Voltaire - biography, photo, personal life, philosophy, views, works



Two star told Voltera that he would live up to 33 years old. But the great thinker managed to deceive the death itself, he miraculously remained alive because of the failed duel with a kind of nobleman from the genus de Rogan. The biography of the French philosopher is full of attacks and falls, but, nevertheless, his name has become immortal for centuries.

Voltaire, who left the Writer and who returned to England, made an indisputable contribution to a special form of knowledge of the world, his name stands in one row from Denis Didro and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The writer, in the veins of which there was not a drop of noble blood, favor great rulers - the Russian Empress Ekaterina II, the King of Prussia Friedrich "Old Fritz" II and the owner of the Swiss crown Gustave III.

The thinker left the descendants of the story, poems, tragedy, and his books "Candid, or Optimism" and "Bound, or Fate" divided quotes and winged expressions.

Childhood and youth

Francoisa Marie Aruue (the name of the philosopher at birth) was born on November 21, 1694 in the city of Love - Paris. The baby was so hil and weak that immediately after birth, the parents sent for the priest. Unfortunately, Marieryite Domar, the mother of Voltaire, died when the boy was seven years old. Therefore, the future ruler of the Duma of Western Europe grew and brought up with the Father, who was in the official service.

Monument to Voltera

Not to say that the relationship of the little Francois and his parents were friendly, so it is not surprising that already in the mature age of Aruhe declared himself an illegitimate sibling of the Chevalé de Rocherbryun - the poet and Musketeer. Francois Aruhe-Sr. gave his child to the Jesuit college, which is currently called the Lyceum of Louis Great.

In this college Voltaire studied "Latin and all sorts of nonsense", because the young man, though he received serious literary training, but for life, the fanaticity of local Jesuit fathers, which put religious dogmas above the human life.

House Voltera

Wolter's father wanted the Son to go to his footsteps and became a notary, so Francois was quickly attached to the law office. Soon the young man realized that the legal science, which the ancient Greek goddess of the Femid, not his path. Therefore, to dilute the green longing with bright colors, Voltaire took up the ink and pen not for the census of documents, but for the writing of satirical stories.


When the Voltaire was 18 years old, he composed the first play and then did not doubt that he would definitely leave a trace in history as a writer. Two years later, Francois-Marie Arou had already managed to decline in the Parisian salons and the sophisticated ladies and the glory of the king of ridicule. Therefore, some literary figures and high-ranking faces were afraid to find the publication of Voltaire, exposing them to society in the wrong light.

Writer Volter.

But in 1717, Francois-Marie Aruise paid for his witty satires. The fact is that a talented young man ridiculed the regent of the French kingdom at the Minor Korole of Louis XV - Philip II Orleans. But the ruler did not get to the ribs of Voltaire with due humor, so the writer was sent for a year in Bastilia.

But at the place of imprisonment Voltaire did not lose his creative dust, but on the contrary, began to engage in hard literature. Once at the wild, Voltaire received recognition and glory, because his tragedy "Edip", written in 1718, was held on the stage of the theater "Comeda Francoz".

Voltaire tells Bassanya

The young man began to compare with the famous French playwrights, so Voltaire who believed in his literary talent composed one work after another, and these were not only philosophical tragedies, but also novels, as well as pamphlets. The writer relied on historical images, therefore the regulars of theaters could see on the stage of actors, disguised in Caesar, Bruta or Magomet.

TOTAL in the service list of Francois-Marie Aruha 28 works that can be attributed to the classic tragedy. Also, Voltaire cultured the aristocratic genres of poetry, from under his pen it was often released by messages, gallant lyrics and OD. But it is worth saying that the writer was not afraid to experiment and mix, it would seem incompatible things (tragic and comical) in one bottle.

It was not afraid to dilute the rational coldness notes of sentimental sensitivity, as well as in his ancient works, exotic characters often appeared: Chinese, Iranian-speaking Scythians and cultivated Zoroastrianis.

