Judy Dench - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, British Actress, Films, Theater 2021



Judy Dench is a talented British actress, each role of which is a real event for the kinomans around the world. Completely inimitable, Dench was loved by the audience for the game in the iconic bondian, the films "Shakespeare in love", "Chocolate" and other paintings that became a classic of cinema.

Childhood and youth

Full name Actress - Judith Olivia Dench. The future star was born on December 9, 1934 in the English city of York. The girl's father worked as a doctor. In addition to permanent patients, a man also served actors of the city royal theater, so Judy, together with Brother Jeffrey often been behind the scenes, watching rehearsals and preparation of actors for performances. Perhaps, thanks to such a close acquaintance with the theater life, a schoolgirl and became interested in acting art, which ended up the main thing about her life.

In the school years, Dench attended the dance and drawing circles. The girl did progress and even planned to become an artist-designer when he grows. However, fate ordered differently: the theater's passion translated the remaining interests, and the girl, graduating from school, moved to London to seriously master the acting profession. In the capital, Judy entered the school of diction and drama. It is noteworthy that her elder brother has already studied there.


In 1957, a professional acting biography of Dench began. In the youth, the actress appeared on the stage in the form of Shakespeare "Ophelia." The debut was successful, Judy noticed the audience, and strict theatrical critics. After some time, in 1960, the actress again got the heroine of Shakespeare. This time she appeared as Juliet. The director of the production was the notorious Franco Dziffirelli.

A year later, Dench was invited to join the official team of the Royal Shakespearean Theater. Literally in the very first year of work, the girl won the title of the best metropolitan actress. Judy then gave roles in each performance. The artist was constantly improved and every time worked out on stage as if it was the main role in her life.


Love for theatrical layouts did not interfere with actress in parallel to film. For the first time, the audience saw Judy in the film "Third Secret." The tape came out in 1964. Immediately after the premiere, the proposals fell on Dench, from which the artist did not refuse. Her filmography began gradually replenished with new and new roles.

Already in 1966, the artist was awarded the BAFTA award, recognizing the deck of the most promising beginner actress. This award Judy brought a role in the movie "In the morning". In addition, critics were also benevolently responded about her game in the picture "Sleeping in the Summer Night."

In the 1970s, Judy disappeared from large screens. However, in the 1980s, the spectators were again pleased with the Dench filmmakes. In 1985, a picture of the "Room with a View" came out, then the roles in the films "Heinrich V", "Golden Eye" and others.

Golden Eye, the next story about the adventures of James Bond, brought actress world famous, putting it in one row with recognized cinema talents.

Not less memorable work in the films "Handicraft of Prach" and "Charing Cross Road, 84". In 1997, the world again applauded actress. This time the Heroine of Dench was the Queen of Victoria. We are talking about a picture called "Her Majesty Mrs. Brown." The unique charm and Judy style allowed the artist to be plausible to be born into such a complex characteristic role, conquering the audience with a talent and sincere game.

For the role of Queen Victoria Dench awarded the Golden Globe Prize, as well as BAFTA. In addition, this work brought an actress nomination for Oscar. Unfortunately, this time the cherished statuette did not get Judy, but the next job was corrected.

The painting "Shakespeare in love", in which the actress played the role of a second plan, did not leave indifferent fiction judges of the film festival. And although Dench appeared in the frame of just a few minutes, the actress game was so talented that he brought her first Oscar.

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The next noticeable work of Dench became the role of Armanda Vuisen in the film "Chocolate". The touching story about love and kindness, which break any obstacles and eliminate even the most worn hearts, loved the audience. The partners of Judy on the set became inimitable Johnny Depp and Julietary Binash.

For the entire creative path of Dench 6 times nominated for Oscar, but the actress no longer managed to get this award. The last time the candidate Judy was put up for the role in the belt "Scandalous Diary". In this picture, which came to hire in 2006, the artist embodied the image of a teacher with a non-traditional sexual orientation. Also, Kate Blanchett, Tom Georgeson, Philip Davis entered the cast.

2011 was fruitful for day. The actress played in 7 films, among whom was the "Pirates of the Caribbean", in which Judy reinforced again with Johnny Depp.

In the same year, a picture was published with Day and Maggie Smith "Hotel" Marygold ": the best of exotic", which was continued called "Hotel Marygold. Settlement continues. " The second film was released in 2015.

In 2012, the actress last appeared in Bondian - in the film "007: Skyfol coordinates".

