Jean Jacques Rousseau - biography, photo, personal life, main ideas



Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva on June 28, 1712. This French philosopher, the writer of the Epoch of Enlightenment is known to the pedagogical works, theories. Rousseau call the founder of romanticism in philosophical science. Some researchers believe that Jean-Jacques Rousseau to some extent provoked the Great French Revolution.

Childhood and youth

The childhood of the Franco Swiss Jean-Jacques can not be called carefree. Mother, Suzanna Bernard, died at birth, leaving the Son on the care of the father of Isaac Rousseau, who worked by the watchmaker and worked as a dance teacher. The death of the spouse man suffered hard, but she tried to direct the love of Education Jean-Jacques. It became a significant contribution to the development of the younger Rousseau.

Portrait of Jean Jacques Rousseau

A child since his years has studied Plutarha's works, reading "Astrey" with his father. Jean-Jacques presented himself at the site of an ancient hero of scenes and specially burned his hand. Soon the eldest Rousseau had to leave Geneva because of an armed attack, but the boy stayed in his home with Uncle. The parent did not suspect that the Son would become a significant philosopher for this era.

Later, the relatives gave Jean-Jacques to Protestant Pension Lamberry. After a year, Rousseau for training was transferred to the notary, later transferred to the Grare. Despite serious workload, the young man found a reading time. Education taught Jean-Jacques to lie, pretend and steal.

In 16 years, Rousseau escapes from Geneva and enters the monastery, located in Turin. For almost four months there was a future philosopher here, after which he entered the service to aristocrats. Jean-Jacques worked with a lacquer. The son of the count helped the guy to comprehend the basics of Italian. But the skills of the letter Rousseau received the Momashi - Mrs. de Varan.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau in some works, personally written, represents interesting facts to their biography. Thanks to this, we learn that the young man worked by the secretary and the home mentor before it came to philosophy and literature.

Philosophy and literature

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is, first of all, a philosopher. Books "Public Agreement", "New Eloise" and "Emil" still study representatives of science. In the works, the author tried to explain why there is social inequality in society. Rousseau first tried to determine if there was a place to be a contractual way to create statehood.

Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean-Jacques considered the law to express a common will. He had to defend the company's representatives from the government, which is not able to do not criticize the law. Property equality is possible, but only in the case of the statement of common will. Rousseau offered people to independently take the law, thereby controlling the behavior of the authorities. Thanks to Jean-Jacques, Rousseau created a referendum, reduced the deadlines of the deputy authority, introduced a national legislative initiative, a mandatory mandate.

"New Eloise" - a sign of Rousseau. The novel clearly traced the notes of Clarissa Garloa, created by Richardson. This book Jean-Jacques considered the best work written in the epistolary genre. "New Eloise" represents 163 letters. This work led to delight French society, since in those years this way of writing the novels was popular.

Speech by Jean Jacques Rousseau

"New Eloise" tells the story of the tragedy in the fate of the main character. It puts the chastity pressure on it, having a girlfriend to enjoy love and submit to the inventing temptation. The book won the love of people and made Rousseau with the father of romanticism in philosophy. But the literary life of the writer began somewhat earlier. Back in the middle of the XVIII century, Rousseau consisted of the Embassy service in Venice. Soon a man finds a vocation in creativity.

In Paris, the acquaintance occurred, which played a significant role in the fate of the philosopher. Jean-Jacques met with a field of Golbach, Denis Didro, Etienne de Kondillak, Jean D'Alber and Grimm. Early tragedies and comedies did not become popular, but in 1749, being in conclusion, he read in the newspaper about the competition. The topic was close to Rousseau:

"Was the development of science and arts deterioration of morals, or did it contribute to the improvement of them?".

It inspired the author. Popularity among citizens Jean-Jacques earned after the opera "Rustic sorcerer". This event happened in 1753. The mentality and nature of the melody testified to the villagers. Even Louis XV fought Aria chip from the work.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

But the "rustic sorcerer" and "reasoning" added russia problems. Grimm and Golbach perceived creativity Jean-Jacques negatively. Voltaire stood on the side of the enlighteners. The main problem, according to philosophers, was the Plebee democracy present in the work of Rousseau.

Historians with Eustice studied the autobiographic creation of Jean-Jacques called "Confession". Truthfulness and sincerity are present in each line of the work. Rousseau showed the readers strengths and weaknesses, exposed the soul. Quotes from the book still use to create a philosopher's biography and writer, assessing creativity and character Jean-Jacques Rousseau.


In the sphere of interests of the enlightener, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a natural person who does not affect the social conditions. The philosopher believed that education was affected by the child's development. Rousseau used this idea when developing a pedagogical concept. The main pedagogical ideas of Jean-Jacques presented in the work of Emil, or about the upbringing. This treatise, on the recognition of the author, is best and important. Through artistic images, Rousseau tried to convey thoughts regarding pedagogy.

Educational and educational system has not satisfied the philosopher. The ideas of Jean-Jacques contradicted the fact that the basis of these traditions is the church, and not democracy, widely distributed in those years in Europe. Rousseau insisted on the need to develop natural talents in a child. The natural development of the individual is the main task of education.

