Vladimir Tikhonov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause



Vladimir Tikhonov was called the Soviet Alain Delon: the appearance of the actor adopted the strict one of the father and the outlined beauty of the mother. The son of famous parents went away early, but managed to leave a bright mark in the Soviet cinema.

Childhood and youth

The son of one of the most beautiful and talented acting pairs of the Soviet Union - Nonna Mordyukova and Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Born at the end of the winter of 1950. Creative career parents gained momentum, they disappeared on the set and could not be engaged in the upbringing of the boy. Volodya remained on the care of her grandparents from the father.

After 13 years, the spouses understood that it was impossible to continue the family to continue: the energetic Don Cossack of the Hot Nrava and a handsome man with a mild character from the Moscow region finally ceased to understand each other. After the divorce, the son stayed with his mother. Actress Lyudmila Kittyaeva often stayed by his girlfriend Nonna Mordyukova, and later recalled that Volodya was grew by an obedient boy with aristocratic manners, always met at the threshold and helped remove the coat.

Parting of loved ones has become a real tragedy for a teenager - Vladimir was overboard their personal life. Vyacheslav Nikolaevich in a short time gained a new family. Nonna Viktorovna also did not lose hope to find happiness, calling one after another novels. As a result, a lonely in the depths of the soul, the boy got into a bad company, where he met drugs and alcoholic beverages.

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As the media write, he began problems with alcohol already in grade 5, and the course of drug treatment, the young man passed before the student. Nonna Viktorovna himself accurately remembered the moment when it came to understand that she missed her son - after returning home from filming the film "Commissioner". About this actress once told on television.

Perhaps the son Mordyukov would decorate Soviet jurisprudence - Volodya was going to enter a lawyer. However, the star mother thought that with such appearance a child it is better to continue the acting dynasty. The doors of the School of School opened for the young man. Shchukina. The course, where Vladimir studied, was the Gold Constellation of Future Celebrities - Fastened the acting craft hand in hand with Konstantin Raykin, Natalia Gundarere, Natalia Varley.

Having received a diploma, Vladimir Tikhonov, two years of life gave the theater of the Soviet Army, thanks to which the service was avoided in the real army. After that, the actor completely dedicated to the life of cinema.

Personal life

For a short life, Vladimir Tikhonov married twice. For the first time I decided to legitimize the relationship with the classmate Natalia Varley, which was very in love. The fact that the bridegroom drug addict, the bride found out on the wedding day, but her news did not stop. Natalia decided by anything to help her beloved - fell chat with friends, tightly sitting on drugs and alcohol, showed doctors. But efforts did not have success, the marriage collapsed, without having extended years. In January 1972, the Son of Vasily's son appeared on the spouses.

In 1975, Vladimir again went to the registry office. With the second wife, 18-year-old artist of the Moscow ballet on Ice Natalia Egorova, brought fate on tour, in Chelyabinsk. Until the last day of the life of the actor, Natalia remained his official spouse, however, together the couple lived rarely. This was hampered by Natalia's tour, then the regions of Vladimir. In marriage, the son of Vladimir appeared.

About the future fate of Children Tikhonov a little known. Natalia Varley in an interview said that Vasily was studying at the Institute of Contemporary Arts. By the way, in the press for a long time they discussed rumors that the son of Tikhonov is not native, because Vasilia is the last name of the mother. Journalists and bloggers in the network even compared the photos of the senior heir to Tikhonov with portraits of the father and grandfather, not finding similarity. However, no confirmation, nor the refutation of gossip and did not receive.

The youngest son after school rushed in search of his way: he studied in a culinary school, went to opera singing courses, entered Gitis. The artist serves in the "Metropolitan Romance Theater".


Vladimir Tikhonov's creative biography has developed successfully - starred in several dozen movies. For the first time, the country saw a lubricant actor, who still walked in the ranks of students, in the ribbon "Path to Saturn. But fame and universal love of the audience Volodya walked for work in the film "Russian Field", where in the first and last time he starred together with his mother.

The Drama "Russian Field" entered the treasury of cinema, and the scenario became a kind of prophecy for the family - on the plot, the main heroine of Fedosya Ugryumov, in the performance of Mordyukov, buried her son. A more piercing farewell of mother with the child was not yet in any Russian film, consider the audience. The picture took the third line at the rental of 1972.

In the filmography of the actor there is also one job, on the set of which Vladimir turned out to be with his father. In 1979, the director Stanislav Rostotsky created a film about Vyacheslav Tikhonov "Profession - Film Actor". According to the scenario, the son and father are found in the Pavilion "Mosfilm".

The 70s became the crop decade for Vladimir Tikhonov - the young man was lucky to lead, movie fans remembered "Two Days of Anxiety", "Yas and Janin", "the version of Colonel Zorin".

In the 80s, the career went to the decline, although in 1982 three films were immediately released on the screens with the participation of Vladimir - "Return of the resident", "Odnolyuba" and "Capture". A year later, Tikhonov received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Despite the demand from directors, rich acting life, filled with filming and creative evenings, Vladimir believed that the viewer does not particularly worry his talent. The actor's soul, like many children of ingenious parents, was divided into a permanent comparison with mother and father.


The use of drugs and alcohol has undermined the health of Vladimir Tikhonov, a man suffered a stroke twice. In June 1990, the actor did not become the cause of death - heart failure from the overdose of drugs. The body was discovered only on the third day.

At that time, Egorova's relationship with Tikhonov experienced another crisis, the couple broke up, but Vladimir called his wife and begged for forgiveness, swore to tie with detrimental habits. The news of death found Natalia on tour in Leningrad, the woman immediately arrived and saw a unpleasant picture - the first spouse was preparing for the funeral. According to the press, women are still in confrontation.

Vladimir Tikhonov buried in the Kuntsevsky cemetery. In 2008, the grave of the mother appeared nearby - it was the will of Nonna Mordyukov, extremely seriously worried about the care of a single child.

"I still worry. The pain is still focused in the heart. As if the number was in him. The pain is not resolved, not diverged, "Nonna Viktorovna later recognized years later.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov in the last interviews defended that he did not give the son of proper attention and upbringing. They say that allegedly Vyacheslav Nikolayevich wanted to be buried next to his son, but the second family would not fulfill the will.


  • 1967 - "Path to Saturn"
  • 1968 - "Zhuravushka"
  • 1970 - "On Love"
  • 1971 - "Young"
  • 1971 - "Russian field"
  • 1973 - "Two days alarm"
  • 1974 - "Yas and Yanina"
  • 1975 - "On Clear Fire"
  • 1978 - "The version of Colonel Zorin"
  • 1978 - "Dove"
  • 1979 - "Profession"
  • 1979 - "Frak for Salopaya"
  • 1980 - "Karl Marx. Youth"
  • 1980 - Santa Esperance
  • 1982 - "Resident Return"
  • 1982 - "Odnolyuba"
  • 1982 - "Capture"
  • 1986 - "Death of Ivan Ilyich"
  • 1989 - "Stalingrad"

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