David (King) - biography, photo, personal life, prayers, psalms, history



King David is the second leader of the Israeli kingdom, which made Jerusalem the center of spiritual pilgrimage. David was a god-fearing and wise ruler, who, as well as all the mortals, was infectiously mistaken: the monarch committed a crime, for which he had to pay for a long time.

Origin of king Davida

Tsar David was born about 1035 to our era, on the West Bank of the Jordan River, in Bethlehem. The historicity of David is a reason for discussions that last to this day, because many stories about the life of the ruler are the nature of legends and legends, however, some archaeological evidence proves the reality of the existence of the leader of the Israeli people.

Portrait of King David.

At the Copenhagen school formed in 1990, on this occasion of his opinion. Adherents of biblical minimalism consider the identity of the King David and the reality of the existence of the so-called Israeli kingdom as a single ideological concept created by the priests in Jerusalem.

Skeptics believed that David was as historical as the hero of the Knight's novels of the British epic - King Arthur. The biography of the descendant of Jessey, which the Scriptures set out, says that he took place from the ancient Jewish family (from which the Messiah of Jesus Christ came out) and was the younger of the eight sons of his father.

The young David, a shepherd, showed himself a trustworthy and brave man: He could snatch his sheep from a mighty bear's paws or deal with naked hands with a fierce lion, as it was endowed with the birth of hero.

David and Saul

While the young man worked on the pasture, on the throne, the founder of the Unified Israeli kingdom of Saul, who became the leader of the people by the will of God, but soon it seemed an objectionable Creator. Therefore, the prophet Samuel, who repent of the fact that the lot chose the "naughty carrier of the crown," began to look for her first toastannik of the successor.

His choice fell on David, who in those years was pleased with the monarch game on a string musical instrument - Cinnore: the praying melodies were caliped the wrath of the king, who possessed a quick-tempered character (according to the testes, he was "angry with an evil spirit").

In the youthful years, young David, who arrived in the Israeli army to visit the brothers, marked with a heroic act: the future king won the unusually strong giant Goliath (in the Koran - Jalut). It is noteworthy that the opponent of David was armed up to the teeth, while the young man had only the rush with him.

David and Goliath

Saul, who believed in the ingenuity of the young man, promised to bless the marriage of David with his daughter Melholoy, if he goes to campaign against the descendants of the Castlukhim. Returning from the field of Brahi "Heir to the throne" brought a "gift" - a bag with two hundreds of men's advantages, for such was the requirement of a cruel despot.

The valiant offspring of Jessey won the Lavra of Honor, and his brilliant struggle with the unbelieving Philistines caused envy of Saul, since the glory of David eclipsed all the honors of the operating king. The zealous Saul began to relate suspiciously to the young man, every day his contempt only intensified. Therefore, it is not surprising that the thought of the murder of his subject was punged into the head of Saul.

It reached the fact that the Israeli king, without hiding his hostility, subjected to David's danger, reproper at him during the celebration. But since Saul went over with a little drinks, the gun flew past. But, nevertheless, the autocrat threatened to put the enemy to prison.

Young David.

But it is worth noting that David honored the Creator and did not dare to raise his hand on the anointed of God Saul, but he was presented to such a case when they were alone in the cave. The young man imperceptibly truncated to his opponent and cut a piece of fabric from his raincoat, thereby showing Saul, which is not capable of a crime and does not constitute any danger.

This act did not save Saul from paranoia, so David fled to Samuel in the frame and arrived in the shelter, where the strong presence of God was felt. In the same place, David learned that reconciliation with Saul was impossible, and the king himself was performed by the Spirit of God. Consequently, the future ruler of the people for many years spent in emigration, trying to preserve his life and cover relatives from the wrath of the first anointed.

David bring news about the death of Saul

Saul was angry with the enemy, so David, together with numerous associates, found support from opponents - Philistines. In the service of this People, David and his comrades (600 husbands) were robbed by the locals of the Amalikites, and part of the stovered mining sent the king of Angeu.

David's companions, due to the objection of higher instances, did not participate in the invasion of the Philistines, who went to conquer the Land of Israel and defeated the troops of Saul's despot. In the battle, the sons of the king were killed by the Sons of the Tsar, and Saul himself asked her subject to hurt his heart with a spear.

Beginning of the Board

David was not delighted with the news of the death of his pursuer, but on the contrary, he flooded with bitter tears. Further, he arrived at home, in Hebron, where he was proclaimed by the descendants of Judah by the Jewish king.

Tsar David.

Consequently, the Judea department occurred from Israel (Saula's successor was the only surviving Son Jewosfea), as a result of which a two-year civil war began.