According to Jean-Jacques, the views on the upbringing of children should be radically changed. This is due to the fact that a person from the moment of birth and to death constantly opens up new qualities in itself and the surrounding world. Based on this, educational programs need to build. A kind Christian and a good man is not what a person needs. Rousseau sincerely believed that there are oppressed and oppressors, and not a fatherland or citizens.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Pedagogical ideas Jean-Jacques Rousseau were in the advice of parents about the need to develop in a small man's desire for work, respect for themselves, a sense of freedom and independence. In no case can you indulge or yield to the requirements, even whims of kids. At the same time, you need to abandon the subordination of the child. But the most experienced a philosopher for shifting responsibility for education for a teenager.

An important role in educating a person is played by work, which will lead the death sense of duty and responsibility for his own actions. Naturally, this will continue to make a baby to earn up for food. Under labor education, Rousseau meant mental, moral and physical improvement of a person. The development of the needs and interests of the child should be paramount for parents.

Thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau

According to Jean-Jacques, Rousseau, at every stage of the adults it is necessary to cultivate something defined in Chad. Up to two years - physical development. From 2 to 12 - sensual, from 12 to 15 - mental, from 15 to 18 years old - moral. Before the father and mother, it is the main task - to be patient and persistent, but in no case cannot be "breaking" the child, putting him the false values ​​of modern society. Exercise and hardening will operate in the baby resistance, exposure and strengthen health.

In the period of growing up a teenager for the knowledge of the world, you need to learn to use the senses, not the book. Literature is good, but she invests in the rapid minds whose vision of the world.

Thus, the child will not develop their own mind, but will perceive the words of others on faith. The main ideas of mental education were to communicate: parents and educators create an atmosphere when the child wants to ask questions and receive answers. Rousseau considered important for the development of items, biology, chemistry and physics.

Adults at age 15 are constant emotions, outbreaks of feelings that cover adolescents with heads. It is important during this period not to overdo it with morals, but to try to instill moral values. The society is quite immoral, so it is not necessary to shift this duty on foreign people. At this stage, it is important to develop the kindness of feelings, judgments and will. It is easier to do it will be away from large cities with their temptations.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

As soon as the young man or the girl will be 20 years old, it is necessary to move to an acquaintance with public duties. Interestingly, this stage of female representatives was allowed to skip. Civil duties are exclusively male manifestation. In the works of Jean-Jacques, Rousseau traced the ideal of a person, who contradicted the Society of the XVIII century.

Proceedings Rousseau committed a coup in the pedagogical world, but the authorities considered it dangerous, threatening the polls of the public worldview. The treatise "Emil, or about the upbringing" burned, and in relation to Jean-Jacques released a decree on arrest. But Rousseau managed to hide in Switzerland. Thoughts of the philosopher, despite the unacceptability of the French government, influenced the pedagogy of that time.

Personal life

Due to the lack of money to marry a noble lady, Jean-Jacques did not have the opportunity, so the philosopher chose Teresa Levasser. Woman worked by the maid at the hotel located in Paris. The mind and intelligence of Teresa did not differ. The girl came from the peasant race. Education did not receive - did not define what time it is. In Society, Levasser appeared vulgar.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Teresa Levasser

Nevertheless, in Marriage Rousseau lived until the end of days. After 20 years of married life, together with Teresa, a man went to church, where they were married. The spouses had five children, but the babies immediately gave to an educational house. Jean-Jacques explained this act with a lack of money. And besides, according to the philosopher, the children interfered with Rousseau what he loved.


The death of Nastigala Jean-Jacques Rousseau July 2, 1778, in the suburban residence of Chateau d'Ermenonville. Here in 1777 brought the philosopher friend who noticed the deterioration in the state of Russian health. For entertainment, the guest Comrade organized a concert on the island located in the park. Jean-Jacques, falling in love with this place, asked to arrange a grave for him here.

A friend decided to fulfill the last request of Rousseau. The official destination of the public figure is the Island of Yves. Hundreds of fans each year visited the park for the sake of acquaintance with the martyr, who so brightly described Schiller in poems. During the Great French Revolution, the remains of Jean-Jacques Russo moved to Pantheon. But after 20 years there was a bad event - two criminals were stolen by the dust of the philosopher and thrown into the pit, filled with lime.

Interesting Facts

  • Rousseau studied at the music school, wrote musical works.
  • After several years of wandering, in 1767 he returned to France, but under a different name.
  • In Switzerland there is an island on the Rhone River, named after Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • The philosopher has enjoyed popularity from the ladies.
  • Rousseau was not a careerist due to a plumbing character.


  • 1755 - "reasoning about the origin of inequality between people"
  • 1761 - "Julia, or New Eloise"
  • 1762 - "On the public contract"
  • 1762 - "Emil, or about upbringing"
  • 1782 - "Walking a lonely dreamer"
  • 1782 - "Reflections on the Government of Poland"
  • 1789 - "Confession"

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