As for poetry, the classical Epopeus Voltaire "Henriad" was published in 1728. In this work, the Grand Frenchman condemned the despot kings for their frantic reverence of God, using non-fictional images, but real prototypes. Next, approximately in 1730, Voltaire works above the fundamental satiric parody "Orleans Virgin". But the book itself was first printed only in the 1762th, before that, anonymous editions were out.

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The "Orleans Virgin" Voltaire, written in the Syllabic Twelve Complete, dipping the reader in the story of a really existing personality, the notorious national heroine of France Zhanna d'Ark. But the work of the writer is not a biography of commander of the troops, but a solid irony on the device of the French society and the church.

It is worth noting that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin read this manuscript in his youth, the Russian poet even sought to imitate Voltera in his poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (but, Vozrosv, Pushkin addresses the "French mentor" a very critical work).

Bust Voltaire

Among other things, Francois-Marie Aruise distinguished himself and philosophical prose, which acquired unprecedented popularity among contemporaries. The Per Master not only immersed the holder of the book into adventure stories, but also forced to think about the futility of being, the majesty of a person, as well as the meaninglessness of pure optimism and the absurdity of perfect pessimism.

The work "simple", published in 1767, talks about the misadventures of the supporter of the "theory of natural law". This manuscript is a mixture of lyrical elements, romance-upbringing and philosophical story.

The plot rotates around a typical character - a noble savory, a kind of robinson Cruise of the Epoch of Enlightenment, which illustrates the congenital morality of a person before his contact with civilization. But it is also worth paying attention to the New Candid, or Optimism (1759), which has become a global bestseller.

An essay for a long time was dusting for an hopeless curtain, since the work was forbidden because of obscenity. Interestingly, the writer himself "Candy" himself considered this novel with stupidity and even refused to recognize his authorship. "Candid, or optimism" something resembles a typical Plutovsky novel - a genre that has developed in Spain. As a rule, the main acting face of this work is an adventurer who causes sympathy.

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But the most quoted book of Voltaire is endowed with absurd and angry sarcasm: all the adventures of the heroes are invented in order to make merge society, the government and the church. In particular, the Saxon philosopher Gottfried Leibniz, the propagandizing the teaching described in the "Tyoditis, or the justification of God", fell under Opal.

The Roman Catholic Church brought this book into the blacklist, but this did not prevent "Candida" to decrease fans in the face of Alexander Pushkin, Gustava Flaubert, Fedor Dostoevsky and American composer Leonard Bernstein.


It happened so that Voltaire returned to the cold walls of Bastille. In 1725-1726, a conflict has occurred between the writer and Chevalé de Rogan: the provocateur has allowed himself to unite Francois-Marie Arue, who, under the pseudonym Voltaire, allegedly tried to hide his inalienate origin. Since the author of the tragedies for the word in the pocket does not climb, he allowed to declare offender:

"Sudar, my name is waiting for glory, and yours - oblivion!".

For these bold words, the Frenchman paid a literal sense - he was beaten by Lacey de Rogan. Thus, the writer felt on his own experience, which is biased, became an eagle defender of justice and social reforms. Coming out of the exclusion zone, the Voltaire's unnecessary at home on the orders of the king was expelled to England.

It is noteworthy that the state structure of the United Kingdom, which radically was different from the conservative monarchical France, struck him to the tips of the fingers. It was useful and familiarity with the English thinkers, who in one voice argued that a person could contact God without resorting to the help of the Church.

Portrait of Voltera

The French thinker in the treatise "philosophical letters" in the treatise "Philosophical Letters", promoting John Locke's teachings and denying materialistic philosophy in it. The main ideas of "philosophical letters" were equality, respect for property, security and freedom. Also, Voltaire fluctuated in the question about the immortality of the soul, he did not deny, but did not claim the fact that there is life after death.

But in the question of the freedom of human will, Voltaire passed from intenerismism to determinism. Louis XV, having learned about the treatise, ordered to burn the work of Voltaire, and the author himself was sent to Bastilia itself. To avoid the third conclusion in the chamber, Francois-Marie Aruhe went to Champagne, to his beloved.

