Disaster - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Another five or ten years ago about such a phenomenon like Battle Rap, only the fans of the genre and those who looked the film with Eminem "8 Mile" knew. Today, each Battle is a real media event that makes the attention of millions of people of different ages, gender, nationality and social status. Battle video comments on politicians, they are talking about TV. It is not surprising that the participants in these events become idols of young people. American Battle Rapper Disaster is just one of those.

Childhood and youth

Bashir Yagami (so actually call Rapper) was born on June 29, 1984. It happened in the south of California in Los Angeles. The Bashira family has the Lebanese roots, which the Yagami himself regularly reminds.

Bashir Yagami - real disaster name

The Bashir school often strolled, and at the end and threw in general. Instead, he worked on occasion to the case and walked with friends. Then he began to make his first steps in rap. In order to have enough for life and to record its tracks in the studio, settled to work as a taxi driver, pre-passing exams for obtaining rights.


As rapper himself says - music has changed his life, for which he grateful to her. Basir's first tracks recorded their first tracks at the age of sixteen. At the same time, the Dizaster appeared nickname (Dizaster) - a distorted writing of the English word "catastrophe". The choice of such a creative pseudonym was argued simply - because of the Arabic appearance, the guy was often called a terrorist that he decided to use for its own purposes.

Rapper disples

The first serious performances of the disasters took place in 2006 - then the twenty-one-year-old Bashir became the participant of Batlov held at the Basement Music Store. Later, these events were called Basementality ("Basic Knowledge" or "Basic Fundament"). In addition to Basementality, the displenge took part in the GRIND Time Now, URL, Real Talk, Don`t Flop Entertainment and on other sites.

In 2006, Dizaster took part in Batlach against Nocando and Dumbfoundad. The next year was marked by confrontation with the rapper, named after himself Taz ("Tasmansky Devil"). In 2008, the Saurus came out against Bashira. 2009 was a rich year for disasters - His opponents of Steel Revers Live, Illmaculate, Everybody Knows, Locksmith, Pumpkinhead, Surgean General, Mr ET and Organik. The year later, Yagami came out against Vision, Monk McNasty and A-Class.

In 2011, a landmark event was happening - Dizaster fought with Eric Saint Jones, more famous as DNA - Battle Rap King. By the way, this battle judged Drake himself. In 2012, Bashir is baptized with Iron Solomon and Canibus. By concerning the Canibus`a, the dismeric becomes the champion of the Canadian Battle platform King of the Dot (KOTD). Next year, this title is selected by Arcane (2013 was unsuccessful in Rapper's career).

In 2014, Dizaster returns with new forces and opposes Pat Stay, Big T, Cassidy and Matt Hoffa. During the Butla with Matt Hoffa, the famous disaster brave was held, during which the audio and video equipment of KOTD were damaged. Bashir was forced to compete damage financially, however, this is the leadership of the battle platform there was a little disaster driven from King of the Dot.

Dizaster in 2017

Any other on-site Yagami would have surrendered, but Bashira had a brilliant idea - he went to Europe and Asia to hurt with local rappers. The bright results of this "tour" were meeting with TRIERSTAR and EDD Abbas in 2015.

And then a new worthy opponent appears on the disaster horizon - the Russian rapper Oxxxymiron (Oxymyron), a representative of the Russian Battle platform Versus Battle. In 2015, Battle Mirone Fedorova (real name Oxxxymiron`a) and Johnyboy`I had more than a million views on YouTube, thereby putting a record in the world history of Rap-Batlov.

Disaster and oximiron

It was a serious infoovod, about which the overseas colleagues learned. The displented understood that Miron was the son of physicist theorist and librarians, - the one who he needed as an opponent. The challenge was thrown. Oximiron challenge accepted.

There was no details about the disaster and oxymon meeting for a long time, but this did not prevent news about their opposition not to leave the thematic publics of social networks. Batli Miron Fedorov against ST and purulent only heated the interest of the public.

No less "heated" arranged a Bashir, expressing some thoughts about Oxymon and about purulent, during an interview for the publisher "New Rap". By the way, Yagami himself managed to speak against Marv Won, Skolar and Dwisofoz to this moment.

At the beginning of autumn, the exact date and place of the battle between the artists Dizaster and Oxxxymiron began known: October 15, Los Angeles, Los Gloc Club on Sunset Boulevard. The organization of the event took the battle platform King of the dot. The rights to direct broadcast also belong only to KOTD (the Russian site "Versus" will later show a video with Russian subtitles).

Preparation comes with mighty - the disinter even creatively approached the creation of an announcement video, in which he advises the opponent to prepare serious difficulties.

Personal life

There is no permanent girl in the displaceter."I have not met that with which I would like to make a serious relationship," the Bashir commented on it.

Disaster now

In addition to preparations for the transatlantic battle, which is already considered a cult event in world history, the displenge is busy participating on the shooting of the movie Joseph Kana "Enveling Form" (The Bodied).

This is the first artistic embodiment of the history of Battle culture. Ribbed producers made Eminem and Dr. DRE.


  • 2006 - Nocando
  • 2006 - Dumbfoundad
  • 2007 - TAZ
  • 2008 - The Saurus
  • 2009 - Revers Live
  • 2009 - ILLMACULATE
  • 2009 - Everybody Knows
  • 2009 - Locksmith
  • 2009 - Pumpkinhead
  • 2009 - Surgean General
  • 2009 - MR ET
  • 2009 - Organik
  • 2010 - Vision
  • 2010 - Monk McNasty
  • 2010 - A-Class
  • 2011 - DNA
  • 2012 - Iron Solomon
  • 2012 - CANIBUS
  • 2013 - Arcane
  • 2014 - Pat Stay
  • 2014 - Big T
  • 2014 - Cassidy
  • 2014 - Matt Hoffa
  • 2015 - TrierStar
  • 2015 - EDD Abbas
  • 2016 - Marv Won
  • 2016 - Skolar
  • 2016 - DWISOFOZ
  • 2017 year - Oxxxymiron

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