Interestingly, Dench, who played the head of the secret service MI6, in 2015, with a survey on Cineworld, took 1st place in the "Bond Bond Girl" category, ahead of Eve Green, Holly Berry and Jammu Artton. Of the 3 thousand votor resource users, 26% preferred to it. But the "best agent 007" became Daniel Craig.

Also in 2015, an unusual picture of the "Winter Tale" appeared based on the works of William Shakespeare. It was a performance that was filmed on the camera. Live premiere, as well as subsequent television regulations, turned out to be very successful, once again giving the actress of new fans.

In the same year, Dench, along with Dustine Hoffman played in the adaptation of the novel "Ahap Eroch" Roald Dalya for the Christmas program for the transmission of the BBC One TV channel.

In 2016, the spectators saw the artist in Fenthesi directed by Tim Berton "House of Strange Children Miss Serin".

In 2017, 3 paintings were published with the participation of Judy - "Murder in Eastern Express," Tulip Fever "and" Victoria and Abdul ".

In 2018, the actress filmography was replenished with the historical drama "Pure True". In it, the artist embodied the image of William Shakespeare, whom Kenneth Branne played.

In 2019, the premieres of the cinema of the musical "Cats" and the adventure militant "Artemis Faul" took place. In the same year, Denel Craig's Day appeared on Graham Norton's show.

Personal life

Despite the low growth, bright and charming blonde with a stylish hairstyle never complained about the absence of male attention. However, the first serious story was forced only in 1971. Selected actress became Michael Williams. The man also worked as an actor. Judy recalls a spouse with constant warmth, telling about Michael as a sensitive and good man who has an incredible sense of humor.

In this marriage, which lasted without a small 30 years, was born daughter of Finty Williams. She went to the footsack of the parents, choosing an actress career. There are no more children from the artist.

The marriage of Dench ended tragically: the beloved actresses died from cancer. Since then, she has not married, keeping loyal to the past spouse. Credit with Mount Judy helped daughter and grandson Sam who supported the artist in everything.

Only in 2010, a loving man appeared next to Judy - David Mills. Soon the rumors were raised in the network that Mills will officially become a husband of the actress. Similar news were complemented by touching photos of the couple. However, Dench refuted this information, stating that she and David is quite enough to be together.

Free time actress devotes his beloved grandson, as well as homemade pets. She has hamsters, aquarium fish and a dog.

The grandson of the artist, who also chose the acting path, admits that he is proud of a talented grandmother and dreams soon to play in the film along with her.

In 2019, in an interview with the actress, admitted that he would lose sight and would not be able to remove at all. Doctors diagnosed retinal degeneration - this disease has adversely affected the state of health actress. The actress had to abandon the usual things, for example, she no longer leads the car. Judy can not even read scripts, but not surrender and teaches text on rumor.

Judy Dench now

Now the actress, even despite the honorable age, continues to be removed, pleaseing the fans with new roles.

In June 2020, Dench was on the cover of Vogue in the British edition. As the chief editor of the magazine Edward Ennoful noted on his page in "Instagram", 85-year-old film actrix became the most elderly Cavern-Star in the history of the magazine. Judy regularly includes beautifully aging actresses along with Helen Mirren, Maggie Smith, Meryl Strip, etc.

In 2020, a mystical comedy "former from the next world" was published, shot on the play of the English playwright Noel Kauard "Rezonomonic Spirit", as well as the Military Drama "Six minutes before midnight" and the comedy series "Study" (in Russia, the premiere took place in 2021 year).


  • 1985 - "Room with a view"
  • 1997 - "Her Majesty Mrs. Brown"
  • 1998 - "Shakespeare in love"
  • 1999 - "And the whole world is not enough"
  • 2002 - "Umci, but not now"
  • 2005 - Mrs. Henderson presents
  • 2006 - "Casino" Piano "
  • 2008 - "Kvant Mercy"
  • 2011 - "Jane Eyre"
  • 2011 - "J. Edgar"
  • 2015 - "Hotel" Marygold ". Settlement continues. "
  • 2016 - "House of Strange Children Miss Serin"
  • 2017 - "Tulip Fever"
  • 2017 - "Murder in Eastern Express
  • 2017 - "Victoria and Abdul"
  • 2018 - "Pure True"
  • 2019 - "Artemis FAUL"
  • 2019 - "Red Code"
  • 2019 - "Cats"
  • 2020 - "Former Light"
  • 2020 - "Six minutes before midnight"
  • 2020-2021 - "Stage"

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