Suleiman I - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, History of Board, Wife, "Magnificent Century"



Suleiman I - the tenth of Sultan Ottoman Empire - endowed his state unprecedented power. The Great Conqueror became famous as a wise author of laws, the founder of new schools and the initiator of the construction of architectural masterpieces.

In 1494 (according to some reports - in 1495), the Turkish Sultan Selim I and the daughter of Crimean Khan Aishi Hafsy had a son who was destined to conquer polimir and transform their native country.

Portrait of Suleiman I.

The future Sultan Suleiman I received a brilliant education at the time of the Palace School in Istanbul, childhood and youth held reading books and spiritual practices. From an early age, young people were in charge of administrative affairs, appointing three provinces by the governor, including in the Vassal Crimean Khanate. Even before climbing the throne, young Suleiman won the love and respect of residents of the Ottoman state.

Beginning of the Board

Suleiman took the throne when he was almost 26 years old. Description of the appearance of a new ruler belonging to Peru of the Venetian ambassador Bartolomeo Contarini, entered the famous book of English Lord Kinross "Flowering and decay of the Ottoman Empire" in Turkey:

"High, strong, with a pleasant facial expression. His neck is a little longer than usual, the face is thin, the nose is eagle. The skin tends to excessive pallor. They say that he is a wise lord, and all people hope for his good rule. "

And Suleiman initially justified hopes. She started with humane actions - returned the freedom to hundreds of captives chained in the chain from noble families of states captured by the Father. It helped to resume trading relations with countries.

Sultan Suleiman I.

Especially rejoiced by the innovations of Europeans, hoping for a long-term world, but, as it turned out, early. An equilibrated and fair at first glance, the ruler of Turkey still snapped the dream of military glory.

Foreign policy

By the end of the board, the military biography of Suleiman I numbered 13 major military campaigns, of which 10 conquering campaigns - in Europe. And this is not counting small raids. The Ottoman Empire has never been so powerful: her land stretched from Algeria to Iran, Egypt and almost to the threshold of Vienna. At that time, the phrase "Turks at the gate" became a terrible horror tower for Europeans, and the Ottoman ruler was compared with the Antichrist.

Sultan Suleiman during the third siege of Rhodes

After a year after the climbing, Suleiman went to the borders of Hungary. Under the pressure of the Turkish troops fell the fortress of the Shabat. Victory was thrown as out of abundance - Osmans established control over the Red Sea, Algeria, Tunisia and Rhodes Island, conquered Tabriz and Iraq.

The Black Sea and the eastern part of the Mediterranean also took place on the rapidly growing Empire map. In subordination of Sultan was Hungary, Slavonia, Transylvania, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1529, the Turkish ruler swung on Austria, storming the army of 120 thousand soldiers of its capital. However, the epidemic that took a third of the Ottoman army was helped by Vienna. The siege had to remove.

Territory of the Ottoman Empire at Suleiman I

Only on Russian lands, Suleiman did not seriously attempted, considering Russia a deaf province that does not cost efforts and cash spending. Osmans occasionally arranged raids on the ownership of the Moscow state, Crimean Khan even reached the capital, but the large-scale campaign did not happen.

By the end of the reign of the ambitious Lord, the Ottoman Empire turned into the greatest and strongest state in the history of the Muslim world. However, military events exhausted the treasury - according to estimates, the content of the army from 200 thousand military, where the slaves, Yanychars, eaten two thirds of the state budget of peace times.

Domestic politics

Suleiman not in vain got the nickname magnificent: the life of the ruler is filled with not only military successes, Sultan succeeded in the internal affairs of the state. On his instructions, the judge Ibrahim from Aleppo updated the court of laws, which acted up to the twentieth century. Applying the injury and the death penalty decreased to a minimum, although the criminals caught on the fake of money and documents, the MZOMOTI and perjury, still lost their brushes of the right hand.

Bas-relief Suleiman I.

The wise ruler of the state, where representatives of different religions adjointed, considered it necessary to weaken the pressure of Sharia and attempted to create secular laws. But part of the reforms did not take place because of the permanent wars.

He changed to the better and education system: elementary schools began to appear one after another, and graduates, if desired, continued to receive knowledge in colleges, which were located within the eight major mosques.

Coin time Suleiman I

Thanks to Sultan, the architectural heritage was replenished with masterpieces of art. According to the sketches of the beloved architecture, Sinana built three chic mosques - Selimia, Shehzade and Suleymania (the second largest in the capital of Turkey), which became a sample of the Ottoman style.

Suleiman was distinguished by poetic talent, so the literary creativity did not care. During his reign, Ottoman poetry with Persian traditions was polished to perfection. At the same time, a new position was appeared - the rhythmic chronicle, she was occupied by poets, which entered the poems of current events.

Personal life

Suleiman I, in addition to poetry, was fond of jewelry affair, heard the skillful blacksmith and even personally cast guns for military hikes.

