Plutarch - biography, photo, personal life, statements and essays



It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the works written by the ancient wise people, their discoveries and other heritage, which has taken to humanity since the times. Unfortunately, many works have not survived to this day, and this is a serious loss. However, it makes no sense to regret that it is impossible to change, apply, on the basis of the current situation. At the very least, the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman wise men themselves approved, to the number of which relate to Plutarch from Herone.

Childhood and youth

About the childhood of an ancient Greek writer and the philosopher is known. He was born in 46 of our era. Boy's parents, although they were secured, but did not belong to aristocrats or other preferred estates. Nevertheless, this fact did not prevent Plutarch and his brother lamp read books and get a good education in Athens.

Studying philosophy, rhetoric and mathematics, Plutarchs began his friends with the AmmoniM teacher - a supporter of Plato's teachings. This friendship led to the fact that at the end of the training of Plutarchs together with his brother and teacher went to Delphi.

Portrait of Plutarch

The purpose of this journey was a personal acquaintance with the cult of Apollo, as well as the activities of oracles and pythies. This event was seriously affected by the young Plutarch, in subsequent years he did not once recalled this (including in his works).

Returning back to the native city of Heronee, Plutarch entered the public service, becoming an archon-eponym. The first task of the Young Archont was the report to Consulus Ahaya Province about the requirements of the city's residents. Successfully coping with the instruction, Plutarch continued his work by the public figure.

Philosophy and literature

Plutarch always considered himself a follower of Plato's teachings. Nevertheless, it will be more correct to attribute it to the eclectics - adherents of the flow, fully formed after the death of Plutarch by the Alexandrian philosopher Potamon.

Many factors influenced the formation of Plutarch views, among which Platonics ammonium played a major role. However, it is worth noting that even during training, the future philosopher has managed to get acquainted with the peripatetics (students of Aristotle) ​​and with Stoiki. And if the followers of Aristotle seemed to him more or less convincing, then the Stoics, like epicureans, Plutarchs later criticized.

Philosopher Plutarch

Also, during one of his travels, the peace of Plutarch managed to get acquainted with Roman nonopagorsians. The literary heritage of the philosopher is really extensive. According to the catalog, compiled by the brother of the philosopher with a lamp, Plutarch wrote about 210 writings, the main part of which was preserved to the present day. From this mass, researchers put "comparative life" and the "Moralia" cycle, consisting of 78 works (plus 5 more with controversial authorship).

"Comparative life positions" are 22 pair biographies of the ancient Greeks and Romans, including Julius Caesar, Alexander Macedonian, Spartan Tsar Leonid, as well as the speakers of Demosphen and Cicero. Couples were chosen by similarity of characters and activities.

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When describing life, the philosopher freely operated on the facts, arguing that he writes a biography, and not a story. The main objective of this essay was to familiarize with the great figures of the past and carried a purely educational character. By the way, in the original there were more steam for comparison, but some were not preserved.

The cycle of "Moralia" also carried up an educational function, since the main part of the works of the works in it was written by Plutarha lecturer and mentor. The most striking examples include such works: "On excessive timidity", "about chatty", "On how to use lectures", "On wisdom", "On the upbringing of children".

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There were also the works of a political nature - "instruction on state affairs" and "On monarchy, democracy and oligarchy". Their Plutarchs wrote, having received citizenship and state office in Rome (this happened this thanks to acquaintance with Quint Sucking Senilation). When the persecution of scientists and philosophers began by Emperor Tita Flavia Domitsian, returned back to Heronee, risking to be executed for his statements.

Plutarchs visited all major cities of Greece (including in Corinth), visited Sarda, Alexandria and a number of other cities. Based on his travels, the philosopher wrote such writings as "about Iside and Osiris", which outlined his point of view on the understanding of the ancient Egyptian mythology, a two-volume "Greek issues" and "Roman questions".

In these works, the history of two influential states was considered, two biographies of Alexander Macedonian (in addition to the "comparative life") - "On the glory of Alexander" and "about the luck and valor of Alexander the Great", as well as a number of other works.

Plutarchs outlined his philosophical views in the interpretation of the works of Plato ("Platonovsky Questions"), in critical writings ("On the contradictions of the Stoikov", "that even a pleasant life is impossible, if you follow the epicurus"), in the collection "Packaging conversations", consisting of 9 books, as well as in the Pythi dialogues ("that the Pythies do not extend more verses", "about the decline of oracles", "Let the deity hesitate with the reward").

Personal life

He loved his family of Plutarch, which was repeatedly mentioned in works. He had 4 sons and daughter, but her daughter and one of the sons died in infancy. To somehow calm the spouse Timoksen, the philosopher wrote an essay of "consolation to the spouse", preserved to this day.

Bust Plutarch.

When the sons grew up, Plutarch decided to independently enjoy their training. Later, the children of other citizens were among his student. It ached a philosopher to think of people across the country than he did.


The exact date of death of the philosopher is unknown, however, presumably, this happened in the interval from 125 to 127 years. Died Plutarchs for a natural reason - from old age. It happened in his hometown of Heronee, but buried Plutarchs in Delphi - according to the will.

Monument to Plutarch.

At the site of the burial of the philosopher, a monument was set, which archaeologists found in 1877 during the excavations. Plutarchs left behind a good memory - the numerous biographies of great people are named after the philosopher, as well as the crater on the visible side of the moon.


  • "Comparative life ways"
  • "Moralia"
  • "Feast conversations"
  • "Greek questions"
  • Roman Questions
  • "On monarchy, democracy and oligarchy"
  • "On the contradiction of the Stoikov"
  • "About Iside and Osiris"
  • "The fact that Pythies do not extend verses anymore"
  • "On good luck and valor Alexander the Great"
  • "Platonic Questions"


  • "The traitors betray, first of all, themselves."
  • "Boltun wants to make himself love - and causes hatred, wants to have a service - and becomes obsessive, wants to cause surprise - and is ridiculous; He insults his friends, serves his enemies and all this for his death. "
  • "Who expects to ensure their health, staying in Lena, he comes as stupid, as well as a person who thinks silently to improve his voice."
  • "We often ask the question, not in the answer need, but seeking to hear the voice and to save the location of another person, wanting to pull him into a conversation. Alert with the answers of others, seeking to capture someone else's rumor and take out other people's thoughts, it's like to climb to kiss to a person who thirsting the kiss of another, or asked to try to attract to himself. "
  • "It is sometimes not without use, it happens to shut up the offender to the mouth of a witty requester; Such a reward should be brief and not to detect neither irritation, no rage, but let it know how to bite a little with a relaxed smile, returning a blow; As arrows fly away from a solid object back to the one who sent them, and the insult seems to fly from smart and owning an orator back and falls into an offender. "

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