Lope de Vega - biography, photo, personal life, comedies and plays



Life of the writer, poet and playwright, who wrote two thousand plays, Lope de Vega was full of love adventures and partly reminded his works in which the comedy was intertwined with the tragedy. In history, the outstanding representative of the Golden Age Spanish was entered as the founder of the Spanish National Theater.

Childhood and youth

Felix Lope de Vega and Carpio (full name of the writer) was born on November 25, 1562, in the largest city of Spain - Madrid. His father and mother, the peasants by origin, moved to Madrid, in which the head of the family mastered the gold coating craft. Copying the necessary amount of money, he bought a patent for the noble title and did everything possible so that the son would receive the best education.

Portrait of Lope de Vega

From an early age, Lope was distinguished by the phenomenal susceptibility to the sciences: it was easily a study of languages ​​and literary creations of writers of the past. So, Prosper at the age of 10 translated the poem of Claudia Claudian "Abduction Proserpina", and at 13 he composed his first comedy "True Lover." First, Felix studied at Jesuit College, and then at the University of Alcala and the Royal Academy.

For Satira, Felix rejected by his beloved Felix was convicted of 10 years of expulsion from Madrid. Despite this, the misstain returned to the capital to steal a new lady of the heart and secretly marry her. In 1588, he took part in the campaign of invincible Armada, after whom was defeated in Valencia, where he created a number of dramatic works to maintain the family.

The house where the burda de Vega grew up and grew up

Lope de Vega consisted of the secretary of the Duke Alba (1590), Marquis Malyvpika (1596) and Duke Lemosky (1598). To the same period there is a flourishing of his dramatic creativity. In the 1609th playwright received the title of voluntary servant of the Inquisition, and in 1614 he accepted a san priest.

Literature and theater

According to Lope, he wrote 1500 comedies, and his first biographer brought this number to 1800. It is worth noting that at the moment scientists are known to the name only 800 plays of the playwright, so many believe that the number of works created by the writer is overshadowed.

Portrait of Lope de Vega

The forbidden works of Francis, with the first publication of the 21st Tom, are made up of "Dorothea" (long prosaic story in the form of dialogue), three novels, several novels, five large and four small epic poems, the story of Christian martyrs in Japan, two religious works, as well as a huge array of lyrical poetry and essays.

In the workshop, the bobbin traditionally allocated two style trends - complicated, artificial, diligently built to the humanistic tradition of revival and more free, living, natural, with its immediacy close to folk creativity. The first is represented by epic poems, novels and poems, and the second - plays, autobiographical verses, ballads and songs.

Hand writing Lope de Vega

In general, the difference was determined by the audience: scientist style - for enlightened experts, folk - for the general public. In the theory of Lope recognized the legality of the classical rules that constituted the concept of art for him. So, in poetry, the writer turned, first of all, to imagination and feelings, and not to the mind.

The creative energy of the shop gave him strength, contrary to the dyeingness of the century, to approve a new type of play, in which the tragedy is intertwined with the comedy, and the border between these styles are blurred. Externally, it is characterized by dividing by three acts and a wide range of poetic sizes within one piece. Internally, this type of drama is characterized by a predominance of action on the character.

Playwright Lope de Vega

Pieces Lope plots reflect the values, social norms and the conventions of the era in which he lived. In his drams, the historical plot is dominated, and in others - fictional. In the books of the creator of the work of the "sheep source", love, in accordance with the traditions of the XVI century literature, was initially idealized in a romantic and dish, and then she appeared before readers in the form of a source of social conflict born by the confrontation of nature and civilization.

Books Lope de Vega

Also, de Vega have entertainment comedies typical of this genre, such as "inventive in love", in which intrigue is built on hemita, with what a young woman bypassing secular conventions to conquer the chosen one.

A more original comedy is a "dog on the Seine", in which the Countess detects that they fell in love with his own secretary. The light finale does not drown out in the play of social criticism related to class differences that lose their strength in front of the magic of love. Another favorite theme of Lope is the topic of honor, which is the fundamental in his widely known plays "Ovechy Source", "The Best Mayor - King" and "Peribanese".

