. Just during that period, the theater passed from street layouts on the scenes of luxurious halls, turned out of fun for simpleness into exquisite entertainment and philosophical teachings for aristocrats, refusing to the ambulance hand of farms in favor of high literature.


Together with several actors, Jean-Baptiste created his theater, which, not doubting success, called the "brilliant", took himself a pseudonym Moliere and began to try himself in tragic roles. It is worth noting that the "Brilliant Theater" existed for a long time, without preparing rivalry with professional Parisian troupes. The most persistent enthusiasts together with the Moliere decided to try happiness in the province.

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During thirty-year-old travels throughout France (1646-1658), the Moliere retrained from the tragic to the comedian, since it was precisely the farce performances then to the provincial public. In addition, the need to constantly update the repertoire forced the Moliere to take over the pen in order to compose the plays. So, Jean-Baptiste, who dreamed of playing the main characters in performances, was involved in a comediograph.

Map Gastrol Molia

The first original play of Moliere became the comedy "Funny Zhemmifnits", set in Paris in November 1659. Success was stunning and scandalous. Then came the comedy "School of husbands" (1661 years) - about how to educate young girls, and the work of the "School of Wives" (1662). The following comedies are "Tartuf, or a deceiver" (1664), "Don Juan, or a stone guest" (1665) and Misanthrop (1666) - are considered the peaks of Moliere's creativity.

Portrait of Moliere

In the image of the main characters of the work, three ways of world-uponymia are pronounced: Svyatosh Tartuf, who believes that for sins of anyone there is an excuse in the intentions of Good, Bedless Dong Zhuan, who challenges the heavens and dying under the chain of the Stone Guest hand, as well as Allest, not recognizing his vices and weaknesses.

All these three comedies who gave the author's literary immortality, brought him some trouble in life. "Tartuf" after the first productions was prohibited due to the fact that believers saw the attacks on the church in the rigging of the religious hypocrisy of Tartuf.

Book Moliere

It is known that the Archbishop of Paris even threatened his flue from the church for any attempt to get acquainted with the comedy, and a couple of priests and were offered the sacred tribes-author to burn at the fire. Even the king is likely to interfere in this matter, preferring to maintain the Moltery of the secretly. The comedy did not appear on the scenes for five years until the public establishments were a little softened.

"Misanthropa" the audience also did not accept. In Alsesta, the audience saw a reflection of the gloomy state of the spirit of the author himself, which corrected with the main hero. The grounds for this were. The Moliere at that time came the black band in life. Without living and year, his son died, and with Armanda, who entered the theater and the first scenic successes and victories, conflicts began.

Moliere at a meeting with King Louis XIV

"Don Juan" was written by Jean-Batist after the ban "Tartuf" to feed the troupe, but an unpleasant story happened to him. After the fifteenth view, despite the noisy success in the public, the play unexpectedly disappeared from the stage.

After Tartuf, the Moliere caused increased attention from the Order of Jesuits and, possibly, here either did not cost without his intervention. The king to save the Moliere Theater, raised him in the rank, giving the name "King's actors", and the troupe began to pay a salary from the treasury.

Illustration of the Moliar Patient Moliar Play

It should be noted that the creative audacity of the Moliere (the so-called "innovation") was much averaged the evolution of aesthetic and ethical standards, and his artistic discrepancy, which Goethe called the "charming naturalness", bordered at that time with violation of morality.

Total Moliere left 29 comedies, some of them were written on the occasion of the court festivals - Princess Elida (1664), "Mr. De Pursoniak" (1669), "Brilliant lovers" (1670).

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Some creations belong to the genre of family-house comedies, such as "Georges Danden, or a fooled husband", "Marriage to Injury", "Skupoy", "Plotnie Skapen", "Scientists Women." The latest significant works of Moliere - "Motorman in the nobility" (1670) and the "Mnimy Patient" (1673) are written as comedy ballets.

Personal life

The first and only wife of Moliere became the sister of his former mistress Madeleine Verchar - Armand, who was twice as younger than the playwright. Evil languages ​​argued that Armanda is not a sister, but the daughter of Madeleine, and condemned the "immorality" of Jean-Batista, who took her child's wife.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, as often happens to the writers of the comedy genre, Moliere was inclined to melancholy, easily broke up and often jealous of the chosen. It is known that marriage The author of the work of the Mothanism in the nobility has already entered the old age, and Armand was young, charming and flirty.

Moliere and his wife Armand

Among other things, this simple story was exacerbated by gossip and emergent hints. Everything put the end of the king. Louis XIV, which at that time was in love with Mademoiselle Louise de Lavalier, and hence generous and wide in her eyes.

The autocrat took under the protection of the play of the Volnodumman and, in addition, agreed to become the godfather of the firstborn Moliere and Armanda, which was more eloquent than any decree on the inviolability of the Creator. It is known that the Son of the Writer died a year after birth.


The main roles in the performances of their theater troupe Moliere preferred to perform himself, not trusting them with other actors. On his last day of life, February 17, 1673, Jean-Batist also went to the stage in order to play the fourth time in the "Imaginary Patient" play. Right during the play, the drama has become bad. The relatives moved coughing the writer's coughing home, where he died in a couple of hours.

Moliera grave

It is known that the Archbishop of Paris first forbade Horon Moliere first, since the artist was a big sinner and had to repent before death. Correct the situation of King Louis XIV.

The burial ceremony of the eminent comedograph took place at night. The grave was behind the fence of the cemetery of the Church of St. Joseph, where the traditions of the suicides and unresolved children were buried. Later, the remains of Jean-Batista Moliere were reburied with a large pitue and a pomp. Per-lashiness cemetery. The creative legacy of the founder of the comedy genre was preserved in the books containing the meeting of its best works.

In 2007, director Laurent Tirar removed the film "Moliere", based on the story of which the story of the life of Jean-Batista is camp. In addition, at various times, such works of a writer, as a "miser", "Tartuf, or a deceiver", "School of Women" and "Don Juan, or Stone Pier" were specialized.

In September 2017, the premiere of the play "Dreams of Mr. De Moliere" was held at the Lenk Theater on the play Mikhail Bulgakov "Kabala Svyatosh", whose run was back in July. It is known that Jean-Batista played actor Igor Mirkurbanov.


  • 1636 - "LED"
  • 1660 - "Sganarel, or an imaginary cuckold"
  • 1662 - "School of Women"
  • 1664 - "Tartuf, or Deceiver"
  • 1665 - "Don Juan, or Stone Pier"
  • 1666 - "Misanthrop"
  • 1666 - "George Denden, or a fooled husband"
  • 1669 - "Mr. De Pursoniak"
  • 1670 - "Most of the nobility"
  • 1671 - "Prints of Skapane"
  • 1673 - "Mnimy Patient"

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