Allan Chumak (Alan Chumak) - biography, photos, personal life, cause of death



In the late 1980s, Allan Chumak became the most famous healer and psychic of the Soviet Union. When he conducted "therapeutic sessions" and "charged" water on TV, millions of thirsty of citizens gathered at the screens. They believed that water, ointments and creams "from Chumak" would certainly heal, omolay and bring good luck. Thousands of people stated that Allan Vladimirovich helped, and the disease was gone.

Healer Allan Chumak

Skeptics called the "healer" by charlatan and argued that the look and movements of the hands on the other side of the screen Allan Chumak helps themselves, the rest either "cure" from imaginary diseases or the placebo effect. The fact that Allan Chumak became the legend of his time, and with his appearance in the USSR, the acquaintance of citizens with psychic and healing began.

Childhood and youth

The future "magician" in Moscow was born, in May 1935. Biography of Allan Chumak - White Spots. About the family and parents information climbing and contradictory. Some sources say that the boy was grew by the usual child. Like the peers, to the measure of hooliganil, chased football in the yard, missed the lessons. He studied badly, the teachers called Allana to be ragged. Neither translations from the class in the class, or from one school to another: the guy did not take for study.

Allan Chumak

Other sources describe a miracle boy who surprised his relatives and peers by stories about the culture and religion of India, information about which could not draw in the newspapers or in the books, since there were no literature on this topic. In post-war Moscow, units knew about the Vedas and the wheel of Sansar.

Young Allan hit adults unknown from where celebrities took information about the fate of celebrities, told little-known history events. But in the 1940s, the boy was perceived as an eccentric and a fantasist.

Allan Chumak in youth

True somewhere in the middle, but in the senior classes Allan Chumak did not think of healing. After graduating from school, the guy entered the Institute of Physical Education. After the diploma is given, it was working as a coach for cycling.

In 29 years, the coming hopes coach forcedly left the sport. Before dismissal, the Commission trial to visit the International Conference in the capital of Belarus, but when members of the Commission read the scientific work of Allan, doubted his competence. The young man outlined controversial statements that did not have a scientific justification.

Allan Chumak

Allan Chumak did not lower his hands and surprised familiar: on the first attempt, the dismissed coach entered the Moscow State University, one of the most prestigious faculties - journalism. After graduating from the university, settled in the popular newspaper "Evening Moscow". Then he switched to solid "labor" and "Moscow Komsomolets".

Biographers Allan Chumak claim that psychic and other "miracle-practitioners" the future "magician" became interested, working in the newspaper. But in those years, the journalist looked at the "healers" exclusively as charlatans and sweat. They say, even prepared exposure publications about the fraud "wonder doctors".

Psychic and healing

Information at what point in the consciousness of the journalist happened a fracture, no. But the young man, the deeper in the essence of the phenomenon, the more he was fond of the "unknown opportunities of the Universe." Suddenly Allan Chumak discovered "wonderful abilities" and "some kind of energy" in itself. Confident in amazing abilities sent to him over, the Chumak compiled the subtleties of psychic and healing.

Allan Chumak

For the first time on the screens, the healer appeared in 1989, within the framework of mass health sessions. Soon the Allana Chumak program on central television acquired a regular character. In a matter of months, the name of psychics learned a multimillion country. During the "medical sessions", the streets of cities are empty. Gullible citizens sat down in front of the blue screens, preparing, as recommended by Chumak, water, creams, ointments and candles.

According to the "healer" of the substance put in front of the TVs, "absorbed" the miraculous healing energy and cured the ailments. Healthy brought happiness in personal life, "attracted" wealth and good luck in business. Millions believed.

Allan Chumak distributes autographs

Middle and older generation people remember the "healing monologues" Allan Chumak and Anatoly Kashpirovsky on TV in the late 1980s and early 1990s. "Healers" after speeches on the central TV channels became stars, not inferior to the fame of the Primateonna of the Russian pop and members of the Government of the first link.

Scientists and shining science in vain exposed the "phenomenon" of Allan Chumak, citizens believed "healers", as children believe in Fay and Good Santa Claus.

Allan Chumak conducts a seminar

Academician Eduard Pavlovich Kruglyak explained to gusty citizens that the method of Chumac was false scientific, there are no confirmations of the healing effect from the extrasens sessions. Thousands of scientists have agreed with him, indicating the placebo effect. But Allan Chumak convinced the fans, he received the gift "over", received information from "votes", which sounded in his head.

Psychic speeches have ceased after the Russian Ministry of Health adopted a number of decisions that limited non-traditional treatments. Allan Chumak disappeared from TV and appeared within the framework of the "live" sessions, in stadiums and scenes of cultural houses. Soon the Chumak turned activities. In the media slipped the information that Allan Vladimirovich writes books.

Queue for reception to Allan Poeumak

Three books of the legendary "magician" came out from 2007 to 2009. Allan Chumak, Allan Chumak opened the secrets of therapeutic practices, gave advice, told about the "voices" who were told to use the nice gift.

With the advent of the citizens and the Internet in the life of computers and the Internet, Allan Chumak returned to the activity, but without their own popularity. He launched the official website where he placed video seasters. The healer argued that the regular view of the video for 7 months will cure any illness and improves the body. The video where Allan Chumak "treats" the musculoskeletal system, the gastrointestinal tract, liver and alcoholism, became the most visible.

Andrei Malakhov, Uri Geller and Allan Chumak

In 2008, the audience saw Allan Chumak again: he appeared in the Ukrainian TV show "Battle of Psychics" as chairman of the jury. The Chumak lasted one season on the air, giving way to the Israeli colleague Uri Geller. Allan Chumak experienced strength and as a politician. In 2000, the former "magician" ran into the Russian Duma from the Samara region, but there was no trace left from the victim: Chumak scored 3% of voters.

Personal life

Allan Chumak created a seven twice. From the first attempt, he remained daughter Elena, born in 1967.

Allan Chumak and his wife Lyudmila

The second marriage of psychics turned out to be prosperous: with his wife Lyudmila Allan Vladimirovich lived forty years. In 1984, the Song of Dmitry Chumak was born in the spouses.


Allan Chumak died in the capital, in the evening of October 9, 2017, on 83 years of life. The death of the husband confirmed to journalists of the Psychic spouse, while the woman refused to call the cause of death.

Allan Chumak in recent years
"A man left his life is enough," Lyudmila said.

The death of the healer was told in Facebook a journalist Dmitry Gordon, who was friends with Allan Chumac.

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