Cat Leopold - character history, song, cartoon, series, mice


Character History

The "Adventures of the Cat Leopold" is a Soviet cartoon, familiar to several generations of children and parents. If you characterize the project, the story of the adventures of the intelligent cat and two restless mice are a cartoonerial consisting of 11 episodes. Director of cartoons about the role of friendship and peaceful coexistence were Arkady Height and Anatoly Reznikov. The first series of the project was released in 1975.

Arkady Heit and Anatoly Reznikov

Simple storyline conquered kids. Each episode described the instructive episodes from Leopold. Many noted the similarity of episodes with the American animated series "Tom and Jerry". The domestic cartoon on the background of a foreign counterpart looks like peace-loving and kind, and the heroes are less bloodthirsty and selfish.


Height and Reznikov met in 1974. Shortly before that, a cartoon show "Well, wait!". Reznikov, painted by success, planned a new project for small television viewers. The director could not pick up a curious plot, and composer Boris Savelyev came to the rescue. The musician introduced Heita and Reznikov, putting the basis of the productive creative union. It was born the idea of ​​a new multi-sized cartoon and the famous phrase:

"Guys let's be friends!".

The main idea was to reversal the plot contrary to logic. According to Hight and Reznikov, Leopold cat has not chased mice, but escaped from their attacks. The moral of the project was an important component of life - friendship. In order for the thought to be available to children, the project's creators have invested the famous quotation in the mouth of the main character.

Cat Leopold

The Soviet Union proclaimed the idea of ​​the world around the world, and the animated series how it is impossible to match it. The first series, represented by the public, became the "revenge of Cota Leopold". He followed the "Leopold and Golden Fish" series. Cartoons were created using smoking technology, which involves the use of carved parts, with the help of which the misanezen and the appearance of heroes are recreated. Multipliers painted images, placed them on the glass, and then gently moved, organizing the effect of animation. The following episodes were created by means of drawing technology.

Despite the presence of classical moral background, the project was not immediately approved by the Art Council of the Soyuz Studio. After the premiere of 1975, it was banned with the wording about anti-Soviet views and pacifist sentiments.

Cat Leopold and Mouse

The Chairman of Khsoveta Zhdanov confused that the cat could not figure out rodents. Nevertheless, the creators continued to work on the project, and their perseverance was rewarded. The story of an intelligent cat and hooligan mice since the 80s of the twentieth century was broadcast on the first channels of the country. The audience was delighted with new heroes: the cat and mouse quickly loved children, parents thanked the project, voicing the educational foundations. Success motivated the authors to visualize new ideas.


The main component of a successful animated series was unusual heroes. The central acts made a decent, educated cat with aesthetic name Leopold. He is dressed in tidy clothes, and the neck wears a lush bow. Frant walks around the house in slippers and is expressing simple, but beautiful. Unlike a wolf of "Well, wait!", He does not smoke and does not drink, says modestly and quiet, hospital and purestoten.

Cat Leopold

Leopold got used to solve problems peacefully and encourages the mice attackers to live together, do not harm each other. A peace-loving good-natured hero forgives hindrances and is ready to come to the revenue to two blow mice.

Some spectators considered a crawled cat, because sometimes the goats of mice were offended. The creators of the project tried to interfere with him, so in one of the episodes he received a medicine "Ozberin", which would help repulse offenders.

Cat Leopold after

But the character of Leopold does not allow to go on rudeness, so the mice remain well, and the audiences understand that the patience and good attitude will melt any heart.

Leopold antipodes are two mouse - white and gray. Although there is not a word about it in the cartoon, the heroes have names: Mitya and Motya. The hooligans are opposed to the cat and take its decency and restraint for cowardice. In each episode, the hooligans are trying to annoy Leopold, and in the final the actions certainly repent, asking for forgiveness.

Mouse gray and white

Gray, who speaking a squeaky voice, at first wore a cap, but over time he lost her. During the narration, he strongly spread and found bass. White remained skinny and retained a high voice. At first, the leader was gray, but from the third episode, the leadership passed into the paws of white, which was more cunning and calculating.

Interesting Facts

  • In the period from 1975 to 1987, 11 cartoons came out about the adventures of sworn friends. They described the search for treasure, buying a TV, a cat walk and his birthday. The plot talked about how summer passed in the company of mice, flights in a dream and in reality, interview with Leopold. The narration was built around a hike in the clinic and the purchase of a car.
  • In 1993, the Soyuz Studio released another 4 series about the adventures of favorite children's characters. It was a new season with a high-quality image and with the same semantic load. The cycle was called "The Return of the Leopold Cat".
  • The cartoon is disassembled fans on quotes. In addition to famous phrases, it used the soundtrack, it still raises the mood to millions of children and adults. The optimistic song "The troubles of this we will survive!" became a hymn project.
  • The sound scooter and sounding of the animated series turned out to be a curious process. In the first series of cartoon mice and cat Leopold voiced Andrei Mironov. He was invited to cooperate over the second series, but the artist unexpectedly fell ill. Actor replaced Gennady Khazanov. Alexander Kalyagin presented the characters a voice in series from 3 to 10 episode, and at Interviews of the Leopold Cat, the audience again heard Mironov.
  • During the cartoon ban, the image of a good cat became known in all corners of the Soviet Union. Not one book is written about his adventures.
  • The popularity of the cartoon is so great that in honor of Leopolda is minted with a nominal value of $ 2. Among the collectors, its cost is estimated at $ 140.
  • The authors of the famous cartoon cherish hope for the creation of the continuation of the cycle about the adventures of the touching cat Leopold and the gray and white vertihvosts. In 2016, the work on the project prevented the financial crisis, but the producers do not lose hope for renewing work.

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