Thomas Edison - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Inventions



Thomas Edison The world knows as an inventor who managed to improve the light bulb, as well as the author of the phonograph, electric chair and a telephone greeting. However, in contrast to many geniuses, a man was distinguished by a bright talent for entrepreneurship.

Childhood and youth

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the American town of Malen, in the family of immigrants from Holland. Al, as they called the future inventor in childhood, did not differ in the Bogatlish health - low growth, thieves (although Thomas looks at the children's photos). In addition, suffered by Scarlatina reflected on the hearing - the boy of the flames on the left ear. Parents surrounded her son care, because before that they lost two children.

Portrait of Thomas Edison

Thomas did not succeed in school, teachers had enough for a "limited" child for three months, after which the parents with the scandal took him from the school and put on their homework. With the Azas of School Sciences Edison introduced Mom, Nancy Eliot, a priest's daughter with brilliant education and education.

Thomas rose in the inquisitive child, vividly interested in what was happening around - loved to look at the steamers, often spinning near the carpenters, watching their work. Another unusual lesson who devoted the clock is to copy the inscriptions on the signs of warehouses.

Thomas Edison in childhood

With the move of Edison to the city of Porto Huron, Semilennaya Thomas met the exciting world of reading and for the first time I tried forces in inventiveness. At that time, the boy trading with fruits and vegetables together with his mother, and in his spare time fled to the Public Library of the Town Behind Books.

By 12, the teenager met with the works of Edward Gibbon, David Yuma, Richard Burton, but the first scientific book was read and was applied in practice for another 9 years. "Natural and experimental philosophy" of the authorship of Richard Green Parker united scientific and technical achievements and examples of experiments that Thomas repeated.

Thomas Edison in his youth

Chemical experiments demanded investments, in the hope of earning more money. Young Edison settled by the seller of newspapers at the railway station. The young man was even allowed to equip the laboratory in the luggage carriage of the train, where he conducted experiments. However, for a short time, because of the fire Thomas expelled together with the laboratory.

During work at the station, an event was happening, which helped enrich the labor biography of the novice inventor. Edison saved from the death under the wheels of the head of the son of the son of the station, for which he received the post of telegraph operator, where he worked for several years.

Thomas Edison in youth

At the sunset, Thomas wandered on America in search of a place in life: lived in Indianapolis, in Nashville, Cincinnati, returned to his native staff, but in 1868 it turned out to be in Boston, and then in New York. All this time, barely reduced ends meet, because the lion's share of revenues was spent on books and experiments.


The secret of the great self-taught self-taper is simple and lies in the quotation of Tomas Edison, which eventually became a winged expression:

"Genius is 1 percent of inspiration and 99 percent of the sweating."

The validity of the statements argued repeatedly, the lunai and spending the night in the laboratories. As he confessed himself, sometimes he was fascinated that he spent at work until 19 hours a day. In Edison's piggy bank - 1093 patents received in the United States, and 3 thousand documents on the authorship of inventions that are issued in other countries. At the same time, the first creations in the man did not buy. For example, compatriots counted a useless meter of votes in the elections.

Thomas Edison in his laboratory

Good luck smiled during the period of operation in the company "Gold & Stoke Telegraph of the company". Thomas got a job in the state due to the fact that he receded the telegraph unit - with this task, no one could cope with even the invited masters. And in 1870, an improved system of telegraphing of stock bulletins on the course of gold and stock, the company was happy to bother. The inventor spent money on the opening of his own workshop for the production of tickers for the exchange, a year later, Edison had already had three such workshops.

Soon the case went even more successful. Thomas founded the company "Pope, Edison & Co", the next five years were yield, in particular, the greatest invention appeared - a quadruple telegraph, with which it became possible to transmit simultaneously to four messages on one wire simultaneously. Inventive activity required a well-equipped laboratory, and in 1876 near New York, in the town of Menlo Park, the construction of an industrial complex for research works started. The laboratory later combined hundreds of light heads and skillful hands.

Thomas Edison with a phonograph

Attempts to transform telegraph messages to the sound turned into the appearance of a phonograph. In 1877, Edison with the help of the needle and foil recorded the children's song "Mary had a lamb." The innovation was considered on the verge of fiction, and Thomas received a nickname of the wizard from the Menlo Park.

Two years later, the world adopted the most famous invention of Thomas Edison - he managed to improve the light bulb, extinguishing its time and simplify production. Existing lamps burned in a couple of hours, consumed a lot of current or cost expensive. Edison stated that soon all New York would light fireless light bulbs, and the price of electricity would become affordable, and began to experiment. For incandescent threads, 6000 materials tried and, finally, stopped at coal fiber, which was burning 13.5 hours. Later, the service life increased to 1200 hours.