How many women were in the sultan harem, unknown. Historians know only about the official favorites who gave birth to Suleiman. In 1511, the first concubine of the 17-year-old heir to the throne became Fyulana. Her son Mahmoud died of smallpox, without surviving up to 10 years. The girl disappeared from the advantages of the palace life almost immediately after the death of the child.

Suleiman I and Women from His Harem

Gulfem Hatun, the second concubine, also presented the sown to the ruler, whom the epidemic of smallpox did not spare. A woman emitted from Sultan, for half a century remained his friend and advisor. In 1562, Gulfem on the orders of Suleiman strangled.

The third favorite was approaching the status of the official wife of the ruler - Makhidevran-Sultan. For 20 years, there was a great influence in the harem and in the palace, but she failed to create a legitimate family with Sultan. He left the capital of the empire along with the son of Mustafa, who was appointed by the governor of one of the provinces. Later, the heir to the throne was executed for the fact that the allegedly was going to overthrow the father.

Suleiman I and Hurrem (Roksolana)

The list of women Suleiman is magnificent headed by Hurrem. The favorite of the Slavic roots, Roksolana, a prisoner from Galicia, as it was called in Europe, fascinated the ruler: Sultan gave her freedom, and then took into legal wives - a religious marriage was concluded in 1534.

The nickname of Hurrem ("Laming") Roksolana received for fun temper and smoothies. The Creator of Harem in the Topkapi Palace, the founder of charitable organizations inspired artists and writers, although it did not differ in perfect appearance - the subjects appreciated the mind and everyday trick.

Sultan Selim, son of Sultan Suleiman I

Roksolana skillfully manipulated her husband, by her pointer, Sultan got rid of sons born by other wives, became suspicious and cruel. Hurrem gave birth to daughter Mihrimah and five sons.

Of these, after the death of the Father, the state was headed by Selim, who, however, was not distinguished by an outstanding talent of the autocrat, loved to drink and walk. During the reign of Selim, the Ottoman Empire began to fade. Suleiman's love did not fade to Cheurrem over the years, after the death of his wife, the Turkish ruler did not go so more under the crown.


Sultan, who put on his knees, mighty states died, as he himself wished, in war. It happened during the siege of the Hungarian fortress of the sigtaur. 71-year-old Suleyman has long been tormented by gout, the disease progressed, and even riding a horse was already with difficulty.

Tomb of Suleiman I.

He died in the morning of September 6, 1566, and without having lived a couple of hours to the decisive storming of the fortress. The treasurers of the doctors immediately killed that information about death did not reach the troops, which in the heat of disappointment could raise the uprising. Only after the heir to the throne Selim installed power in Istanbul, the warriors learned about the death of the Lord.

According to legend, Suleiman felt the approaching end and voiced the last will commander-in-chief. A request to a philosophical meaning today is known to everyone: Sultan requested not to close his hands on the funeral procession - everyone should see that the accumulated wealth remains in this world, and even Suleiman is a magnificent, the Great Lord of the Ottoman Empire, goes with empty hands.

Mosque Suleymania

Another legend is connected with the death of the Turkish ruler. Allegedly displaced the body, and the outstanding internal organs were placed in a gold vessel and burned at the place of his death. Now there are towering mausoleums and mosque. The remains of Suleiman are resting on the cemetery of the Sulimania mosque built by him, near the Roxolana Mausoleum.


A few artistic and documentaries tell about the life of Suleiman I. The series "Magnificent Century" was bright shielding of harem intrigues, which saw the light in 2011. In the role of the Ottoman ruler, the Khalit Ergech, whose charismaticness is even felt by the photo.

Suleiman I - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, History of Board, Wife,

The image created by the actor is recognized as the best embodiment of the Sultan authority in cinema. The concubines and wife of the ruler plays Merry Primelli, actress with German-Turkish roots, too, managed to transfer the main features of Cherrere - immediacy and sincerity.


  • "Suleiman is great. The greatest Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. 1520-1566 ", Lamb
  • "Suleiman. Sultan East, "Lamb
  • "Sultan Suleiman and Roksolana. Eternal love in letters, verses, documents ... "Prose of the Great.
  • Series of books "Magnificent Century", N. Pavlischev
  • "The magnificent age of Suleiman and Hurrem-Sultan", P.J. Parker
  • "The greatness and collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The ruleless horizons ", Goodwin Jason, balls m
  • "Roksolana, Queen of the East", O. Nazaruk
  • "Harem", B. Small
  • "Flowering and decline of the Ottoman Empire", L. Kinross


  • 1996 - "Roksolana"
  • 2003 - "Hurrem Sultan"
  • 2008 - "In search of truth. Roksolana: bloody path to the throne »
  • 2011 - "Magnificent Century"


  • Mosque Suleymania
  • Mosque by Hurrem Sultan
  • Mosque Shehzade
  • Mosque Selimium

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