Woodrow Wilson - biography, photos, personal life, domestic and foreign policy of the US president



At the beginning of the twentieth century, America has become the most developed country of the world largely due to the 28th president of Woodrow Wilson. Reforms in the economy and foreign trade, the preservation of the US neutrality in the First World War, the League of Nations and the contribution to the Versailles Treaty turned Wilson into the legend of world politics.

Portrait of Woodrow Wilson

In a century, George Bush and Bill Clinton, President Wilson took up the settlement of world military conflicts and the establishment of harmonious relations between nations. The efforts ended with the Nobel Peace Prize and stroke.

Childhood and youth

The 28th President of America in Virginia was born, in an independent student. In the veins of Thomas Woodo, the Irish and Scottish blood of ancestors were mixed. Grandfather and grandmother on the father's line moved to America from Tiron county, which in the north of Ireland.

Woodrow Wilson in his youth

The grandfather of the future president is a commitment to the movement of quackers and European enlightenment - settled in Ohio, where he published a protectionist newspaper in which he opposed slavery. Son Joseph did not follow the footsteps of the parent and became the Presbyterian theologian. And I also bought slaves than the father was outraged, an ardent fighter with slavery. Joseph Wilson took his wife a native of British Cumbria Janet Woodrow, whose ancestors are the Scots.

Wilson opened at the Church of the Hospital, where the wounded soldiers were treated: Janet and Joseph were supporters of the Confederation. Soon Wilson became an army chapel and went to the front. At first, the study was given to the little Woodrow Wilson with difficulty: because of Dysxia, the boy did not know until 12 years. But pretending the stenograph, overcame the barrier and caused the missed. The first years Wilson studied at home, then visited the school in August.

Woodrow Wilson in youth

The young man went in the footsteps of his father and entered the college in North Carolina, where the future priests-Presbyterians were preparing. In the same 1873, Wilson became a parishioner of the Presbyterian church and remained to death. In college Woodoo fell ill and after the first year of study he left him, settling in the house of parents in Wilmington.

A year later, in 1875, the future president became a princeton student who graduated brilliantly in 1879. In the student years, Woodrow Wilson became interested in history and political history, organized a discussion society. After graduating from Princeton University, Wilson received legal education at the University of Virginia, but a year later, in the 1880th, due to the illness, he left the university and died at home.

Start of political career

After 2 years of domestic training, the future politician trace exams in the University of Virgin University and received a lawyer's diploma. Wilson became a partner of the former classmate and began legal practices, but a year later, it was disappointed and left the bar: Woodrow interested politics.

The path to power for Woodrow Wilson began in the spring of 1883, when he became a graduate student of Jones Hopkins University and after 3 years he became a doctor of philosophy. In early 1885, the first book was published in which he proposed the reform of American executive power by strengthening the president. For this work, the university awarded Wilson Prize.

Woodrow Wilson in youth

In 1886, after appropriate a doctoral degree, a young scientist taught history in a female college and university in Connecticut. In 1890, Woodrow Wilson was invited to Princeon, where he taught students to political sciences. After 2 years, he wrote the second work - "The History of the American People" and became the rector of the university, remaining in office until 1910.

In November 1910, a new head of the political biography of Woodrow Wilson began - he was elected by the Governor of New Jersey. Being a post, Wilson demonstrated independence and will, refusing to follow the party line. He conducted a number of social laws and became famous outside the state.

President of the U.S.A

The candidacy of the Governor Woodrow Wilson put forward a democratic party. His competitors were William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt, due to the rivalry of whom Wilson's votes in 1913 won the race. Woodrow Wilson became the only American president with a doctoral degree and the first led from the south.

Woodrow Wilson and William Taft

During the first presidential period, Wilson changed the principles of the country's state system by creating a federal reserve. The only American money became "Federal Reserve Note". Despite the modest political practice (2 years in the chair of the governor), he acted decisively, embodying the election program. In the shortest possible time, the Council of Ministers has formed, appointing Secretary of William McAdu. The Ministry of Foods was headed by Herbert Goover, and the military - Henry Stimson.

The new US president for the first years of the Board implemented a conceived program of economic reforms. First of all, lowered customs barriers to foreign trade and began to embody the tax, antitrust and bank reforms.

President Woodrow Wilson

In 1916, Woodrow Wilson chose the presidential period for the second time. In addition to successful economic reforms, his merit was called the retention of the United States from retracting into war. The peacefulness and constructivism of Wilson demonstrated to citizens, not criticizing the main rival of Charles Hughes, but affecting the emphasis on the first time. But Wilson's advantage over Hughes turned out to be minimal, the victory was not easy.

On the second period (from 1917 to 1921), Woodrow Wilson focused the forces on a month over a month after the elections of the First World War.

Domestic politics

State Department Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt echoed in many aspects. Both presidents improved working conditions of workers. Wilson forbade hiring children to work and reduced the working day for adults to 8 hours. Farmers sighed with relief after a number of social transformations. Discrimination of women ceased.

Woodrow Wilson and his Cabinet Ministers

Woodrow Wilson is one of the founders of the theory of public administration - bureaucracy. The necessary prerequisite of an effective management system, he considered the Unified Managing Center. According to Wilson, policies and management should be separated, an effective administration and professional employees are needed to modernize civilization.

