Philip Balzano - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



On September 29, 2017, the audience of the Russian show "Voice" on the "First Channel" met with a new participant of the vocal competition. They became the performer from the United States with a great voice Philip Balzano. Mentors of the competition rated the singers and artistic data of the contractor and give Philip the big chances of winning.

Singer Philip Balzano.

Philipp Balzano was born on January 1, 1957, in Palermo (Sicily, Italy). At nineteenth age, he immigrated to America together with his family.


The creative biography of Philippa Balzano is inextricably linked with the Russian community in New York. The singer lived for 30 years and worked in the Russian quarters of the metropolis. Sang in Russian restaurants in Brooklyn. In 2017, Philip Balzano arrived in Russia, to participate in the "Voice" competition. The Russian adaptation of the song contest "The Voice" is recognized as the best musical competition in Russia.

According to the rules of the show, the selection of the qualifying speech, the contestants participate in the "blind listening". The challenger performs a song in front of the jury, in the future - Mentors of the Competition. The jury sits in chairs before the scene unfolded to the participants. The mentor is interested in the contestant, and turns his face to the performer. From this point on, the vocalist becomes a member of the show "Voice".

The 6th season of the show "Voice" started on the "Channel One" on September 1, 2017. Mentors entered Dima Bilan, Pelagia, Alexander Gradsky, Leonid Agutin. Philip Balsano took part in the "blind listening".

Philip sang the song "Hotel California" from the repertoire of the group "Eagles". The first record of the song was published in the album with the same name in 1976. Since then, the "Hotel California" sounded performed by many popular performers. Hit performed "Gipsy Kings", "The Killers", "Alabama 3", "Our Last Night" and others. The song is included in the list of the top 50 according to the Rolling Stone magazine and is recognized as one of the best compositions of the 20th century.

It is not surprising that the excellent performance of the "Hotel California" Philip Balzano caused an explosion of delight among the public and the interest of the jury. Philip turned the face to himself all the judges "blind listening". As a mentor, Balzano chose Pelagia. The singer explained his choice by the fact that Pelagia, in his opinion, the performer from the soul sings from the bottom of his heart.

Personal life

Philip Balzano married four times and has four children. According to the singer, all his wives were Russian. Last wife - singer Nargiz Zakirova.

Having moved to the United States from Uzbekistan, Nargiz was married twice. The husband of the singer, Ernur Kanaibekov, led her to the New York restaurant. Hearing the magic voice of the artist who spent on stage, singer, according to her, I realized that it was disappeared. Marriage with Canaibeks by that time was already on the verge of collapse. Soon Nargiz and Philip already lived together. Little Leila appeared on the world.

Philip Balzano and Nargiz Zakirova

Being a singer, Nargiz Zakirova dreamed of universal recognition. Without passing the final casting of the American show "X-FACTOR", Zakirova decided to take part in the Russian vocal show "Voice" and sent songs to casting. Soon Nargiz was invited to Moscow. However, the singer could not participate in the program: the father was seriously ill.

Philip Balzano insisted that Nargiz went to Russia to participate in the casting of the second season "Voice". The singer brilliantly coped with the task. In the show "Voice" Zakirova ranked second. Career went up. Thanks to the cooperation with the producer and composer Max Fadeev, Nargiz does not suffer from lack of attention of the audience.

Philip Balzano and children

In 2014, the artist sang at the "Calling" contest with his husband the song "Star". The excellent execution caused delight among the public. Balzano took part in the clips and photo shoots of the singer. Together, the artists sang a duet version of Sicily's song.

To participate in the clip "I'm not yours", Philip specially flew to Moscow from New York. During filming, there was a case: Philip on the scenario was supposed to go with a grenade in his hands on the street. A man with an alleged ammunition attracted the attention of passersby. The police arrived. From the detention of Philip the fact that the police found out in Nargiz a finalist of a popular competition. The situation was permitted positively. No harm done.

Philip Balzano now

Philip Balzano, while Nargiz built a career in Russia, remained in New York. According to the artist, work in restaurants and clubs of Russian quarters of New York is not easy. Therefore, the singer suggested her husband to become a "householder", and money for the family decided to earn herself. Moreover, the children and mom singer remained in America and demanded care.

The disorder in the family of Philip and Nargiz happened, according to spouses, due to financial problems. As Zakirov said, the husband demanded the amount of 100 thousand dollars, which "serious people" owed. The cause of parting after twenty years of family life was the explosive character of Philip. The singer even visited the psychotherapist with the problems of control over anger.

Philip Balzano in 2017

In August 2016, the New York police detained Philip Balzano. The cause of arrest was a statement to the police from the son of the singer Awel about threats to his address from the reception office. SMS with threats came and added to the ex-wife Balzano, Nargiz Zakirova.

In an interview with the scenes of the show "Voice" Balzano on a tricky question - not to revenge whether his former wife participation in the show "Voice" - answered negatively. Philip said that he had long dreamed of participating in the Russian competition. With Nargiz, the relationship has been established: the former spouses are called and exchange messages. Balzano noticed that Zakirova supports his undertaking.

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