Sergey Kiriyenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Sergey Kiriyenko (do not confuse with the author of books by Sergey Ivanovich Kiriyenko) - entrepreneur, politician. Ex-CEO Rosatom, as well as Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Sergey Vladilenovich is a lot of remarkable awards, including the Medal Anatoly Koni and the Order of the Honor.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Vladilevich Kiriyenko was born on July 26, 1962 in the largest Abkhaz city of Sukhumi. The future politician grew and brought up in an exemplary family. Sergey's father - Vladilen Yakovlevich - Professor, defended his doctoral degree in philosophy, at one time he managed to various departments of the Volga State University of Water Transport.

State Worker Sergey Kiriyenko

His wife Larisa Vasilyevna and part-time Mother Sergei - economist for education, studied in Odessa. It is known that Sergey Kiriyenko spent his childhood in the city of Gorky, which is currently called Nizhny Novgorod.

Sergey's parents began to be friends with youthful age and even studied in the same school. But the will of Fate Vladilen Yakovlevich and Larisa Vasilyevna decided to go different ways. Ultimately, in the early 1970s, the spouses decided to apply for a divorce. Sergey's father stayed in Gorky, and Larisa Vasilyevna, along with the boy moved Sochi.

Sergey Kiriyenko on speech

In this sunny city, which is located on the Black Sea coast, Seryozha entered the prestigious school number 7 and pleased his parents with good grades in the diary. But, having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man decided to return to Gorky and submit documents to the Institute of Water Engineers. When the guy was 22 years old, he became a certified shipbuilder specialist and went into free swimming.

Sergey has proven itself to the teachers as a diligent student who absorbs as a sponge all lectures and does not miss classes, so the heads of the university insisted that the guy entered the graduate school. But the plump young man wanted to establish himself as soon as possible in life, so he went to work at the plant, and in 1984 he reached a call age and went to serve in the army.

Sergey Kiriyenko

At the same time, Sergey Kiriyenko went in the footsteps of his grandfather, a prominent communist activist, and entered into the ranks of the CPSU. For two years, Sergey Vladylenovich showed courage and courage in the aircraft troops under the city of Nikolaev, and in 1986 he returned to a citizen. After the demobilization of Kiriyenko began his workshop by a master at the shipbuilding plant, and then climbed the career staircase and became the secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the WRCSM.


Sergey Vladylenovich, in whose character is dominated by leadership qualities, is not used to stop at reached. Therefore, it is not surprising that Kiriyenko at the 28th age sat down at the Deputy Chair of the Gorky Regional Council.

However, then the country has not experienced the best times, in the second half of the 80s, restructuring began, and 1991 marked by the RosPo Chief of the Komsomol. But Sergey Vladileovich shared the ideology of the party and after the abolition of Osoy, he retained a party ticket to his memory.

State Worker Sergey Kiriyenko

Sergey Kiriyenko tied his life with entrepreneurship and finances, entered the Academy of National Economy under the President of the Russian Federation, and in 1993 he became the highest qualification manager. Thus, Sergey Vladylenovich visited the position of the general director of Concern AMK JSC, was the chairman of the Bank "Warranty" and led the Nesti-Oil Oil Company.

Next, the businessman moved to the heart of Russia. It is noteworthy that Sergey Kiriyenko and the political figure of Boris Nemtsov tied a friendly relations, so Boris Efimovich persuaded Viktor Chernomyrdin to pay attention to the ambitious Nizhny Novgorod entrepreneur.

Sergey Kiriyenko and Boris Nemtsov

Initially, Viktor Stepanovich did not want to consider Kiriyenko as a candidate for the post in the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, referring to the fact that Sergey Vladilenov had no state experience. But Chernomyrdin could not resist Nemtsov to repeat, as a result of which he lost to his colleague. In 1988, a new stage began in Sergei Vladilenovich's biography: Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin appointed him to acting the head of government, characterizing the entrepreneur as a purposeful and consistent employee.

But again, in the new post Sergey Vladilenovich had to face difficulties, because at that time the economy collapsed in Russia. Kiriyenko was necessary to carry out a series of liberal reforms, but since the financial pyramid of state short-term commitments literally hung on the hair, and oil prices increased several times, a default was declared in the country.

Sergey Kiriyenko and Boris Yeltsin

Sergey Kiriyenko was not long in the new post, after five days Boris Nikolayevich sent him to resign. But on this Career Sergey Vladilenovich does not end. The politician did not lower his hands and in 1999 he ran to the post of Mayor of Moscow, but Luzhkov lost to Yuri Mikhailovich. Then he became a deputy of the State Duma on the list of the "Union of Right Forces" party, but after a year there was his authority.

In 2005, Sergey Vladilevich Kiriyenko was appointed Vladimir Putin Chapter Rosatom (Federal Atomic Energy Agency). In 2007, as a result of reorganization, he became the Director General. Institutes and Scientific Centers, Nuclear Power Stations of Russia, the export of nuclear materials and fuel, construction of nuclear power plants abroad, etc.

Sergey Kiriyenko and Vladimir Putin

In Rosatom, Sergey Vladileovich worked for 11 years. During his work, he put strategic goals, reduced the cost of generating electricity, optimized the number of personnel, increased the coefficient of use of the established power of nuclear power plants.

However, not all the activities of Kiriyenko seemed productive: Vladimir Milov said that Sergey Vladilevich spent billions of rubles inefficient. And also criticized what Kiriyenko extended the operation of old power units, which contradicted safety techniques.

Personal life

Journalists know that Sergey Vladileovich Kiriyenko, the growth of which is 170 cm, is an exemplary family man. While still a Sochi schoolboy, he met his future chosen Maria Aistova. By the way, Kiriyenko's wife has no relation to politics, a woman tied her life with medicine and works by a pediatrician. Spouses raised three children: Son Vladimir (1983), as well as daughters love (1992) and Nadia (2002).

Sergey Kiriyenko and his wife Maria

Vladimir Sergeevich adopted an example of his father and began to do business, he led large companies - LLC "Capital", Rostelecom. It also subordinates the power plant of the Vladimir region, the tourist camp, utilities, elevators, and so on.

In his free time, Sergey Vladilevich Kirienko leads an active and healthy lifestyle. The politician spends his strength to sports, among his favorites - the kind of Aikido martial art (possesses the fourth given) and exciting scuba diving. Sometimes Kiriyenko goes with buddies to hunt or catches fish.

Sergey Kiriyenko with family

People and colleagues characterized this man as the most correct and polite, even in conflict situations. According to rumors, he is familiar with Vladimir Putin since a long time, so refers to the President of the Russian Federation to "you".

Sergey Kiriyenko now

In 2016, Sergey Vladylenovich Kiriyenko was removed from the position of Director General of Rosatom, but entered the Supervisory Board. In the same 2016, Sergey Vladylenovich began working in the Presidential Administration of Russia.

Sergey Kiriyenko in 2017

According to rumors, in 2017 Kiriyenko performed at the undeclared briefings in the Kremlin in front of journalists, on the condition of anonymity. And in the newspapers he was called as "Source in the Kremlin", "a high-ranking official", etc. It is also known that the politician began to engage in charity - the fight against childish cancer.


  • 1998 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 1999-2000 - State Duma Deputy
  • 2000 - Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District
  • 2001 - Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament
  • 2005-2016 - General Director of the State Corporation for Atomic Energy "Rosatom"
  • 2016 - First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

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