Lope de Vega - biography, photo, personal life, comedies and plays 16635_7

The bobbin not only gave the Spanish drama a powerful social sound, but also expanded its range, withdrawing religious themes on the Public Theater's Login, which was predominantly secular. The religious plays of the poet for the most part either was bible and illustrated the episodes of the Old Testament, or were "comedies about the life of saints."

Personal life

In 1583, a novice playwright entered a love relationship with actress Elena Osorio (the story of their love was reflected in the vertex creation of Prosaika - Diothea's dialogue novel).

An intrigue with a married lady lasted five years, but as a result, the windy artist found himself a new, more rich fan. Abandoned Lope dismissed the former beloved very original: he wrote a couple of evil epigram to the actress, which immediately distributed among the troupe.

Lope de Vega

In response, Elena submitted to Felix to the court for slander, and in 1588 the writer was expelled from the capital of Spain. Three months later, after the sentence of the sentence, the playwright married the daughter of the court Gerold Isabel de Ursina, and then went on a campaign on board the ship, which is part of the invincible Armada.

After the defeat of the invincible Armada, the poet entered the service for the Duke of Albe, and together with his wife settled in Valencia. The modest secretarial position allowed him to provide him with a family, and work on plays. It was during this period that the comedy "Dance Teacher" came out of his feather.

In 1595, Lope returns to Madrid, leaving in Valencia three expensive graves - wives and two little daughters. In the capital of Spain, he is arranged for a new position and meets a new muse, actress Mikaela de Luhhan (in verses and prose he called her Camila Lucinda). This connection could not even interrupt the new marriage of the writer with the daughter of a rich merchant meat Juan de Guardo.

Lope found the strength to interrupt this connection during the period of a serious spiritual crisis (in 1609 he became a trustee of the Inquisition, and in 1614 - a priest). The mental state of the writer was aggravated by the deaths following each other - the beloved son Carlos Felix, his wife, and then Mikaely's mistress. Certificate of experienced bobbin of the spiritual drama is the collection "Sacred poems", which saw the light in the 1614th.

Already being an elderly man, the writer met his last love - the twenty-year-old Marta de Neverse, which he challenged in verses and in prose under different names (Amarilis, Marcia, Leonard) and which he dedicated to the comedy "Valencian widow", as well as the novels "Adventures Diana", "Martyr honor", "prudent revenge" and "Gusman bold."

The last years of the life of Lope is a series of personal disasters: in the 1632th died, two years old to death and lost his mind, in the same year, his daughter kidnap, and the son dies in the sea hike. It is worth noting that, despite the difficulties, the creative activity of Lope was not interrupted for one day.


Lope de Vega worked up to his death. The author wrote the last comedy a year before the death, and the last poem is four days. For a couple of recent years, Prosaic tried to redeem his sins and therefore led ascetic life, spending most of the time in prayers.

Funeral Lope de Vega

The poet died on August 27, 1635. The funeral of the monk's playwright came both colleagues on the creative workshop and fans of his talent.

In 2010, director Andruch Weddington removed the film "Lope de Vega: a libertine and seducer", which is based on the story of Felix's life. In addition, at different times the play "Dancing Teacher" (1952), "Dog on Seine" (1977), "Flashing" (2006) were shielded.


  • 1594 - "Dance Teacher"
  • 1596 - "Commmors of Cordoba"
  • 1598 - "Arkady"
  • 1613 - "Flashing"
  • 1612 - "Bethlehem Shepherds"
  • 1613 - "Sheep Source"
  • 1614 - "Perivanis and Okanese Commander"
  • 1618 - "Dog on Seine"
  • 1619 - "Valencian Widow"
  • 1621 - "Adventures Diana"
  • 1623 - "Star of Seville"
  • 1624 - "Girl with a jug"
  • 1631 - "Punishment - not a mission"

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