Vlad Tresh - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Films, Castle



There are such historical personality, whose cruel acts are chilling blood and inspire horror. According to biographers, Ivan The Terrible personally watched the torture of convicts, which were alternately poured with boiling water and icy water, and then rinsed in the river. The Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Batory, which, according to legend, loved to swim in the blood of young girls to keep her youth.

Portrait of Vlad Chaining

This list can be continued indefinitely, however, it is worth noting the famous Lord of Valahiya Vlad III of the chain, who became a prototype of Dracula in the name of Bram Stoker's novel. The life of this carrier of the crown is shrouded in myths and truthful legends, they say that frightened enemies called Vlad Son of the Devil. The chains went down in history as a "co-carrier" and the burning of the biological war, but in his native country he gained the glory of the genius of military thought.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the chain, the descendant of Vlad II of Dracula and the Moldavian princes of Vasiliki, partly remains a mystery, because scientists cannot give an accurate answer when the ruler of Valahia was born. Historians have only alleged facts and dating his birth between 1429-1430 and 1436.

Young chains did not make a pleasant impression and possessed a repulsive appearance: his face was decorated with great cold eyes and hopped lips. According to the ancient legend, the little boy saw people through. Poor Vlada brought up his offspring in accordance with the strict rules of that time, so the initial young man learned to own weapons, and only then began to learn a diploma.

Vlad spent his childhood in the historical region, the city of Sigishoara. Then transylvania (now located in Romania) belonged to the Hungarian kingdom, and the house in which the chains lived with his father and elder brother still stands in place and is located at tinsmiths, 5.

Vlad II, Father Vlad Schend

In 1436, Vlad II became the ruler of Valahia and moved to the capital of this small state - Targovisht. The ownership of the Lord was located between Transylvania and the Ottoman Empire, so the prince of Valahia was ready for the attack of the Turks. To preserve sovereignty, Dracul was forced to pay tribute to the Turkish sultan wood and silver, as well as to give dear gifts to Turkish nobles.

Following the most ancient custom, Vlad I II sent his sons to the Turks, so the chains, together with his brother, held for four years held in voluntary captivity. According to rumors, the brothers wanted torture on the territory of Turkey, and Rada became the object of sexual violence. However, there are no additional confirmation of the fact that Vlad II sent his offspring to the Ottoman Empire as hostages.

Vlad Tshenesh

Scientists, on the contrary, believe that the Lord of Valahia was confident in the safety of his sons, as he had often been visiting Turkish Sultan. The only thing that Vlad and Rada had to be afraid in the moments of staying in Turkey was the changeal mood of Sultan, who loved to touch the spirits.

Governing body

In December 1446, the Hungarians made a coup, as a result of which Vlad II cut off his head, and the older brother of the chain was buried alive into the ground. These events have become the formation of the nature of the Dracula.

About this Hungarian arbitrarily recognized the Turkish Sultan, who began to collect troops. Having won the Hungarian, the leader of the Ottoman Empire put on the Tron of the chain, the shifting of the Hungarian Miller of Vladislav II, who took the throne with the support of Transylvanian governor Janos Hunyadi.

Vlad Chain and Turkish ambassadors

Sultan lent Dracula Turkish troops, and in 1448 a new Lord appeared in Valahia. The newly new ruler of the chain begins to investigate the murder of the father and stumbles against the facts associated with the boyars.

Janos Hunyadi announced the seeker of Dracula on the throne illegal, the Hungarian commander began to collect the army, but by that time the chain had time to hide in Moldova, then in Transylvania, from where I was expelled by the supporters of Janos.

Romania times Vlad Schend

In 1456, the chapere visits Transylvania, where he collects the army of associates in order to conquer the throne of Valahia. It is known that Vlad III ruled by the state of 6 years and noted not only inside the Valahia, but also beyond these lands. According to some sources, during their reign, the chain destroyed about one hundred thousand people, but these data were not confirmed.

