Alexander Gromov - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Alexander Gromov is a Russian science fiction writer, a laureate of several literary premiums. Works with fictional worlds read the booklers of the post-Soviet space, the work was recognized in Europe. In 2014, Russian cinema was replenished with a fantastic film, filmed by Alexander Nikolayevich.

Writer Alexander Gromov

Early years of Alexander Gromova's life covered in secret. Journalists and fans are mainly interested in the work of the writer - in an interview and portfolio occasionally slippages buying information about childhood and youth. Alexander Nikolaevich - Native Moskvich, was born in mid-August 1959, in the family of employees.

Alexander Gromov in childhood

The mathematical warehouse of the mind and interest in the engineering was led to the metropolitan energy institution. The student showed abilities to the sciences, an educational institution graduated with good estimates. The young engineer immediately accepted radio engineering into the staff, and three years later he switched to the Rump of the Space Instrument, which was given 16 years.

In Rlini, Alexander was listed by an explorer engineer. "In recent years, there was nothing to explore the work there," a man in an interview with the magazine "World of Fiction" is recognized. "I had a separate room where I was blocked, and no one interfered with writing texts."

By 2002, Alexander Nikolayevich read the whole country, the writer left the institute and decided to devote time exclusively literature.


In his youth, Gromov did not attract fiction, he read a little Kazantsev, Gansovsky, Gurevich. Once at the Institution Smoking, the Strugatsky Tai Tale Book advised the book, which is so impressed by the future writer that he literally fell ill with this direction of literature. Three years later, Alexander took the pen.

Alexander Gromov in youth

Try himself in the role of the writer Gromov began in the 1980s, but the literary debut took place in 1991 - the story "Techodont" appeared on the pages of the Journal of the Ural Pathfinder, and here a little later published a novel "Dropbank for Failure". It was the beginning of a dizzying creative biography.

In 1995, he saw the first fiction book "Soft Land", which represented a collection of the most successful works accumulated in the author's table. The publication brought Alexander Nikolayevich literary award named after A. Belyaeva. The "soft landing" is the main romance of the collection - awarded a separate authoritative award "Interpresson". In the future, Gromov will be a laureate of almost all the Russian fiction premiums, from Roscon to Sigma-F and Star Bridge.

Books Alexander Gromova

And in 2008, the European Society Science Fiction will call him the best author of the year. Fiction fans warmly met every work of the writer, because he did not differ in fertility. Among the most discussed works - "Forbidden Peace", "Feodal", "Computer", "Rebus factor".

Gromov creates works in the genre of scientific and historical fiction, in the piggy bank also work with a shade of fantasy. Although the writer himself believes that his works are, rather, "social fiction": in futuristic scenery it turns out to be an ordinary living person with understandable readers.

Writer Alexander Gromov

In novels and the titles, the heroes grow spiritually, evolve, tested by power, money, discover the ability to self-sacrifice. The author somehow joked:

"The recipe for my novels is simple. A certain society is taken (better than limited numbers), some nasty life is learned and the consequences are tracked. "

It is worth paying tribute to the Writer for the magnificent language of the presentation and a sense of humor, which is reflected in every book. Now Alexander Nikolaevich prefers to create in the format of small and medium-sized forms, pleases readers with critical articles on the theme of Lyapov and Cliché in science fiction.


The writer has long dreamed of filming his film. And so happened - in December 2014, the scientific film "Computer" with Evgeny Mironov, Anna Chipovskaya and Winnie Jones, came out on large screens of the country. Director spoke Dmitry Grachev.

Evgeny Mironov and Anna Chipovskaya on the filming of the film on the book of Alexander Gromova

The picture was removed on the story of the same name written on request for the magazine "If". The literary brainchild, according to the author, learned, the work was hard. As a result, the Planet of Breaken was born with marshy outlines, whose residents are punished by reference to Sargassovo swamp. Before the work became interested in cinema, six years have passed.

Alexander Gromov

The script of Gromov wrote back in 2006, as a sample of a pen in a new semicircle craft. The work sent 20 film companies, the answers flew from seven. But before the filming, the case did not reach the "computtor" did not pay attention to Grachev. The director managed to convince producers that the story should be removed. The author was satisfied with the screening, although the script has undergone significant changes. In an interview with Kanobu, he says:

"It's hard for me to be a simple viewer. Much seems great, and something - as a rashpil on a bare nerve. In favor of the film, I will say another important thing: in the sense of art decisions, the film is completely original. He has a very peculiar aesthetics, there has not been such a Russian movie yet. "

Alexander Nikolaevich highly appreciated the play of actors, liked the special effects.

Personal life

Alexander Gromov married, raised his daughter. The writer is an incorrigible romantic, an avid fisherman, loves travel - traditionally once a year, with the arrival of May heat, goes to conquer the northern rivers on the kayak. Last year, the path ran along the scenic route Selojavka-Volga. Land sport has been reflected in his work: the prose is filled with motives overcoming, combating obstacles.

Alexander Gromov - Lover of Tourism

Another amateur astronomy, thunder, even built two telescope with his own hands. For the past 9 years, he is a member of an astronomer-geodesic society. And, of course, the lion's share of free time takes reading books. Sergey Lukyanenko, Anatoly Rybakova, Oleg Divova, Svyatoslav Loginova, respects Sergey Lukyannko, Svyatoslav Loginov, and interests Anta Scalends. Among the foreign authors, Alfreda Better, Kurt Wannegut and Robert Khainlanya.

Alexander Groms now

Alexander Nikolaevich, as before, full of strength and creative ideas, every year generously shares with readers with new works. At the beginning of the spring, the writer put a point in the draft "Star Pyramid", giving a definition of work as a "comic cosmocker". By the way, some of the text is written in conjunction with the ficture of Dmitry Baikalov.

Alexander Gromov - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021 16662_9

On April 1, Gromov announced the output of the third book from the cycle of the calculator - "orbit for one", and promised that the trilogy, including the individual "calculator" and the "pagan", will soon see the light under one cover. And in early June, the fans received a gift in the form of the book "Absolute Weapon".

The writer often rests at the cottage, and also continues the tradition of the May swims on the kayak. In the spring of 2017, a big cat and a Volga promo an amateur athlete. Birthday celebrated the journey through the Russian expanses along the Kolomna-Zaraysk-Konstantinovo-Ryazan.

Alexander Gromov in 2017

Gromov keeps a blog in the "Live Journal", on the pages of which new books will present, shall be divided by the thoughts of politics, talks about everyday life. Posts shine sparkling humor and optimism.


  • "When happiness comes, you just have to be happy, and things are currently solving in turn"
  • "Working with the Word - Mazochist Pleasure"
  • "Geniya is better to show from the side, and not from the inside, this method is tested by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, and works well."


  • 1997 - "Lord of emptiness"
  • 1997 - "Year of Lemming"
  • 2000 - "Forbidden World"
  • 2000 - "Thousand and One Day"
  • 2001 - "Pursuit of the tail"
  • 2001 - "Wings of the Turtle"
  • 2002 - "Tomorrow will come eternity"
  • 2004 - "The first of the Mogican"
  • 2005 - "feudal"
  • 2009 - "Chance for dinosaur"
  • 2010 - "Game in Gangway"
  • 2010 - "Man from everywhere"
  • 2011 - "Dam from Sand"
  • 2011 - Reverse
  • 2015 - "Gentile"
  • 2017 - "Orbit for one"

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