Mukhriddin Holikov - biography, photos, personal life, songs



The traditions of pop mastery in Uzbekistan are rooted in the work of Batyr Zakirova and Sherali Juraeva. These two golden voices of the Uzbek Republic in the 80s of the twentieth century laid the foundation of the pop art and creativity of modern Uzbekistan. The successor of glorious traditions became Mukhriddin Holikov, whose music is in demand and today's youth.

Singer Mukhriddin Holikov

Mukhriddin Holikov was born on September 5, 1959, in the Namangan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Mukhriddin was not the only child. In the family, except for Mukhriddin, there were two more sons: Husniddin also sang at the Uzbek stage, and Shabiddin became a writer. The biography of the singer is unknown to fans, in the legacy he left only creativity and nothing about himself.


The last concert of Holikov took place shortly before death, in 2000. Holikov came out on the scene with the help of a teacher of Sherali Juraeva, who he was a favorite student. Holikov also had disciples, among the best came Ozodbek Nazarbekov, Abdullah Kurbon, Anvar Sanaev. Ozodbek, expressed appreciation to the mentor in an interview, continued the glorious musical traditions of Holikov. Now he is engaged in the popularization of Uzbek music in the world.

Mukhriddin Holikov in youth

On the scene, Mukhriddin first came out with the song "Paris", which was so much like the audience, which soon holiks from the regional Uzbek singer moved to the rank of international art leaders and pop. A little later, Mukhriddin Holikov received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Considering that the peak of the period of creativity fell on the 80s of the twentieth century, Holikov's clips, in the up-to-date understanding, no. However, there were videotapes from concerts, allowing to enjoy the voice of the artist.

Now the Uzbek stage is experiencing not the best development times, local stars disappear as quickly as they appear. The general trend is such - an increase in quantity and reduction in quality.

In addition, the stars of the Show business of Uzbekistan XXI centuries imitate Western colleagues, losing the originality of Uzbek culture. Against the background of these processes, the music of Mukhriddin Holikova, which in his work glorified Uzbekistan in his work. At the heart of Holikov's creativity lies national Uzbek music that gives the Eastern flavor and unique charm.

Personal life

Details of the personal life of Mukhriddin tried not to advertise - the press is only known that the singer had four children. However, the fate of them is unknown, as well as the fact of whether they are involved in show business. About the wife of singer Holikov is also nothing known. Pages in social networks, fan clubs that could shed light on the details of the personal life of the Uzbek performer, does not exist.


On November 21, 2001, a car accident occurred in Moscow at 21:00. One of the victims became the Uzbek singer Mukhriddin Holikov. The artist left his life in the heyday, he was 42 years old. In 2001, during this period there was a sacred month of Ramadan. According to Muslim beliefs who died in the sacred days (Friday) or months (Ramadan) will be delivered from the sampling of punishment.

Singer Mukhriddin Holikov

In the Hadith "Sahih Bukhari" it is written that the doors are open to Ramadan to heaven. This is due to the fact that a strict post is observed in Ramadan Muslims, and those who die during this period are forgiven all the sins of earthly life.

In honor of the People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the fifth of September 2012 at the Palace of the Arts "Ostricol" (the former palace of the Peoples' Friendship, now - the main concert platform of Uzbekistan, located in the capital of the state - the city of Tashkent) passed the evening of memory of Mukhriddin Holikova called "Elezlar Isidan".

With the songs of the People's Artist, modern stars of Uzbek pop, students, colleagues and friends were performed: Shahm, Nurillo Zaripov, Elmurod Mirzaev, Alisher Fayz, Azim Mullahonov, Afruit Group, Giosis Boyetaev.


  • "Paris"
  • "Topraman"
  • "Nargiz"
  • "Bakma"
  • "Dildor"
  • "Bu Duna"
  • Leyly
  • "Komila"
  • "Sumbul"
  • "Alaghon"
  • "O Nawann Dilbar"

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