He also conducted church policies aimed at strengthening the church, provided the church-believers of material assistance, and also became famous for military campaigns in Transylvania and to the Ottoman Empire (challenge refused to pay tribute). Among other things, Vlad III sent cash transfers to the Greek Monasteries.

Personal life

Contemporaries describe Vlad Chaining in different ways. Some say that he was a palenic and thin handsome man with black, like Smol Usami, others argue that the Lord of Valahia had a repulsive appearance, and his wrought cold eyes instilled in fear of all and everyone. But in one scientists agree: Vlad Dracul was infinitely a cruel man.

Bloody Ruler Vlad Chapes

The ruler was not in vain called the "co-producer", since the planting of people on the thief was a favorite method of execution of Vlad III. The enemies who died such death were bleeding, so pale bodies hung on poold sticks (Vlad preferred colas with rounded riding, lubricated oil, which was introduced into the rectum).

By the way, so Vlad Dracula and nicknamed in folklore and literary works vampire, although the confirmation of the fact that the chains tried human blood, no.

Wanda Chatech's Castle

It is noteworthy that Sultan Mehmed II, seeing thousands of rotting corpses of the Turks, fled with his army without regard. Vlad III liked such a grave situation and even increased his appetite from the type of agony of defeated enemies.

As for the personal life of the chain, she shrouded mystical and mysterious haloes: about his wives and mistresses, so many literary works are described, this or fiction of writers, difficult. It is rumored that Dracula was married twice on some Elizabeth and Ilona Siladge. The Lord Valahia had three sons: Mikhail, Vlad and Michni evil.


It is said that Vlad III Trenen died in 1476 on the initiative of Lyoto Basarab. But there are no accurate information how the enemy of the Ottoman Empire died. There is several opinions: either Vlad killed bribed subjects, or the chains died from the sword during the battle with the Turks (alleged Dracula accepted by the enemy).

Monument to Vlad Treneshu

Others testified that the heart of the chain ceased to fight with anyone at all, while he was sitting in the saddle. By unreliable information, the head of Dracula was kept in the Palace of Turkish Sultan, as a trophy.


Vlad III Nick Snapshenez received from his father, which consisted of a high-altitude Order of the Dragon, struggling with pagans and bootiers. Members of this community wore medallions from precious metals, on which engraving with a mythological monster was applied. Also, the parents of the chain minted coins, where the fireless creatures were depicted. The surname of the chapere went to Vlad after death: such a nickname was awarded the prince of Turks, the word "chain" means "count".

Bram Stroker

About such a colorful character, as Vlad III, is written not to one work, but a book that contributed to the popularization of the Dracula as a fangy blood amateur, composed Bram Stoker.

It is worth saying that the Irish writer worked over her brainchild, studying the historical works about the Valah ruler. But, nevertheless, the manuscript should not be attributed to the biographical work. This is a full-fledged novel, embezzled fantasy and artistic metaphor.

Actor Bela Lugoshi in the role of Dracula

The work of Bram gave a new wave in the world of literature and cinema: numerous manuscripts about the chagging sun and garlic Dracula began to appear, and documentar films were shot. The canonical image of the Count Dracula, who lives in a gloomy castle and drinks blood, managed to create the American actor Bela Lugoshi (the film "Dracula" (1931), the masterfully renovated in a pale vampire.


  • 1897 - Roman "Dracula" (Bram Stoker)
  • 1922 - Movie "Nosfeperat. Syphony of Horror "(Friedrich Wilhelm)
  • 1975 - Opera "Vlad Trenesh" (George Dumitresco)
  • 1992 - The film "Dracula" (Francis Ford Coppola)
  • 1998 - Music Album "Nightwing" about the life of Vlad Charechean (Marduk Group)
  • 2006 - Musical "Dracula: Between love and death" (Bruno Pelletier)
  • 2014 - Dracula film (Harry Shore)

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