Gwendolin Christie - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Most spectators Gvedolin Christi became known after the role of the role of the Virgin Warper Baryna Tart in the series "Game of Thrones". This party has become a breakthrough for the artist, which before that was in demand more as the theater actress. Gwendolin was born on October 28, 1978 in the city of Westing, in England. Mother actresses - housewife, and father worked in sales and marketing.

Actress Gwendolin Christie

In childhood, Christie professionally engaged in gymnastics, but after the injury of the spine she had to forget about sports. At the age of 12, her growth was 173 cm, by 14 years she graduated until 191 cm.

At the age of 15, Gwendolin played a major role in the school formulation "Lady Macbeth" and realized that he wanted to tie his life with the stage, despite the fact that in childhood she was very shy. Reporting on solving parents, the girl suddenly met support for himself.

Gwendolin Christie in youth

It is worth noting that popularity came to the star of the series "Game of Thrones" when she tried her strength as a fashion model. In 2002, a high, cute Christie noticed photographer Polly Borland. At that time, she prepared a new project for the exit and invited a charming blonde on a trial photo session.

According to Christi, shooting in naked form for a bold photo session of Polly helped her reconcile with her body and take his femininity. The fruitful cooperation of the model and the photographer lasts 6 years.

Model Gwendolin Christie

The acting education Gwendolin received in the dramatic center of London, which graduated in 2005 (and where her future colleague on the "game of throne" Emilia Clark also studied). During training, her mentor was an English actor and director Simon Callow.

According to the artist, the years of study were catastrophically difficult. In a conversation with media representatives, Christie often told that teachers were told every day to all the stream of students that they would not achieve nothing. After a couple of years, the actress realized that it was done in motivational purposes, but in that period she was extremely difficult to combine many hours of occupations, which lasted until the evening, with pressing teachers.


Gvedolin began to be filmed relatively late, her first film was a little-known fantasy drama "Time Surgeon" (2007), in which only three actors were involved. In 2011, Christie proposed the role of lexi, princess necron, in the fantastic television series "Wizards against aliens". The series did not discharge a special popularity, although actress fans acquired.

The real popularity of Gwendoline brought the role of Brianna Tart in the TV series "Game of Thrones". Christie Christie is a strong warrior who dreams about the Knight's rank - he used the special love of readers of George Martin's novels. It was they who suggested that Christie like no other will fit into this image in the second season.

In an interview with Gwendolin, he said that after reading the book, she herself was delighted with Baryna, besides, she did not know what mockery about high growth and her husband-like appearance.

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To prepare for listening and imbued with male thinking, Briyna wore clothes in the unisex style, started enhanced training, dropped about 15 kilograms and returned them back in the form of muscle mass.

According to George Martin, when Gwendoline went to the platform in Baryna's costume, everyone immediately understood that he would not have to look for someone else on this role. After Christie approved, she began to take riding lessons and theatrical struggle.

Gwendolin Christie in the role of Baryna Tart

Fans of the series, especially the women's audience, adore the Baryna Tart. She became a symbol of female independence, along with the heroines of Macy Williams, Sophie Turner, Emilia Clark and Gemma Wylen.

In 2013, the artist replenished its filmography of an episodic role in the fantastic tape of Terry Gilliam "Theorem Zero". The plot of the film is built around the eccentric computer genius of Cohen Summer (Christoph Waltz), which for a couple of years beats over an insoluble theorem.

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Thanks to the costume for virtual reality, invented by the boy Bob (Lucas Hedgees), the summer can take a trip to the hidden space and learn the secret of his soul. This random is looking for not only himself, but also the mysterious management, which rules the whole world through all-seeing devices called MANCAMS.

In 2015, the film "Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peredashnitsa. Part II "with Jennifer Lawrence, in which Gwendoline played Lime, the winner of the next hungry games, the mentor and the commander of the uprising in Districte 2. Initially, this role was to execute Lily Rake, but the actress had to abandon the project due to the discrepancy of the shooting schedules.

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Also this year, Christie appeared in the film "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" in the role of Captain Fazma, one of the main film antagonists on a par with Kaylo Ren (Adam Driver). It is worth noting that Gwendolin has become the first villain woman in this space franchise.

In 2017, the actress was invited to the role of Constable Miranda Hilmarsson to the detective series "Top of the Lake", the main roles in which Elizabeth Moss performs, Peter Mullan and Nicole Kidman.

Personal life

It is reliably known that Gwendolin has no husband and children. Like any actors participating in popular projects, fans tried to tie her with a colleague along the set. So, rumors were that Christie is found with Nikolai Koster Waldau, who fulfills the role of Jame Lanner in the "Game of Thrones".

However, no evidence that romantic relationships between actors have ever existed, no. The version was not confirmed that Patrick Wulf met with the actress, although the girl starred in his musical video.

Gwendolin Christie and Giles Dicon

Recently it turned out that Christie since 2012 is found with the fashion designer Giles Dicon. Even before the start of the romantic relations, Gwendoline and Dicon, for a couple of years, communicated as friends. Now the actress fully supports Dicon and calls the chosen by her favorite designer.

Gwendolin Christie now

In June 2017, the premiere of the second part of the multi-sieuled British-Australian detective drama created by Jane Campion and Gerard Lee, "the top of the lake" took place. The plot of the first season narrated about the investigation by the detective Robin Griffin (Elizabeth Moss) disappearance of a pregnant 12-year-old girl. In the second season there are talking about life and work of the same detective, four years later. Christie In this series played the Constable police of Sydney Miranda Hilmarson, who becomes the partner of Robin Griffin.

In December of the same year, the release of the space opera director Ryan Johnson "Star Wars: the last Jedi", in which Gwendolin reincarnated in Captain Phamp. The eighth episode of the Sagi "Star Wars" became the continuation of the internal chronology of the series and is the sequel of previous films, as well as the second in the third trilogy. It is worth noting that this is the last film with the participation of American actress Carrie Fisher, who died on December 27, 2016.

Gwendolin Christie in 2017

Despite the fact that the artists in 191 cm and weighing 84 kg are not in "Instagram", the star of the series "Game of Thrones" regularly posts posts in Twitter. Social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of Christie. Materials associated with the creative biography of the actress (photography, interviews) are also often published on various Internet portals and in print publications.


  • 2007 - "Surgeon Time"
  • 2009 - "Imagonarium Dr. Parnassa"
  • 2010 - "Seven Centuries of Britain"
  • 2012 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2012 - "Wizards against aliens"
  • 2013 - "Theorem Zero"
  • 2015 - "Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peredashnitsa. Part 2"
  • 2015 - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • 2016 - "Swallows and Amazons"
  • 2016 - "Just amazing"
  • 2017 - "Star Wars: Last Jedies"
  • 2017 - "Top of the Lake"
  • 2018 - "Dark reflections"
  • 2019 - "Life of David Copperfield"

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