In 1919, the US 28th president deployed campaigning for the ratification of the Nations League Agreement. Trips and nervous tension took the strength from him and undermined the already weak health. In October, Woodrow Wilson had a stroke, a consequence of the blindness of the left eye and paralysis of the left side of the body. For six months, the president found himself in a wheelchair, later walked with a cane.

Foreign policy

Woodrow Wilson is called the pacifist president who spent the policies of good neighborliness and non-interference in other countries. He was published by the policy of "Big Dubinka" and the role of the international police officer, chosen for America Roosevelt. The USA 28 President has established good neighborliness with Latin America and Western European countries. But Wilson's pacifist moods melted due to the exacerbated relations in 1915 with Mexico, when border clashes turned into two-day battles in the port of Vera Cruz, carrying the life of hundreds of soldiers and sailors.

President Wilson puts the issue of US participation in the First World War before Congress

In the spring of 1916, the leader of Mexican rebels Pancho Villa with a detachment of Marauders invaded the American state of New Mexico, causing damage to farmers. The Americans responded by conducting a military operation, which was headed by General John Perching. In 1917, General's troops entered Europe, violating Wilson's right nations on self-determination.

In early 1918, Woodrow Wilson proclaimed a program of the world, which was formulated in 14 points designed to resolve territorial disputes, to provide free trade and create a peacekeeping organization. But Congress failed the agreement on the League of Nations, and in Europe from 14 theses embodied only 4.

Woodrow Wilson as part

Economic problems started after the war, the ruin of farmers, excitement in Chicago, breaking relationships with former political allies became an obstacle to the third presidential term of Wilson. This time the democrats did not support him.

Personal life

The first love of Wilson left a trail in the biography of the US 28th President. When Kuzina Henrietta Woodrow refused to be a student Tomas Wilson, referring to close relatives, he took her surname as a second name, which eventually became the only one.

Woodrow Wilson with the first wife Ellen

A broken heart healed new love, to Ellen Exxon. For the first time, future spouses got acquainted when Thomas was 6, and Ellen 2 years. A charming girl with smears on the cheeks Woodrow Wilson remembered in 20 years. The young man agreed to match the Father Ellen, the abbot of the Presbyterian Church, and went to the Atlanta. Every day the bride received letters from the future husband, retaining all 1400 messages.

Ellen Wilson became his wife, and the president's companion. The woman gave her husband to three daughters, learned German to follow the novelties of literature and art, edited Vilson's speeches. When Woodrow had a stroke, the spouse became the secret adviser to the president.

Woodrow Wilson with the second wife Edith

Ellen did not become in August 1914. Dying from Bright's disease, she asked for a family doctor to look after her husband. My wife blessed his spouse to the second marriage, asking for one thing - to find a decent woman.

For the second time, Woodrow Wilson married at the end of 1915. In marriage with Edith Bolling Golt, there was no children. Woodrow Wilson is known for love for cars. The passion led to finance the construction of public roads.


In 1921, the 28th president left the White House and settled with his wife in the Embassy of Washington Quarter. He was seriously worried about the creation of the League of Nations, believed that he deceived the Americans and pulled the United States in vain in the First World War.

Grave Woodrow Wilson

Wilson did not become in February 1924. I buried him in Washington, in the Cathedral.


  • "Is there any one man on white light, at least one woman, even if a child who does not know that the causes of war in the modern world lie in industrial and commercial competition?"
  • "If you want to get enemies, try to change anything."
  • "Do not forget that" Our Father "begins with a request for bread in pressing. It is difficult to praise the gentlemen and love the nearby stomach. "
  • "Freedom never comes from the government. Freedom always comes from his subjects. The history of freedom is the story of limiting government authorities, not its increase. "

Interesting Facts

  • Woodrow Wilson was a passionate car enthusiast and made daily car trips, even as president. The passage of the president affected the financing of the construction of public roads.
  • Woodrow Wilson was a baseball fan, in his student years he played for the student team, and in 1916 he became the first applicable US president who visited the World Baseball Championship.
  • President Woodrow Wilson painted his golf balls into black during the winter to continue playing in the snow.
Woodrow Wilson at bill
  • Woodrow Wilson called no Woodrow, but Thomas. In adolescence, he fell in love with his cousin Woodro Henrietta. She refused to marry him, but he was so in love that he took her name.
  • He studied at Princeton, where he later became a rector (the only rector without religious title).
  • The movement of the souffringers did not support widely unfolded then, considering that the feet of a woman was a family.


  • In 1944, Wilson Henry King was filmed by the Biographical film "Wilson" with Alexander Knox in the lead role (the film received five Oscars).
  • Woodrow Wilson is depicted on a bill with a par value of $ 100,000, the largest in the history of the country.
  • In the Polish city, Poznań, a monument to Woodrow Wilson, was raised at the place of the monument to the Worker of the Polish workman Marcina Kaspshak.
  • On November 5, 2011, a monument to Woodrow Wilson in Prague (Czech Republic) was opened. This is the second monument, and the first is destroyed during World War II.

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