Thomas Edison and Light Bulb

The possibility of using light bulbs, as well as the developed system for the production and consumption of electricity, Edison demonstrated the creation of a power plant in one of the New York districts: 400 lamps broke out. The number of electricity consumers in several months has increased from 59 to half aitious.

In 1882, the "war of currents" broke out, which lasted before the start of the second millennium. Edison wondered for the use of DC, which, however, was transmitted without loss only for short distances. Nikola Tesla, who came to work in the Laboratory of Thomas, tried to prove that more efficiently an alternating current was transferred by hundreds of kilometers. The future legendary inventor offered to use it for power plants and generators, but did not find support.

Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla

Tesla, at the request of the host, created 24 cars on alternating current, but did not get for the work from Edison promised 50 thousand dollars, offended and became a competitor. Together with the industrialist George Westinguz, Nicola began to introduce an alternating current everywhere. Thomas filed to the court and even conducted a black pian campaign, proving the danger of this type of current to kill animals. The apogee was the invention of an electric chair for the execution of criminals.

The point in the war was delivered only in 2007: the chief engineer of Consolidate Edison solemnly cut the last cable, according to which the permanent current came to New York.

Carbon Microphone Thomas Edison

The prolific inventor also patented the device for radiography, calling it a fluoroscope, and a coal microphone that increased the volume of telephone communication. In 1887, Thomas Edison built a new laboratory in West Ordz, larger than the previous and equipped technology. The voice recorder and alkaline battery appeared here.

Edison left a trace in the history of cinematography. In the Laboratory of Thomas saw the light of a kinetoscope - a device capable of showing moving images. In essence, the invention was a personal cinema - through a special eyepiece watched a film. A little later, Edison opened the Kintoscope Parlor Hall and equipped it ten boxes.

Personal life

Thomas's personal life also had successfully - managed to marry twice and get six children. With the first wife, the telegraphist Mary Stillwell, the inventor almost went to the crown two months after the acquaintance. However, the marriage had to be postponed in connection with the death of Mom Edison. The wedding was played in December 1871. A funny event is connected with the celebration: Thomas immediately after the festivities went to work and forgot about the marriage night.

Thomas Edison with family

In this union, daughter and two sons appeared on the world, the older children are Merit and Thomas - with the easy hand of the father at home wearing a clinic point and dash, in honor of the ABC Morse. Mary died in 29 years from the brain tumor.

Soon Edison married them again, according to historians, in great love. The 27-year-old Mina Miller became the elect, which the inventor taught Azbuke Morse, and in this language even suggested his hand and heart. Edison from Mina also born two sons and daughter - the only heiress, who gave the father of his grandchildren.


The great inventor did not live to the 85th anniversary for four months, but before the latter was working. Thomas Edison suffered from diabetes mellitus, a terrible disease gave complications incompatible with life.

Tomas Edison's grave

He died in the fall of 1931, in the house in the town of West Orinzh, who bought 45 years ago as a gift to the bride, the future wife of Mine Miller. Edison's grave is located in the backyard of this house.

Interesting Facts

  • Edison is attributed to the invention of the simplest typewriter to apply tattoos. The reason served five points on the left forearm of Thomas, and then the stingil-pens engraving device, which was patented in 1876. However, Samuel O'Reali is considered the parent of the Tattoo Machine.
  • At the conscience of the inventor, the death of the Slonihi Topci. Three people were killed in the fault of the animal, so he was decided to kill him. In the hope of winning the "war of currents" Edison offered to execute the alternating current of 6000 volts by alternating current, and the "performance" recorded on a film.
Excipher Slonih Topci
  • In the biography of the American genius there is a fault project, for the embodiment of which even built a whole plant - to extract iron from the ore of a low variety. Compatriots laughed at the inventor, proving that it is easier and cheaper to invest money in the ore deposits. And they were right.
  • In 1911, Edison built an unsuitable house consisting of concrete, including window sills and electricians. Then a man tried himself as a furniture designer, submitting concrete interior items to the court of future buyers. And again suffered fiasco.
Magnetic separator of the iron ore of Thomas Edison
  • One of the wild ideas was the creation of a helicopter operating on gunpowder.
  • The invention lamps with a long period of work provided humanity a bearish service - the dream of people decreased by 2 hours. By the way, with an enhancement of the lamp of the calculation, 40,000 pages of notebooks occupied.
  • The word "Hello", a beginner telephone conversation, is also the idea of ​​Edison.


  • 1860 - AeroFor
  • 1868 - Electric votes counter in elections
  • 1869 - Ticker apparatus
  • 1870 - coal telephone membrane
  • 1873 - Quadruplex Telegraph
  • 1876 ​​- mimeograph
  • 1877 - Phonograph
  • 1877 - Coal microphone
  • 1879 - Incandescent lamp with coal thread
  • 1880 - Magnetic Separator of Iron Ore
  • 1889 - Quinsonoscope
  • 1889 - Electric chair
  • 1908 - iron and nickel battery

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