Joan Hickson - biography, photo, personal life, movies



Surely every amateur of confusing cameras knows not only the images of Sherlock Holmes (Vasily Livanov), the club of Klouzo (Steve Martin), Commissioner Megre (Jean Gaben), but also a charming old woman Miss Marple, whose role was performed by no less charming Joan Hickson. This actress of theater and cinema awarded recognition and glory in old age, and used to say:"I have never been so pleased with my age, he makes me a useful characteristic actress."

Childhood and youth

Joan Hickson was born on August 5, 1906 in Kingstorpe, a village in the UK, which is nearby from Northampton. About Childhood and Youth Joan, unfortunately, information is not enough, but it is known that the future actress grew in the average family. Her mother, Edith Mary Bog, led a household and engaged in gardening, while father actresses, Alfred Garold Hickson worked in a factory for the production of shoes.

Joan Hickson in youth

It is noteworthy that, being a little girl, Hickson decided on his future fate. The fact is that the parents took the five-year-old Joan to the Children's play dedicated to Christmas. Tori Joan and understood his vocation, seeing how the actors referred to the colorful outfits show their skills to the enthusiastic audience.

Therefore, after graduating from high school, Joan Hickson has submitted documents to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, which also graduated from Margaret Lockwood, Joan Collins, Timothy Dalton, Anthony Hopkins and other cinema stars.


Before starting to work on the set in front of the directing cameras, Joan Hickson began his creative biography on the stage of the theater. It happened in the distant 1927: a beginner actress first went on stage in the play "Tragic Muse".

Joan Hickson in the theater

Joan, who won high-profile applause and established in his creative potential, began to ride throughout the United Kingdom, pleased with the sophisticated ladies and the Lord's game in classical productions. But one day, by the will of the case, Joan was in the western part of London - West End, where the theater and cultural life of the city is concentrated.

Joan Hickson on stage

In this place, Hickson tried herself in the new comedy role, which was the way. It is at this time that in the mid-1940s, Joan caught good luck for the tail and found out what success is. Thus, the actress about seven years spent on the stage of the theater, but then an eccentric woman received a proposal for filming.


The debut on the set took place at Hickson in 1934, it was a comedy "problem in the store". Since Joan was successfully given humorous images, she continued to bend his line in the films of the comedy genre. On the listening list, Joan Hickson more than one hundred differed roles, but avid kinomans remembered this woman in the image of Miss Marple from Romanov Agatha Christie.

Joan Hickson often played comedy roles

It is very noteworthy that the writer, who gave the world a lot of extraordinary, but exciting detectives, noticed the actress in 1946. On that day, Agatha observed from the auditorium for the performance based on his own novel "Date with death", and the acting game Joan was so impressed by the writer of works that she did not slow down to write it:

"I hope you once play my dear Miss Marple."

Hickson, which was then not and forty years, was offended by the writer, but insidious destiny put everything in its place: after 38 years, the prediction of agada Christie came true.

Joan Hickson as Miss Marple

It is worth saying that before Hickson became a rapidly, she continued to play on the theater's stage and appear in kinocartines. On the stage of the actress even achieved success and became the owner of the prestigious Prize "Tony" (1979).

But on the Mihan Power, Joan, by and large, had simple and unparallest roles. For example, in the film "Banking ticket to a million pounds sterling" (1954), where Gregory Pek, Joan, was aimed at the hostess of the diner, in the tape "Liliputs and Giant" (1960), she acted as a patient Dr. Gullivier.

Joan Hickson as Mrs. Kidder

In 1961, Joan played in the film "In 4.50 from Paddington", fulfilling Mrs. Kidder, while Margaret Rutherford was reincarnated to Miss Marple. By the way, Margaret's actor's acting game itself did not like the acting game, despite the fact that Druzhba binds these creative ladies.

The writer believed Rutherford the full opposite of his main character, so it is worth understanding how important the choice of actresses on the role of uncomfortable rates was for Christi. Further, Hickson followed the roles in the "Heavens over us" paintings (1963), "Blood Theater" (1973), "Missing Dinosaur" (1975) and Yankees (1979).

Joan Hickson as Miss Marple

And now, finally, in 1984, the BBC TV channel announced the broadcast of the series on the novels of Agatha Christie. Joan Hickson was approved to Miss Marple's major role, this talented actress played in all twelve episodes of the franchise.

Jane Marple, or justice in the home sweater, from the writer's books - a kind and resourceful woman in old age, adoring to unravel complex situations. The heroine lives in a village of a quiet and measured life, is engaged in household and knits cozy things for numerous grandchildren, and also cares for plants.

Joan Hickson in the film

But when crimes happen in her native village, Miss Marple, never served in the police, gives odds to the workers of the law. And all because this old woman, which can safely put in one row with the famous Sherlock Holmes from Roman Doyle, I wonder everything: from theft of oil at a local store to the brutal murder. Therefore, it is not surprising that Marple displays the crime threads much faster than the police station workers.

Joan Hickson was so good in the image of God's dandelion and part-time - a lover of criminals, which was not familiar to the BAFTA Award. Queen Elizabeth II, a fan of the series, built an actress into the rank of an officer of the Order of the British Empire, and the booklers, who read the novels of Agatha Christi, cannot submit a different actress in the form of Miss Marple.

Joan Hickson with the Order of the British Empire

It is known that for the last time in front of the filmmers Joan Hickson appeared in 1993. It was the drama of Stephen Polyakoff "Century", where the actress got the role of Mrs. Witter. Also in the brilliant cast of this film entered Clive Owen, Charles Dance, Lena Hidi, Miranda Richardson and other stars of cinematic skills.

Personal life

In his life, Joan Hickson was the same as the audience was remembered on television screens, and her colleague on the workshop, actress Jean Simmons, admitted:

"Joan is an expensive, comfortable, soft woman with an incredible sense of humor, whose charm cannot be impossible."

It is also worth saying that Joan had no starry disease, instead of giving an interview to the TV show, leaving in Prime Time, Hickson rejected the proposals of producers, calling themselves not a star, but a "old woman atpost."

Joan Hickson in recent years

As for the family, according to rumors, the kinodiv was married to Eric Butler, who worked by a doctor. Beloved daughter and Son, but, unfortunately, Joan remained widow. In 1967, the actress lost her husband and could not come to terms with this grief. Therefore, to distract from what happened, Joan, until the end of his life, found consolation in his beloved job.


The Great Actress died at the Colchester Hospital on October 17, 1998, at 92nd aged. The cause of death is stroke. The grave of Joan is located in the Cemetery in Sedbury, which is in the County Devon.


  • 1936 - "A man who worked wonders"
  • 1960 - "Liliputs and Giant"
  • 1973 - "Theater of Blood"
  • 1975 - "Missing Dinosaur"
  • 1979 - "Yankees"
  • 1983 - "Village"
  • 1984 - "Body in the library"
  • 1985 - "Pointing finger"
  • 1985 - "An murder announced"
  • 1985 - "Pocket, full rye"
  • 1986 - "Murder in Vicar House"
  • 1986 - "King of Wind"
  • 1987 - "Forgotten Murder"
  • 1987 - "Nemesis"
  • 1987 - "exactly on schedule"
  • 1989 - "Caribbean Mystery"
  • 1991 - "With the help of mirrors"
  • 1992 - "Cracked Mirror"
  • 1993 - "Century"

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