Chiccholina - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Chiccholina is an Italian actress and pornstar, who attached the attention of fans by one only appearance in the frame. However, the biography of this unusual woman is not only work in the porn industry, but also a degenidant activity is neither few parliamentary deputy. Not a single actress of an intimate genre to Chiccholina could not succeed in a political career.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Chiccholina is Anna Ilona Shatler. The future star was born in Budapest. The mother of the girl worked as an obstetric, and his father held a post in the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the adolescence, Anna Ilona worked in a modeling agency, dreaming, like all models, more.

Later, Chiccholina was recognized as journalists that in those years (it is about the late 1960s) worked by the maid at the Intercontinental Hotel. This hotel was the only place where foreign diplomats stopped in the capital of Hungary. The task of blonde beauty was to memorize information about foreigners and transmit Hungarian intelligence information.

Films for adults

It seemed that the model career would not bring a girlfriend of fame. However, fate ordered differently: in the early 1970s, Anna Ilona Shatler, already in Italy, became acquainted with the most discerning Riccardo Skisci, director of pornographic paintings. At the same time, the pseudonym Chiccholin appeared, under which, after a couple of years, the girl learns the whole world.

The first films with the participation of the newly needed actress were not remembered by the audience, so Chiccholina can be considered a picture "Lying", in which the girl played a lesbian named Monica. Piquancy Picture attached and unconventional orientation of the main characters, and the fact that the action unfolded in the school walls.

Three years later, in 1978, Chiccholina again shocked the public, exposing his chest during the shooting of the television show. In 1979, an erotic comedy called "Chiccholina, my love" came out.

The first pornographic film with the participation of Anna Ilona was the "Red Phone", which appeared in 1983. Here the heroine actresses participates in group contact with men and women, demonstrating different types of pleasure. A similar picture turned out to be brave for that time, therefore attracted the attention of a large number of interested.

It seemed that a seerful much public is no longer possible to surprise or shock. However, Chiccholina succeeded again. In 1986, the film "Chiccholina Number One" came out. Despite the fact that such a bold experiment did a partner actress in shooting, Chiccholina and a horse for a long time became a symbol of Italian porn industry.

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Later, in the book of memories, Chiccholina will mention that for the sake of art, she once had to surrender to the dog. However, in films with the actress there is not a single similar episode.

In the same year, another film was released with Chiccholina and John Holmes. Public attention This picture attracted after Holmes revealed HIV infection. This case did not go long with the mouth of the fans of the genre.

In 1994, the audience saw the film "Replikator", and two years later Chiccholina received a role in the Brazilian TV series "Chic da Silva". The actress often posed for glossy magazines, so beloved by men. The photos of Chiccholins appeared even in the iconic "playboy".


Known Chiccholina and political activity. For the first time, the actress put out his own candidate for the post in the Italian Parliament in 1979. In 1985, Chiccholina joined a radical party that insisted on the destruction of atomic weapons and prohibit even the peaceful use of an atom.

Two years later, Chiccholina successfully passed to parliament from the same party, but she lasted on the deputy post only one time. In 1991, the actress founded his own batch called "Party of Love".

The shock, to which the Chiccholina fans are accustomed to actress in the filmmakes, was peculiar and Chiccholine politics. For example, once a woman stated that he was ready to surrender to Saddam Hussein, only to prevent hostilities in the Middle East.

This proposal was re-announced by the actress in 2002, after the refusal of the Iraqi side to provide evidence of the absence of nuclear weapons in Iraq. Four years later, in 2006, Chiccholina again offered himself in exchange for peace. This time the offer was addressed to Usame Bin Laden.

Our own political views of the actress delineates as follows: according to Chiccholina, people need to abandon the use of atomic energy so that the future is safe. In addition, Chiccholina believes that humanity should legally resolve complete sexual freedom, except, except for violent action.

Also, the woman insists on the legalization of drugs and the utmost abolition of censorship in the media. Chiccholina has repeatedly participated in gay rallies, which deserved the unlawful status of gay icon.

Personal life

Chiccholina's first marriage concluded on the calculation: Italian citizenship was needed by the girl. Information about when marriage broke up and whether it was completely fictitious, no. After almost two decades, in 1991, the actress agreed to become his wife Jeff Kuns, an American sculptor. Unfortunately, these relationships lasted only a year. Shortly after the divorce Chiccholin gave birth to the son of Ludwig.

Parting was not simple: the actress did not share the right to raise the Son with the former spouse. The judges made a decision in favor of Jeff Kuns, however, despite this, Ludwig remained with his mother. Further novels of the star tried to hide from the press, not posted the details of the heartfelt.

Chiccholina now

Now Chiccholina, despite the honorable age, continues to attach the attention of fans and journalists. The actress continues to make political proposals that, in the opinion of the star, will make the world kinder and safer.

In 2016, the film "Porn and Freedom" came out, in which the example of the fate of Chichcholina addresses the path of development of the industry. In addition, the star writes songs.


  • 1975 - "Lying"
  • 1979 - "Chiccholina, my love"
  • 1983 - "Red Phone"
  • 1986 - "Chiccholina number one"
  • 1987 - "Sweet Life"
  • 1994 - "Replikator"
  • 2016 - "Porn and Freedom"

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