Priscilla Chan - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Priscilla Chan is called American Cinderella. The biography of the girl resembles a fabulous story: the daughters of the poor Vietnamese refugees managed to get a Harvard Diploma, and then marry the brand of Zuckerberg. However, the beautiful picture of success is a diligent work, and the marriage is based on support and great love.

Childhood and youth

Parents Priscilla Chan - Ethnic Chinese who fled in search of a better life in America from the Vietnam War In 1970s. Set down in the town of Breintree (Massachusetts), where he was born on February 24, 1985, Priscilla. The girl grew in the company of two sisters, often had a grandpa with a grandfather, who were inherited by the Cantonese dialect.

Priscilla Chan in childhood

Chan graduated from high school in Quins, he was fond of playing tennis and robotics. At the graduation party, classmates unanimously called it a genius class. A girl with developed intelligence with open arms accepted Harvard University in its ranks. Already in 2007, the graduate of the legendary educational institution had a bachelor's degree in biology, becoming the only member of the Chan family with higher education.

Priscilla Chan in youth

Priscilla tried herself as a teacher of natural sciences - during the year she taught the Harker private school, but in the end I decided to turn to the medical path. The fact is that the dream becomes a physician and help people originated in Harvard. It was not difficult to enter the medical department of California University. Being already in a mature age, Priscilla received a diploma of a pediatrician.

Personal life

Perhaps Priscilla Chan would not have become a public person, not appearing in her life one of the most famous and rich men on the planet - Mark Zuckerberg. However, the novel of the girl with young men began long before the creation of the Mark of the Internet Empire.

The story of Love Chan and Zuckerberg began at the time of study at the University of Harvard. Young people gathered at a student fraternity party, future spouses fate brought in line to the toilet. Mark looked a typical nerd and did not like the procylla, but the girl agreed to date. Chan has become a truly close to the Facebook author, supported the chosen one and believed in the success of the project.

Zuckerberg tried not to advertise a personal life, about the wedding, which took place on May 19, 2012, social network users learned by chance - the man simply changed the status of a marital status on the page in Facebook. Interestingly, the celebration happened the day after the actions market became a multi-million dollar project.

The wedding of Zuckerberg did not differ in pomp, although the couple was preparing for the event for five months. Instead of a luxurious wedding dress, Priscilla preferred a modest dress of an unknown designer, and the wedding ritual took place on the backyard of the house. The groom presented the bride with a ruby ​​ring, performed on his own sketch.

Wedding Priscillas Chan and Brand Zuckerberg

Three years later, the first daughter of Chan and Zuckerberg appeared on the world, the parents called it Max. In August 2017, his wife gave a brand to the second daughter, who carries the name of the month of his birth - August. Before finding the joy of paternity and motherhood, the pair had to go through the test series. Three pregnancy Chan ended in miscarriage. Spouses did not hide problems, actively discussed failures in networks in the hope that their history would help other people to survive a similar grief and find the forces to go further along the path of the dreams of children.

Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan and Children

Close and friends of Priscillas celebrate the humble character of the girl and everyday wisdom. Despite the wealth of her husband, the Chan is not distinguished by wastefulness. At one time, the Internet had a curious fact from preparation for the wedding. The media quoted the newspaper The New York Times: Allegedly the Bride did not succumb to the sister of the brand to purchase shoes worth $ 600, arguing that the money was not her.


An important part of the life of Priscilla Chan considers charity. This is from feeding a girl in Facebook, a program of organ donation appeared. In addition, the spouses created a charitable organization "Chan - Zuckerberg Initiative" (abbreviated CZI), the purpose of which was the development of medicine and school education, improving the criminal system.

Priscilla Chan in youth

Help a few hundred million received a common hospital in San Francisco, public schools in the district of this city, the Community Foundation of the Silician Valley. Spouses occupied second place in the ranking of the 50 most generous philanthropes.

Priscilla Chan - head of the CZI charitable organization

In 2015, the couple promised to surpass in terms of the amount of donations of Bill Gates themselves - to invest $ 62.5 billion in humanitarian projects (the Creator Microsoft donates only 50.5 billion). And in early December of the same year, an open letter was published in the network, addressed to the newborn daughter, with an oath - throughout life to donate 99% of Facebook shares, which is $ 45 billion.

Priscilla Chan.

A year later, Chan and Zuckerberg voiced the goal for the next 10 years - "try to cure all diseases." 3 billion will go to the creation of new equipment and opening laboratories. Now pricked together with University of California creates a "card of all cells in the human body", the Cell Atlas project will be available to world researchers, shedding light on cell types that control the organism organs, including the brain, heart and lungs.

Priscilla Chan now

The newly discussed news associated with Chan in 2017 was the birth of the second heiress Mark. Father did not hesitate to share the page with the subscribers in the "Instagram" photo of his wife in the position. Before the significant event, the spouse often accompanied her husband in working business trips, even visiting Pope of Roman.

Despite pregnancy and childbirth, Priscilla continued to pay time for charity. In June, Chan and Zuckerberg promised to allocate Vision to Learn funds, which diagnoses vision in children from low-income families. Two million babies will be surveyed and, if necessary, will receive glasses as a gift. The amount of donation is not announced.

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