Two troops performed against each other, and David's comrades came out the winners from this bloody battle, but, according to rumors, the outcome of the case was decided by betrayal, for two warrod were killed. Ultimately, David was elected elders to the king over all Israel, later united two states.

Domestic politics

Before becoming the ruler, David, following cruel customs, got rid of the descendants of King Saul. Then the commander went to the War on Jathuses, capturing the city of Jerusalem. The conquered by Jerusalem became the capital of the Principality and part-time - the Sacred Jewish center, where the ark of the covenant was transferred, which made the main city by the concentration of the national cult.

Watching David.

By the way, the ark of the covenant is the greatest shrine of the Jewish people, which is located in the Tent, protected by priests. Initially, David wanted to build a temple for the altar, but he could not do this, since his hands were swapped with blood enemies. Therefore, the construction of the church was engaged in his sibling Solomon.

David, rejected human sacrifices, conducted a religious reform and became the author of the exalted psalms. Worship gained a melodious character, because David did not forget his passion for the game on the string instrument.

Tsar David.

The king subordinated to the spiritual life of secular, and the priests began to obey the high priests. David also noted as a brilliant commander: the defeated peoples were paid to the owner of the throne tribute, so the monarch organized a treasury and established a detachment of state bodyguards.

It is known that David began to strengthen his state, following the Egyptian pattern, and the royal property was ruled by officials. In addition to all, David was engaged in the census of the population, but by the will of the Lord never completed the started.

Foreign policy

David expanded its territorial possessions, selecting land in neighboring states. He won the historical region in Western Jordan, defeated Aramaites on the territory of Syria, joined the idea. In addition, the king found brackets of copper and concluded business cooperation with the Phoenicians who heard experienced merchants.

Israeli Kingdom at the Board of David

The Phoenicians bought Cups and cattle from David, paying barter. In return, the king received wood and advanced technologies: David's companions brought writing to the state and invented by them alphabet, later borrowed by Jews.

Personal life

The biblical legend states that David was a smart, handsome, and also possessed talent to oratory art. As for the amournal relationship, the daughter of Saul - Melhol was married to another young man. But nevertheless, in the female-minded David there were many wives and concubines, which, in principle, was characteristic of the kings of the time.

But due to the fall of David, the internal policy of the king was not cloudless. The ruler of a single Israeli state was angry with God, overshadowing his life with mortal sin - adultery. The fact is that the king, walking along the roof of his palace, was blinded by the beauty of bathing Baths.

King David and his son Solomon

However, a woman who captured his mind and feelings was married to the benefactor Hatteyanin uria, loyal to the army of David. But, despite the marriage of beauties, David ordered to deliver Bathsavia to the palace. After a lover, the beloved ruler became pregnant, and David ordered the military leader in a letter to send Uria to the right death.

I learned about this treacherous act, the Prophet Naphan cursed David, conquer his future to fratricide conflicts and severe punishments. Thus, in the life of David there was a lot of bitterness and sadness.

King David in old age

The king began to feel physical ailments, his body was covered with ulcers, and insurgent began in the palace. The eldest son of the leader of Amnon raped a gradent sister Famar, and was killed by his brother Avasalom.

Absalom himself went against his father, but his army was defeated in fluff and dust. Despite betrayal, David loved his offspring and waited for his return home. According to legend, the young man died, confused by long hair in oak branches. This tragedy overshadowed the life of David, who tried:

"My son Avissal, my son, my son Avissal! Oh, who would give me to die instead of you, Avissal, my son, my son! "

David had literally kneeling forgiveness from God. Creator forgave the sinned king, giving him a healthy son Solomon, however, he recalled that

"... the lamb must pay fourly."

After repentance, the life of the autocrat was not calm, because the other David's offense - Adonya - the actual heir to the throne, tried to organize a conspiracy against his father and usurp the power, because he learned that the crown was prepared by Solomon.


David died at the seventieth age, having time to transfer to the Crown to the Heir to Solomon. The successor continued his father's policies to strengthen the state, however, the bloody wars fought.

Statue of David.

It is known that in memory of Tsar David, books were written, and in 1997 a television film "Tsar David: the perfect ruler". But the most famous monument of culture is the marble statue of David, skillfully performed by Talented Michelangelo.

In christianity

In the Christian religion, David appears as a prophet, from the genus whose Jesus Christ came to the world. According to Orthodoxy, David became the author of Psalms entering the Psalrty, which is considered an integral part of the Old Testament and Christian Worship Services.

Orthodox king David

It is believed that the icon of the king of David and prayers addressed to him help people acquire the best human virtues - meekness, mercy and chastity.

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