Alla Victoria Kirkorov - biography, photos, news, instagram 2021



Being a child celebrity is a difficult work, but also a lot of pleasures and privileges. For example, the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Philip Pobrosovich Kirkorov in honor of his daughter acquired a villa in the United States in the city of Miami.

Alla Victoria Kirkorov in 2017

He chose a house along with a friend, singer Nikolai Baskov for six months, trying to create a cozy and elegant family nest for children. Rumors around the birth of the baby went non-daynoye, and this is understandable - no children appear every day, especially considering the unusual way to appear a girl to light.


Alla Victoria Philippovna Kirkorov was born on November 26, 2011 in the United States of America. Father Philip Kirkorov - Bulgarian of Armenian origin. At five, Philip first went on stage at the father's concert, then a failed attempt to go to the theater institute (the young man did not pass the exams), study in the State Music School named after Gnesins.

Alla Victoria Kirkorov with his father and brother

The beginning of the Music Career Philip Kirkorov was in the 1980s of the twentieth century. Not the last role in the formation of the singer played the director of the New Year's Television Show "Blue Spark" S. I. Anapolskaya. Career's flourishing fell in the 90s. In 1994, Philip entered into a marriage of the Primateonous Russian pop by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, in 2005 the marriage collapsed. Still in marriage with Alla Borisovaya Philip, first spoke about his desire to become a father.

Birth story

In November 2011, live on the shooting of a television show "What? Where? When?" Filipp Bedrosovich announced his birth of her daughter, and after four days confirmed this information on the Andrei Malakhov show "Let them say." At the same time, the singer told the audience that the first name of his daughter gave in honor of Alla Borisovna, and the second - in memory of his mother Victoria Markovna Kirkorovo, who died from cancer in 1994. Philipp calls the daughter always full name, according to him, so that the baby is quickly accustomed to her beautiful and unusual name.

As soon as the public found out that the artist became a father, the stormy discussions began - and where is the mother of the child. Soon the singer opened a secret, told in an interview that Alla Victoria was born from a surrogate mother. The personality of a woman who gave birth to the singer daughter, keeps secret, is only known that her name is Anastasia. By the way, Alla Victoria and her brother Martina-Christine, the age difference is seven months, which indicates that the children were born from different mothers.

Alla Victoria Kirkorov and Philip Kirkorov

In February 2012, Baby moved from Miami to the Moscow region, to the countryside of the Father. In April 2012, the sacrament of baptism on Orthodox traditions, Natalia's godfather, was a close girlfriend of artist and TV presenter, showman Andrei Malakhov. At the end of June 2012, Alla Victoria appeared Brother Martin Kirkorov (the full name of the boy - Martin-Christine).

Alla Victoria Kirkorov and Martin Kirkorov

Biography Baby silent about who became the Genetic Mother of Alla Victoria, but a number of assumptions are discussed in the media. A little later, bloggers noted the similarity of Martin-Christine and Alexander - the Son of the Russian singer Anastasia Stotskaya. By the way, in the early 2000s in the press flashed information about the novel of Philip Kirkorov and Anastasia Stotskoy.

Natalia Efremova, who is a godfather of children, at the time of dating with Philippe owned brand clothing store in Moscow.

Natalia Efremova and Philip Kirkorov

In fact, their grandmother Marie Kirkorov is engaged in the education of Alla Victoria and Martin-Christina, who accounts for a singer to the father. According to Philip Pobrosovich, his mother's mother regularly communicates with the baby, although he lives in the United States. And the person's personality is kept secret, because in their family and so enough celebrities, and the mother of Alla Victoria does not seek popularity.

Alla Victoria Kirkorov now

The question of the future of Alla Victoria at such a father does not arise anyone. The girl is comprehensively developed and talented as his father: sings, dancing, declares poems. For the first time on stage, Alla Victoria came out at five years old, with a dance number with ballet, Alla Dukhovahova.

The creative abilities of the daughter of Kirkorov demonstrates on the page in the "Instagram" - on the video girl reads the poem "Christmas" Sasha black. At this, the popularity of star children does not end: at such a young age, Alla Victoria and Martin are already filmed as models for the cover of a glossy magazine. In addition, children often accompany Philip in secular events, photos from which Philip regularly publishes on the page in "Instagram".

In September 2017, the first vocal speech of Alla Victoria was held in Sochi, as part of the "New Wave" contest with the song of My Bag. Philip Bedrosovich's appearance on the scene of Children produced a furyor on stage.

In addition to public life, Philip is actively engaged in the family - he is glad to play with children, goes shopping and traveling. The housekeeper Kirkorovy Lucy talks in an interview that the girl tries in every way to copy the father - manners, habits, behavior. And already in his five years, the girl is a big fashionista, inclined to choose extravagant outfits. Alla Victoria is sociable and loves attention, among her friends - the daughter of the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak and the children of Stas Mikhailov.

In his free time, the father with children travels around the world, a family photo from Paris has recently appeared on the Internet, which I visited Philip with children in July 2017. Guys are happy to positive against the background of the Eiffel Tower. The photo on the "Instagram" page of Kirkorov's daughter tells fans about the leisure of the star family: Alla Victoria and Martin with the pleasure of the guest of the grandfather of Pobros in Bulgaria, traveling with him in the Crimea, they are engaged in creativity (they paint). Filipp Bedrosovich perfectly copes with the role of his father. By the way, in one of the interviews, the singer says that he is thinking about the third child.

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