Eccentric Voltaire dictates letter

Voltaire, a supporter of inequality and a zealous opponent of absolutism, criticized the device of the church in the fluff and dust, but he did not support atheism. The Frenchman was a deist, that is, recognized the existence of the Creator, but denied religious dogmatism and supernatural phenomena. But in the 60-70s, skeptical thoughts mastered the Voltaire. When contemporaries asked the enlightenment, whether "Higher Instantia" exists, he replied:

"There is no God, but this should not know my lacquer and a wife, since I don't want my squad to get me out, and my wife came out of obedience."

Although Voltaire, contrary to the wishes of the Father, did not become a lawyer, the philosopher was also engaged in human rights activities. In 1762, the author "Candy" participated in the petition on the cancellation of the death sentence, Zhan Kalasov, who became a victim of a biased court due to other confession. Kalas personified Christian Xenophobia in France: he was a Protestant, while others confessed Catholicism.

Philosopher Volter.

The reason why Jean in 1762 was executed through the wheelchairs, - the suicide of his son. At that time, a person his own binding abuse with life was considered a criminal, because of which his body was publicly dragged on the ropes and hung on the square. Therefore, the Kalas family presented the suicide of the offspring as a murder, and the court considered that Jean killed a young man, because he accepted Catholicism. Thanks to Voltera in three years, Jean Kalas was rehabilitated.

Personal life

In free from the essay of treatises and philosophical doom, Voltaire time played chess. For 17 years, the opponent of the Frenchman was Jesuit Father Adam, who lived in the house of Francois-Marie Aruue.

Beloved, as well as the Museum and inspirational of Voltaire was Marquis Du Shatle, passionately loved mathematics and physics. This lady even had to translate the fundamental work of Isaac Newton in 1745.

Emily was a married woman, but believed that all responsibilities in front of a man should be fulfilled only after the birth of children. Therefore, the lady, not breaking the fractions of decency, dipped into fleeting novels with mathematicians and philosophers.

With Voltaire, the beauty met in 1733, and in 1734 provided shelter from re-conclusion in Bastille - a dilapidated castle of a spouse, in which the philosopher spent 15 years of his life, returning there from numerous trips.

Voltaire in old age

Du Shatle put the liberty to the equations, the laws of physics and mathematical formulas, so the lovers often solved complex tasks. In the autumn of 1749, Emily died after the birth of a child, and Voltaire, who lost the love of his life, plunged into depression.

By the way, few people know that in fact Voltaire was a millionaire. Even in his youth, the philosopher met bankers who learned Francois to invest capital. Discovered by forty years, the writer was investing in the gear of the French army, gave money to buy ships and scooled works of art, and pottery production was in his estate in Switzerland.


In the last years of life, Voltaire was popular, each contemporary considered his duty to visit the Swiss house of the wisdom of the old man. The philosopher was hiding from the French kings, but with the help of persuasion returned to the country of Cezanna and Parmesan, where he died aged 83 years.

Grave Voltera

The remains of the author's intricate statements and views were buried in the National Tomb in Pantheon (Paris).


  • 1730 - "Story Karl XII"
  • 1732 - Zaire
  • 1734 - "Philosophical letters. English letters
  • 1736 - "Message Newton"
  • 1738 - "Essay on Fire Nature"
  • 1748 - "The world as it is"
  • 1748 - "Zadig, or Fate"
  • 1748 - "Semiramid"
  • 1752 - "Micromegas"
  • 1755 - "Orleans Virgin"
  • 1756 - "Lisbon earthquake"
  • 1764 - "White and Black"
  • 1768 - "Tsarevna Babylonian"
  • 1774 - "Don Pedro"
  • 1778 - "Agafokl"


  • "It's impossible to believe in God, not to believe in it - absurd"
  • "For most people, it is corrected - it means to change your drawbacks"
  • "The kings know about the affairs of their ministers no more than the cuckold about the affairs of their wives"
  • "Not inequality is painful, but addiction"
  • "There is nothing more unpleasant, how to be hung in the unknown"

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