Jim Stargess - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs, Filmography 2021



Jim Storgess is a British actor and singer, who began his career in the mid-1990s with filming in the series. Breaks popularity after accessing the large screens of the Twenty-One films and "through the Universe". Jim Sturgres was born on May 16, 1978 in the capital and the largest city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - London.

Actor Jim Sturges.

The English traditions embedded in the consciousness of the future artist by their parents were given to know about themselves in young years. Diligent student Jim since childhood was engaged in music, and also went to the dramatic circle. The first musical project of the young man was the alternative rock band "Dilated Spies", as part of which he was listed since the fifteen-year-old age.

In conversations with representatives of the media, the musician often told that already in adolescence he tried to be independent. It is known that the artist for a couple of years worked in the kitchen of the local restaurant dishwasher. For the year, Jim even advanced in office, becoming the main on salads.

Jim Sturges as a child

After graduation in 1997, the actor entered the University of Salford, for higher education. There he studied music, media and acting skills. Despite lectures and exams, an ambitious guy did not stop doing music. Moreover, he planned to tie his life with this creative paths. In the student years, Sturgess himself wrote a poetic play and a couple of songs, which, unfortunately, did not go into the masses.


At the beginning of her film miners, Jim often starred on TV (these were films, mini-series and shows), so lasts five years. And only in 2004, Jim had the first small role in the film about adolescent Bunte Youth Sherry (Ellen Page) "face to face."

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Three years later, at the Film Festival in Toronto, the premiere of the music film directed by Julia Taymore "through the Universe", in which the novice actor received a major role. It is known that vocal numbers in the picture Jim performed personally. In 2008, the filmography of the Master of Disposal was replenished with ribbons "Even of the kind of pain", "twenty one" and "fifty walking corpses".

Jim Sturges and Ann Hathaway

2011 was marked by the release of the big screens of the "One day" picture, in which Anne Hathaway became partner on the set. At the heart of the plot of melodrama Lon Sherfig - the history of the guy and the girls who met each other on the same day of the year, for 23 years. During this time, each of them entered into marriage, started a child and did not dare to confess his feelings.

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In 2012, the actor starred in the films "Parallel Worlds", "Cloud Atlas" and "Sidel". A year later, Jim played Edward Newgate in the thriller of the director Brad Anderson "Abode of Cursed", based on the story of Edgar Allan on the "System of Dr. Smil and Professor Perro". Also, Kate Bekinsale, Ben Kingsley and David Tyulis starred in the tape.

In 2015, Jim began shooting in the US-British thriller director Matthew Callen on the scenario Robert Henley, based on the novel of Martin Emis "London Fields". The film release is scheduled for 2017.


Removing the cinema, Jim did not forget about music. Periodically, he gave concerts in his native edges or in establishments of friends (cafes, bars), and also published clips to the cakes of songs and singles of their own essay.

It is known that now Storgess is a soloist of the Tagic Toys group, which also consists of a former girl of the actor Mika O'Brien. The team was formed back in 2013, and his participants are primarily friends, and in the second - musicians. In 2017, the guys recorded a pair of demo tracks in order to collect funds for the treatment of a friend with multiple sclerosis.

In June, the artist in his "Facebook" wrote a post in which the news told the fans that the TRAGIC TOYS team prepares for the release of his album "Bruised Faith".

Personal life

The relationship with representatives of the weak half of humanity, Stordjess never really did not spread. Despite the efforts of the actor, do not betray his personal life, it was always possible to learn to learn to learn to whom the famous artist is experiencing tender feelings.

Jim Sturges and PE do on

In 2014, Jim met with the partner of the film "Cloud Atlas" (German fantastic film adaptation of the famous novel David Mitchell) PE Du on. The couple broke up in March 2015.

Then the actor had a prolonged depression due to the fact that the acting profession prevented him of a full relationship. In that period, in an interview, the singer repeatedly said that he understood the girls who did not want to meet a man who was in one country today, and tomorrow - to another.

A new love led to Jim's feeling. At the end of 2016, the Iraqi actress Dina Musavi appeared in the musician's life, which did not know what a nomadic lifestyle was. In 2017, star couple is still together. The actor often posts on the pages of his social networks pictures of the beloved, and she in turn leaves under photos of cute comments.

Jim Strajess now

In 2017, Jim is given a movie, continuing to replenish its filmography. Now the actor is involved in the filming of the film directed by Justin Kelly "JT Leroy". It is known that the film will show the real story of the Hollywood writer, Transgender Jay Ti Leroy. Prose for a couple of years was considered a woman, but over time it turned out that she was he.

Jim Sturges in 2017

It is known that in addition to Strajess, the actors of Kristen Stewart will also appear in the picture, James Franco, Laura Dern and Diana Kruger. In October of the same year, Troller Dina Devlin "Geoshtorm" was released on large screens, in which Jima, along with Gerard Butler and Andy Garcia, got the main role.

Also, fans will be able to see their pets in the film "London Fields", "Berlin, I love you" and "Big Shoe", which is scheduled for 2017.

Actor Jim Sturges.

Despite the dense work schedule, the artist does not forget about subscribers. In "Instagram", a reincarnation wizard regularly posts photos from filming and video clip from recreation.

It is worth noting that social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of the actor. On all sorts of Internet portals and in print media, materials related to the creative biography of the Hollywood Star are also often published.


  • 1992 - "Heart Battle"
  • 2000 - "Children of other people"
  • 2003 - "Rehabilitation"
  • 2004 - "Face to face"
  • 2007 - "Through the Universe"
  • 2008 - "Even one of the kind of pain"
  • 2008 - "Twenty One"
  • 2009 - "heartless"
  • 2010 - "Legends of Night Guards"
  • 2011 - "One day"
  • 2014 - "The abode of the damned"
  • 2016 - "Enemy is close"
  • 2017 - "Geoshtorm"
  • 2017 - "London Fields"

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